A YouTube video posted yesterday, November 8, persuasively explains the origin of a granite cube recently added to the Georgia Guidestones. The cube was placed inside a five-year-old notch cut into the upper-right corner of the English Language Guidestone. Michael Massanelli claims responsibility for the cube and he states that the cube was intended to commemorate his marriage to his wife at the monument on August 8, 2014.
As we have covered in great detail on this website (see here for a comprehensive list of our coverage), the Georgia Guidestones monument has been the center of controversy since it was unveiled on March 22, 1980, largely due to an inscription it bears specifying a desired global population of only 500-million people. By some estimates, the world currently contains more than seven-billion humans.
The cube, labeled with the current year, 2014, created a great deal of speculation and hand wringing on the Internet as many people theorized that the cube signaled the beginning of a planned depopulation program. However, the cube was soon taken down and destroyed by the caretaker of the monument, Mart Clamp (you can view’s Clamp’s Facebook page here). The cube’s removal and destruction only furthered wild speculation when a video of the event revealed that the cube contained cryptic inscriptions on all six sides. You can find a post we made regarding the cube destruction event here.
Massanelli’s video, below, is compelling in that he provides the following evidence:
Photographs of himself on a ladder placing the granite cube in the notch.
Video of himself with his wife handling a twin cube in their Sarasota, Florida, home.
Photographs of himself with his wife posing at the Georgia Guidestones with the cube in place and with the twin cube at their feet.
A photograph of their Georgia marriage license dated August 16, 2014.
In a follow-up video published today as a response to critics, Massanelli exhibits his Marriage Certificate from Elbert County in detail. He also produces the original blueprint plans for the cubes, shows an online discussion he had with the Elberton Granite cube fabricator over the last year and displays his receipt for the cubes. To prove that he was in the Marines, Massanelli produced an album containing pictures from his service in the Marine Corps and exhibits his VA card. The second video can be viewed here:
Massanelli’s Facebook page, revealed in the second video, contains a photograph of his wedding at the Georgia Guidestones dated August 18, 2014. One of the cubes can be clearly seen on the ground behind his wife.
Massenelli admits in the first video that he knows Will Ellis, the man convicted for cutting out the original cube from the monolith in 2009. Five years ago, I reported the existence of the notch soon after it was purportedly made on September 11, 2009. In a GodlikeProductions post that appears to be from Massenelli, he admits to being one of the three men involved in making the original notch.
After I wrote a post about the existence of the cube, I urged caution in interpreting its meaning in a followup comment that I logged on September 28. Knowing the history of the monument, I correctly speculated the purpose of the cube:
We can’t overlook the possibility that the cube was placed by or for a couple (MM and JAM?) who got married on 8/16/2014, perhaps at the monument.
In his initial video, Massenelli states that he had the cubes made to commemorate his marriage to his wife on 8/16/2014 at the Georgia Guidestones and that the cubes were etched with their initials MM and JAM.
An apparent numerology buff, Massenelli attempts to explain at length in the first video a “911/411” code that he believes underlies history as well as future events. I found Massanelli’s numerology discourse to be impenetrable and largely random.
An important question that is left unanswered is why the original notch was cut from the English slab in the first place. In the Godlike Productions post likely made by him, Massenelli claims that Will Ellis was directed to remove the initial cube by a person who has recently died, but he gives no further details.
The Georgia Guidestones have been a source of debate for decades. Our research links the controversial granite monument with the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, confirming the suspicions of some that the Stonehenge-like structure declares the planning of a global government and the culling of the world’s human population to a mere 500,000,000.
While the monument has provoked heated arguments for many years, it was only with our recent articles that it has become widely known that a book was written by the architect of the Georgia Guidestones expounding upon the foreboding ten commandments etched into the eight faces of the edifice in eight different languages. This book, Common Sense Renewed, was delivered upon initial publication to every member of the United States Congress, but has become almost impossible to obtain after our disclosure of the existence of a small inventory of the tome in Elberton.
However, reader J. Leonkoro posted a comment today to our brief article Obtaining ‘Common Sense Renewed’ that contains a link to a scanned PDF of the book. That link is here:
I have downloaded the PDF and it appears to be complete. The file also contains additional material relevant to understanding the book as well as photographs of the leather, hardbound copy used for the PDF file.
Interestingly, the book is hand enumerated as copy 96 of 100 and is signed “Robert Christian.” Handwriting experts might find it fruitful to compare the signature with Ted Turner’s.
More information about the sinister Georgia Guidestones can be found here, here and here.
A pastebin post self-attributed to the secretive and nebulous activist group “Anonymous” claims that a 9/11-style false flag attack on the Los Angeles Citibank building may occur tomorrow, Friday, November 15, 2013. The post is quoted in its entirety below:
Potential False Flag———————————-Anonymous Shocking Current Events
Greetings citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. We have received intel related to the possible destruction of one of downtown Los Angeles’s towers, being set up as a false flag event on Friday, November fifteenth two thousand and thirteen. Over the weekend, SWAT teams were conducting drills in downtown Los Angeles unlike any completed in the past. The Citi Bank building that is currently occupied by Freddie Mac just recently dropped all insurance policies except for the policy portion which contains special conditions, coverages related to terrorism, which is all risk of direct physical damage. The certificate holder for this policy is located at 444 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, California 90015, under Hines Vaf, a private insurance company which offers Loss Adjusters, Allstate Claims Adjuster, Integrated Insurance Services, Property Insurance Adjuster and General Auto Insurance. Similar to the destruction of the twin towers, changes were made to their insurance policies prior to the so called terrorist acts on nine eleven. Although we are not one hundred percent sure of these horrific activities being planned to transpire within the next few days, we did not want to take a chance and risk losing anymore innocent lives and have a repeat of nine eleven in New York. The buildings in question are the Citi bank building which is located adjacent to the US bank building on the corner of South Flower and West Fifth street. It is believed to be the target for a false flag event set for this Friday. We ask American citizens who work in this area of Los Angeles California to take extra precautions. It is advisable given the severity of this information, if you are employed and are working, or conducting personal matters in either the Citi bank or the US bank towers of los Angeles, that you stay away from these two structures on that day. This is a warning, and again, as a precautionary measure we alert you of this possible false flag event being set up in the city of Los Angeles. To the share holders of these policies, you have been warned. We do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect to be held accountable for your actions if you follow through with your sinister agenda. We will not tolerate your wicked greed in pursuit of more wealth and restructure. We are Anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
Adding some level of weight to the Anonymous warning, the Georgia Guidestones, an occult monument that we have discussed in detail on this website and in radio and television interviews, may have tomorrow’s date encoded into it.
The metric measurements for the granite monument specified by the monument’s architect, a mysterious man who used the pseudonym “R.C. Christian,” were:
Capstone: 0.5m x 2m x 3m
Center “Gnomen” stone: 0.5m x 1m x 5m
Each of the four Guidestones: 0.5m x 2m x 5m
The corresponding proportions then become:
Capstone: 1 : 4 : 6
Each of the four Guidestones: 1 : 4 : 10
Center “Gnomen” stone: 1 : 2 : 10
Adding the proportions for each component:
Capstone: 1 : 4 : 6 = 11
Each of the four Guidestones: 1 : 4 : 10 = 15
Center “Gnomen” stone: 1 : 2 : 10 = 13
This leads to the date 11/15/13, which is tomorrow, the Friday indicated by Anonymous.
You can read more about the astounding and disturbing numerological links encoded in the Georgia Guidestones here, here and here.
The sleeve for a popular record album from 1979 contains graphics elements that suggest foreknowledge of the tragic September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York City.
The number one pop album during the summer of 1979, Supertramp’s Breakfast in America, the band’s sixth album, was released on March 29, 1979 (the Georgia Guidestones monument was completed 360 days later on March 22, 1980).
Next stop was Studio B at the Village Recorder in West LA, housed within a Masonic temple and featuring a 48-channel Harrison console, as well as two Ampex 1200 24-track machines. The band members all gathered there on the first day, yet Peter Henderson didn’t show — while driving to the studio from Topanga Canyon, he and his new wife were involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. Fortunately, nobody was too badly injured, and Peter eventually turned up at the Village Recorder with two enormous black eyes. “I looked like I’d been in the ring with Muhammad Ali,” he says. “It wasn’t the best of starts, but we were very lucky to get off so lightly.”
The album’s cover received the 1980 Grammy Award for Best Recording Packaging. The front cover bears an aerial view of the New York City skyline as seen from an airliner passenger window above the Statue of Liberty; however, the buildings are recreated using kitchen items and Lady Liberty is a diner waitress named “Libby” holding a glass of orange juice on a platter in place of a torch. The cover can be seen below (image courtesy Wikipedia).
The album cover for Supertramp's Breakfast in America
Reflecting the image yield’s the following:
Reflected image of "Breakfast in America" cover with 911 highlighted
Not only does “Libby” appear to be drawing attention to the Twin Towers, but hovering over the Towers is the number “911.” This bizarre and apparently intentional aspect of the Supertramp record sleeve was first reported on QFF.
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Recent U.S. Government flyers claim that reading electronics information on the Internet might mean you are a terrorist and need to be reported to law enforcement authorities. Popular electronics website iFixit, famous for tearing apart the latest gadgets, is understandably worried about the ramifications of such broadly worded fear mongering coming straight from the Feds.
If we make it a crime to learn about electronics, then the only people opening up their devices will be criminals.
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The recent strange and gigantic hole in the sun’s corona, visible in certain space-based images taken earlier this week, bears an eerie resemblance to a French representation of the Tetragrammaton, a word that refers to the name of God. The following image was taken from Wikipedia.
Representing God or "Yahweh" this Tetragrammaton resembles a recent solar feature
From the Greek word “τετραγράμματον,” “Tetragrammaton” literally means “having four letters” referring to YHWH (Hebrew יהוה) or “Yahweh” as it is written in English.
Compare the Tetragrammaton image to the approximately 600,000-mile tall triangular coronal hole shown below.
Triangular coronal hole image taken by GOES 15 Solar X-Ray Imager
Several NASA scientists have openly refuted claims made last week by fellow NASA scientist Richard B. Hoover of discovering extraterrestrial fossils within a sample of French stony meteorites.
In an apparently condescending and dismissive remark, NASA’s Carl Pitcher is quoted as saying, “He [Hoover] clearly does some very interesting microscopy. The actual measurements on these meteorites are very nice measurements, but I am not aware of any other qualification that Mr Hoover has in analysis of meteorites or in astrobiology.”
This cat-fight reminds me of several that I have directly witnessed (and even instigated) during my career. The sundry scientific fields have more than their fair share of socially stunted, territorial, insecure and emotionally volatile (and even unstable) people.
A NASA scientist claims to have discovered fossil evidence of microscopic extraterrestrial lifeforms. Like earlier, similar claims from NASA involving Martian life, this evidence originates within rare types of meteorites.
The evidential image below is taken from a report by NASA’s Richard B. Hoover.
Photograph of purported microscopic extraterrestrial life
Our eight-year-old daughter, Hattie, has been conducting a science experiment where she has been monitoring the direction of earth’s magnetic north pole. The expected outcome of the experiment was that the direction would not change over the course of several weeks.
To conduct this experiment, she taped a laminated outline of her compass onto an immovable stone table in our yard. Before she taped it in place, she positioned the outline so that her compass needle lined up with a mark on the paper indicating magnetic north.
Several times each day, she carefully places her compass in the fixed outline and takes measurements of where her compass needle points. Surprisingly, she has obtained measurements which seem to indicate that magnetic north has been deviating very significantly (up to ~10 degrees) on a day-to-day basis.
Of course, this is alarming if true, so we are going to monitor her experiment much more closely over the days to come. However, Hattie is an extraordinarily meticulous child, so we take her findings seriously.
A quick Internet search returns apparent testimony from others who claim to have observed similar phenomena recently.
Bob and Doc I (or anyone else of course),
I know things are going to get exciting today but I have a question sorta in a different direction. You may have noticed from previous posts (kinda infrequent, I know) that I’m a NAVAID tech. I had a most interesting event occur last Friday and wonder what you think about it.
One of my VOR sites was being orbited by Flight Check just about the time that the Geo storm started on Friday. F/C took me off the air, that is they NOTAM’ed my VOR out of service because all of the radials were 3 degrees off. You don’t want airplanes using your site when it’s that far off.
Normally, internal monitoring by the VOR itself will shut the facility down when it goes 1 deg off on ANY radial. 16 small antennas around the site’s counterpoise constantly monitor the signnal. The site itself saw no problems, did NOT shut down, and when we checked it, everything was fine. Apparently the radial “bending” was only in space, not at the site.
Three days later a F/C aircraft flew another orbit and all the radials were … perfect.
What could the geo storm have done to us?
I had a similar event happen about 8 months ago at another site, in Southern Indiana, where only the radials east and south of the site “changed” by up to 5 degrees, then went back to normal a few days later. This time is was several commercial aircraft who reported the radial angles off, compared to GPS, and by the time Flight Check got there everything was back to normal.
At issue is whether we ought to be taking sites off the air during a Geo storm. There’s a lot of expense involved in having special aircraft come down to put us back on the air, plus the time that a NAVAID is down and unavailable.
Some of us are already pushing these questions “upstream” but I was wondering what you guys think, since I HIGHLY value your knowledge of solar and geo mag things.
Listen to this unidentified SETI signal. According to NASA, no one yet has an explanation for this 1950’s-SiFi-sounding radio emission picked up recently by a SETI radio telescope.
I have just finished watching the season finale of Brad Meltzer’s Decoded where I appeared briefly at the start of the program.
My only motivation to agree to the interview was to discuss the linkage that I discovered between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa.
I want to make it clear that I am not an expert on the occult, much less Rosicrucianism. I have a degree in physics and I am a qualified computer benchmarking expert. I find the occult to be painful to study because it is illogical, irrational and offensive to a scientific mind, and this doesn’t even approach the many morally disturbing aspects of that topic.
The only reason I discuss occult subjects on this website is because of the obvious occult foundation of the Georgia Guidestones and the unsettling implications that follow logically from the monument’s links to the Burj Khalifa. Basically, that evidence proves that a deranged and demented group of cultists wields almost unbelievable wealth and power.
I am disappointed that the History Channel would focus on fanciful, irrational conjecture and fear mongering while completely discarding rational and objective discussion.
However, I am not completely surprised, because they fed me the lines on the Rosicrucians and pressured me many times to stick to their script. And out of the hours of interviews with the show’s producers and investigators, the program ultimately focused upon the scripted strawman quotes.
I’m just an ordinary man who happened to write an article on the Georgia Guidestones and stumbled upon the singularly remarkable links between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa. I am not a major media personality. I am not independently wealthy. For the most part, I stick to running my business and I don’t write much anymore, even on computer topics, for which I am best known.
It is remarkable to me that the History Channel would produce an entire episode in an attempt to discredit an ordinary guy, because they clearly scripted me to play the roll of the foil, the adversary that the rest of the program then tore down. Apparently, I made someone somewhere mad with my Georgia Guidestones research (Ted Turner perhaps?).
But they really didn’t do it very well. While they tried to make me look crazy, they countered the crazy guy with much crazier rebuttals and outrageous fear mongering. Sadly, this season of Decoded was embarrassingly poor on all levels. That they selected the Guidestones episode for the season finale just demonstrates how bad all of the other nine episodes were.
It has been an interesting experience and it will make me watch the History Channel much more skeptically. If my experience is representative — and there exists other accounts similar to mine — then the stories they tell are manufactured and manipulative with a wholesale disregard for truth and objectivity.
If you are interested in learning more about the Georgia Guidestones, a good place to start is my last article which you can read here.
1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3.Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
— The Georgia Guidestones
This evening I will appear on the season finale of the History Channel’s new series Brad Meltzer’s Decoded. I was interviewed for that program to discuss my findings on the Georgia Guidestones monument located in Elbert County, Georgia.
I will briefly summarize my research in this article. For more background information on the Georgia Guidestones, see my original piece here.
In November, 2009, I uncovered incontrovertible evidence linking the Georgia Guidestones to the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world completed last year and nearly 30 years after the Guidestones were erected. This secret foreshadowing of the remarkable tower in Dubai stunned me and led me to dig much deeper into the meaning of the strange Georgia monument modeled after Stonehenge.
The Georgia Guidestones
It is immediately evident to even the most casual observer possessing only rudimentary understanding of modern occult beliefs that the Georgia Guidestones is the product of theosophy, a term that encompasses the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Alice Bailey’s New Age movement and overtly Satanic cults inspired by Aleister Crowley.
It is written hieroglyphically with numbers and images; and the Apostle often appeals to the intelligence of the Initiated. “Let him who hath knowledge, understand! Let him who understands, calculate!” he often says, after an allegory or the mention of a number.
– Albert Pike, Morals and dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Recognizing the theosophical inspiration for the Georgia Guidestones, I knew that numerological messages might be hidden within the design of the monument since numerology is very important to theosophists. Given that much of the monument was built by proxy – the mysterious designer, “R.C. Christian,” provided the metric dimensions for the monument, the specifications of its astrological features, a model and a list of his ten guidelines for a post-apocalyptic world – it was most likely that messages would be encoded into the dimensions or raw proportions of the Georgia Guidestones component stone slabs.
The stories surrounding the origins of the Georgia Guidestones are murky and inconsistent, but one thing that is not in dispute is that R.C. Christian specified the dimensions of the Guidestone slabs in meters, which was an oddity in Georgia back in 1979 when he met with Joe Fendley, Sr., the 32-degree Freemason who owned the granite finishing company that eventually built the monument. The diagram below illustrates the metric dimensions (and resulting proportions) specified by R.C. Christian for each of the monument’s three component groups.
Georgia Guidestones measurements
Note that taking measurements of the slabs by hand is tricky due to their rough-hewn, rock-pitched surfaces formed by men bashing them into shape with sledgehammers. R.C. Christian specified this primitive finish to provide the monument with an ancient appearance. Fortunately, R.C. Christian disclosed the two primary metric dimensions of the four Guidestones in his book Common Sense Renewed. Each Guidestone was designed to be two meters wide by five meters tall. The remaining metric dimensions of the various Georgia Guidestones components are then evident by examination of the English unit measurements provided at the site. Additionally, we carefully measured the thickness of the English language Guidestone by hand and it was precisely 0.5 meters from finished edge to finished edge.
The metric measurements specified by R.C. Christian are then:
Capstone: 0.5m x 2m x 3m
Center “Gnomen” stone: 0.5m x 1m x 5m
Each of the four Guidestones: 0.5m x 2m x 5m
The corresponding proportions then become:
Capstone: 1 : 4 : 6
Center “Gnomen” stone: 1 : 2 : 10
Each of the four Guidestones: 1 : 4 : 10
If any component would have an encoded numerological message then it would be the four Guidestones. Each of the Guidestones has the proportion of 1:4:10, which immediately brought to mind the date January 4, 2010. I then discovered that the Burj Dubai would be opened on that date. The Burj Dubai, now called the Burj Khalifa, is by far the tallest building in the world and it strongly resembles Babylonian ziggurats, the building style that many believe was used for the Tower of Babel.
The Burj Dubai (now called the Burj Khalifa)
We also discovered that the former emir of Dubai, Sheik Maktoum bin Rashad al Maktoum, died unexpected during an Australian trip on January 4, 2006 (1/4/6) which corresponds to the proportions of the Capstone of the Georgia Guidestones (1:4:6). The death of Sheik Maktoum led to the ascendency of his brother, Sheik Mohammed, to become ruler of Dubai. Sheik Mohammed is directly responsible for the construction of the Burj Dubai, now called the Burj Khalifa. Sheik Mohammed’s building spree was a pursuit that nearly drove Dubai into receivership before being bailed out by Sheik Khalifa, the leader of neighboring Abu Dhabi.
Still, while those two connections were extraordinary, they were not beyond chance, so I looked for an indisputable connection between the two constructions. The most significant aspect of the Burj Dubai, the tallest building in the world by over 1,000 feet, was its soaring height, so I tried to see if the height of the tower were also encoded into the Georgia Guidestones.
For numerology to carry any weight, the messages have to be encoded in obvious ways. The most obvious way to encode the height of the Burj Khalifa is by combining the proportions of the three component groups. I did this as follows:
Capstone: 1 + 4 + 6 = 11
Center “Gnomen” stone: 1 + 2 + 10 = 13
Each Guidestone: 1 + 4 + 10 = 15, but there are four Guidestones so taking this into account: 1 + 4 + 10 + 4 = 19
Oddly enough, the three derived numbers are all prime. Multiplying them together, I got:
11 x 13 x 19 = 2,717
I initially derived this number in November, 2009, and all sources at that time claimed the height of the Burj Dubai was only 2,684 feet. Most damningly, the 2010 Guinness Book of World Records, which we purchased in late November, also listed the tower’s height at 2,684 feet, some ten meters short of the number I derived.
Because any encoded numerological message had to be “hidden in plain sight” for it to have any meaning, I resolved myself at that time to the fact that the height of the Burj Dubai was not encoded into the Georgia Guidestones and that any connection between that strange monument and the Burj Dubai was tenuous.
However, on January 4, 2010, Sheik Mohammed had a surprise for the world: the actual height of the tower, renamed on that day as the “Burj Khalifa” in honor of the sheik who bailed out Dubai from bankruptcy only a few days earlier, was not 2,684 feet as had been widely believed, but was actually 2,717 feet, the exact value I had derived from the Georgia Guidestones over a month earlier!
Moreover, 11, 13 and 19 are the prime factors of 2,717, a very special set of numbers that simply constitute another way of writing “2,717.”
Combined with the two other connections to the Burj Khalifa mentioned earlier, there is no doubt that the Georgia Guidestones was designed with specific numerological links pointing directly to the Burj Khalifa. Again, those three links are as follows:
1. The capstone points to the unexpected death of Dubai’s Emir, Sheik Maktoum, on January 4, 2006.
2. The Guidestones contain the encoded date, January 4, 2010, the completion date of the Burj Khalifa.
3. The exact height of the Burj Khalifa, 2,717 feet, is encoded in an obvious fashion within the proportions of the Georgia Guidestone components.
The now indisputable connection between the two enigmatic structures provided me with motivation to understand their symbolic meaning along with the intentions of the powerful people who built them.
You might have noticed that I did not provide the significance of the proportions of the Gnomen Stone, the tall, thin central slab of the monument. Its proportions are 1:2:10 which sum to be 13. The number “13” is specifically significant when combined with the fact that the pseudonym for the monument’s designer was “R.C. Christian,” a transparent claim by him to be a follower or even an incarnation of Christian Rosenkreuz (Rosy Cross), the founder of Rosicrucianism who some claim has appeared throughout the centuries, perhaps most notably as the Count of St. Germaine, one of the fomenters of the French Revolution.
The central pillar of the Georgia Guidestones is a representation in granite of the number “13,” the number that signifies the “Hidden Hand” of the Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians identify with this number because, they claim, it takes 12 identical spheres to completely conceal a thirteenth. The 12 outer spheres represent the visible world, while the inner thirteenth sphere signifies the “Hidden Hand” of the Rosicrucians working in secret to manipulate events in our history.
So the “13” encoded into the central Gnomen Stone is a calling card of the Rosicrucians.
A Rosicrucian Emblem
The symbolic meaning of the Burj Khalifa is unambiguous: it is the completion of the second Tower of Babel, a pursuit the Rosicrucians, Freemasons and their ilk have sought for millennia.
Understand at this point that Rosicrucians are an ill defined group. They are very secretive and it is unclear which formal organization, if any, is the legitimate heir to the Rosicrucian legacy.
Most people today who identify themselves as Rosicrucians are not much more than avid Dungeons & Dragons role-playing fans who like pretending to be modern-day wizards as grownups. Moreover, the various groups and chapters snipe at each other, refuting the legitimacy of other Rosicrucians.
However, one person who was apparently a bona fide Rosicrucian initiate was Sirhan Sirhan, the deranged man who was convicted for killing U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy. Today, Sirhan Sirhan is the poster child for “mind control,” a concept explored in the infamous CIA MK-Ultra experiments and an idea popularized in the 1959 motion picture The Manchurian Candidate (and remade in 2004).
A Rosicrucian: the convicted murderer Sirhan Sirhan
I have spent time researching the Rosicrucians in an attempt to better understand their connection to the Georgia Guidestones. While I do not believe all of these ideas, I share them with you so that you have in your hands some of the more well-known ideas surrounding this mysterious cult.
Interestingly, the Rosicrucians have been accused of practicing a form of mind control called “assumption” where members of the order are told to take over the minds of world leaders and other people to further Rosicrucian goals and obtain personal objectives.
More openly, Rosicrucians claim to practice magic. They brag that they can travel outside their bodies through a process called “astral projection.” In fact, they claim to not only travel to other planets through astral projection, but also to view the subatomic realm with this occult practice. However, they incorrectly maintained for years that all bodies in both domains were perfect spheres.
Historically, the Rosicrucians were probably formed in Germany by the remnants of the enigmatic and immensely powerful Knights Templar. The Rosicrucians are suspected in later establishing speculative Freemasonry in Scotland.
Francis Bacon and his wizard-like progenitor, John Dee, are both widely believed to have been Rosicrucians. Some accuse Bacon of formulating a vision of the New World as the “New Atlantis,” the reestablishment of the antiquarian society that holds an important position in theosophy.
The Rosicrucians are the preeminent theosophists, predating and directly influencing other modern occult groups. Theosophists claim that civilized mankind stretches much further back into antiquity than conventional archeologists and anthropologists accept. Before the Babylonians and Egyptians, a powerful country held sway over the world called Atlantis. With its destruction (described in various fantastic ways), survivors fled to the four corners of the globe and formed the Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations along with establishing civilizations eastwards into Iran and the Indus valley. These founders are called the “Aryans.”
Many people today still believe the Aryans existed. In fact, “Iran” essentially means “Land of the Aryans.” There is even some linguistic evidence supporting the existence of a mother “Aryan” language that gave birth to many different languages from Europe to the Indian Subcontinent.
They were white men, as we are, the superior race in intellect, in manliness, the governing race of the world, the conquering race of all other races. They called themselves Arya, the Aryans, the Warlike, or, some think, the Noble… we owe not one single truth, not one idea, in philosophy or religion to the Semitic race… it is a fact indisputable.
– Albert Pike, Lectures of the Arya
Hitler believed that Aryan decedents were still alive in his time. He and his Nazi brethren claimed the Aryans were the blond-haired, blue-eyed Europeans of Germany and Nordic countries who migrated westwardly from India and Iran. This is why Nazism has the strange confluence of Druidic and Hindu influences. In fact, the swastika was partially important to the Nazis because it was a symbol that connected the Druids, Hindu, Iranian and other ancient, purportedly Aryan cultures.
Ancient Iranian necklace featuring swastikas
Central to theosophy is the belief that all modern religions are remnants of the true Aryan religion. Theosophists try to find analogues to Biblical figures in other religions. For some of them, God is Zeus, Satan or Lucifer is Poseidon, and particularly important, Enoch is Thoth or Hermes. In fact, this last relation is the foundation of Hermeticism, a particularly incisive angle on Theosophy that serves as the heart of Rosicrucianism.
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!
– Albert Pike, Morals and dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Most theosophists are harmless, but the highest orders of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism take a sinister position opposing Christianity. For them, God is an oppressive being who attempted to keep Adam and Eve ignorant and subservient in the Garden of Eden. Satan or Lucifer is viewed by them as a liberator and bringer of knowledge. These are the Luciferians.
Stand in awe of him, and sin not, speak his name with trembling … It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god…
– Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society
This veneration for Lucifer is captured in the number 322 used by the Masonic “Skull and Bones” command and control order. The Georgia Guidestones monument was officially completed on March 22 (3/22), 1980. “322” is important to the highest orders of Rosicrucians and Freemasons because it points to Genesis 3:22. Genesis 3:22-3:24 states:
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
This is seen by Luciferians as an admission by God that man can become a god himself. It also demonstrates for them that God is unfair, cruel and jealous.
Skull and Bones emblem featuring 322
Accordingly, Luciferians have worked to overcome God for many centuries. Yet another passage in Genesis important for them is 11:6 where God remarks about King Nimrod’s attempt to construct the Tower of Babel:
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Genesis 11:6 is particularly important because it not only confirms for Luciferians yet again that man can become like God, but it also gives them a blueprint for doing so.
And this is where the Burj Khalifa comes in. Given its indisputable connection with the Georgia Guidestones, the Burj Khalifa is a modern Tower of Babel.
The Tower of Babel
The Burj Khalifa not only signifies a supreme Luciferian attempt to defy and defeat God, but the completion of the Tower is, for them, the beginning of a new age where man can become like God.
It should also be remarked that the 9/11 tragedies may have been carried out on that date for its occult significance. Note that 9/11 is an inversion of 11:6, denoting a destructive or chaotic event. In the occult, an upright symbol like a five-pointed star or pentagram represents order or constructive white magic while an inverted pentagram denotes chaos or black magic. Similarly, an upright cross indicates Christ while an inverted cross is associated with Satan (although diluted by its relationship with Peter’s crucifixion).
A Rosicrucian inverted pentagram featuring Baphomet
While it might sound fun to wield God’s powers, apotheosis, the transformation of man to god, is reserved for the chosen few while the rest of humanity is left in absolute bondage to worship and serve their new gods.
This new state of affairs is explicitly described in R.C. Christian’s Common Sense Renewed, a tome written to accompany and clarify the Georgia Guidestones. The book was delivered to every member of the U.S. Congress.
Robert Christian elaborates upon his Georgia Guidestones messages in his book Common Sense Renewed
R.C. Christian describes a “New Rational World Order” where an extraordinarily invasive form of eugenics is enforced by the State. Eugenics is the practice of human selective breeding. In Common Sense Renewed, eugenics is more than a tool to improve human stock, it is for shaping behavior and breaking the human spirit for serving the purposes of the State. The State will chose your mate and decide whether or not you can have children. Human breeding programs will ensure that behavior is favorably modified for the State. R.C. Christian compares this to dog breeding.
Health care is apportioned according to a person’s value to the State. The State’s godlike leaders receive the best life preserving, enhancing and extending technologies and techniques available, while the common man must make do with whatever the State sees fit for his lowly existence.
Employment is driven by the State’s need. Refusal of your job assignment or relocation will result in starvation and denial of health care.
The “New Rational World Order,” a term that R.C. Christian uses, is a global government composed of regional fiefdoms, but all working under the same, nightmarish, totalitarian rules.
And worst of all, R.C. Christian wants nearly everyone on the planet dead. With his global population target of only 500-million, nearly 6.5-billion of us will have to go.
And given the disturbing history of R.C. Christian’s cult, that population reduction will not be gradual, but sudden and orchestrated.
Some have maintained that the Georgia Guidestones were built to withstand an impending cataclysmic event that will decimate humanity. Given the decidedly unbenevolent attitude of Luciferian cultists, this is unlikely, but there is some evidence to support this belief.
Supposedly, B.F. Coggins, an extremely wealthy and powerful granite and real estate magnate in Elberton, Georgia, has in his company’s possession a Rosicrucian document describing the Georgia Guidestones monument as some sort of portal. The document admits that the monument contains hidden messages, but that only the enlightened will understand them. Moreover, the monument was designed for an activation event that will indicate the immediate threat of a global catastrophe so horrific that humanity will come close to losing all hope. The document reassures the survivors that they are loved and will be cared for. The tenor is such to evoke the impression that intercession will occur either supernaturally or by space aliens.
I deeply doubt the veracity of these claims, but if there is any possibility that they are true, the “activation event” can only mean that Polaris, the North Star, will drift out of the sighting hole drilled into the Gnomen stone. When I was last at the Guidestones this fall, Polaris was barely visible within the sighting hole. I had always assumed that this poor alignment was a result of workmanship flaws or settling of the monument over time. However, Wayne Mullenix, the man from whom R.C. Christian bought the land for the monument before deeding the parcel to Elbert County, told me that the foundation for the monument was spectacularly overbuilt, extending 20 feet in all directions away from the Georgia Guidestones and reaching all the way down to bedrock. Mr. Mullenix would know these construction details because he was responsible for building the steel reinforced foundation.
Given that the Guidestones foundation is so incredibly robust, it is unlikely that the misalignment of the Polaris Sighting Hole is due to settling. It also seems unlikely that the sighting hole would be improperly drilled given the remarkable care taken to ensure that the monument’s position would not change over time.
This benevolent account of the Georgia Guidestones also closely follows Hopi legends of a similar construction that their ancestors built in order to track polar alignment to warn of the coming Day of Purification, a very similar catastrophe used as fodder for 2012 hysteria.
However, there is no reputable scientific evidence supporting the notion of an impending 2012 cataclysm. On the other hand, there are good reasons to believe that the Georgia Guidestones is an arrogant advertisement for the demented plans of a deranged but powerful cult to overthrow national governments and install a totalitarian global government.
If anything, 2012 hysteria will be used as a smokescreen for manmade chaos leading up to that event.
So who is R.C. Christian? In my first article I mentioned that we suspected that Ted Turner was at least partially responsible for the Georgia Guidestones. Our motivation for believing this originated during our interview of Wyatt C. Martin, the banker who is purportedly the only man who knows R.C. Christian’s true identity.
The Georgia Guidestones monument was constructed by Freemasons
Prior to our interview, I had composed a list of three candidates for R.C. Christian. Mr. Martin flatly denied that either Joe Fendley, Sr., or Dr. Francis Merchant were behind the monument, but then he detoured unexpectedly into his story of the origins of the Georgia Guidestones. Many minutes later, I tried to bring the conversation back on topic by asking Mr. Martin if he knew who Ted Turner is.
Surprisingly, Mr. Martin erupted enthusiastically stating that he personally knew Ted Turner and had sat behind him for years in box seats at Atlanta Brave games at a time when Ted Turner owned the Braves. It was clear that Ted Turner’s relationship was meaningful for Mr. Martin.
When I then asked him if Ted Turner was R.C. Christian, Mr. Martin appeared stunned and then denied Turner’s involvement.
A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.
– Ted Turner, founder of CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, Kappa Sigma alumnus and donor of $1-billion to the United Nations
However, there is at least one other reason to believe that Ted Turner was connected in some way to the Georgia Guidestones. When I spoke with B.F. Coggins, who had boasted that nothing gets done in Elbert County without his approval, I asked him if he knew Ted Turner. Mr. Coggins volunteered that he was friends with both Turner and even better friends with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. Carter was President at the time that the Georgia Guidestones monument was commissioned.
An achievable goal for anyone investigating the Georgia Guidestones who has moderate resources at their disposal is to identify the author of Common Sense Renewed. Here is the publisher information for that book:
The Georgia Guidestones have been an unwelcome detour from my career as a successful computer benchmarking expert and industry analyst. However, I have persisted in this investigation despite the potential risks to my career and growing business because the stakes involved for humanity are so grave.
The Georgia Guidestones monument contains irrefutable evidence demonstrating that a small group of secretive cultists are extremely wealthy and powerful and able to control and manipulate significant world events. This cabal formulated a plan for the construction of the tallest building in the world on the opposite side of the planet in Dubai more than 30 years after their intentions were encoded into the granite of the Georgia Guidestones. In addition to costing at least $1.5-billion, it appears that this plan required the assassination of Dubai’s ruler.
Moreover, this group’s actions have historically been sinister. The Burj Khalifa symbolizes the completion of a second Tower of Babel as their long sought victory over God. And with it, the beginnings of a New Age where they can now become like God. Their plans for a “New Rational World Order,” as outlined in R.C. Christian’s Common Sense Renewed, involve the establishment of a horrific totalitarian world government enforcing human breeding programs to ensure “docility and loyalty” as has been done with dogs. R.C. Christian’s world state will control every aspect of the common man’s life including choosing his mate and deciding whether or not he can have children.
Attempts to explain the Georgia Guidestones as an effort from a group of “enlightened beings” to warn humanity of an upcoming 2012 apocalypse are hogwash. There is no credible scientific evidence for an impending global catastrophe late next year.
More likely, 2012 hysteria might be leveraged as cover for disguised acts of manmade chaos used to bring down the sovereignty of nations and orchestrate war as a prelude for a global government constructed upon the ashes of civilization. Its capitol may very well be in Dubai. In fact, soon after the Burj Khalifa was formally opened, Dubai invited the United Nations to move its headquarters there.
In addition to constructing a new Tower of Babel, the same cultists have also sought to rebuild Solomon’s Temple so that they can simultaneously introduce their messiah, the first person to undergo apotheosis. Their completion of the Burj Khalifa indicates that this person is alive today and will be introduced soon, probably amidst a catharsis of global war.
The producers and investigators for Brad Meltzer’s Decoded interviewed me for several hours. I told them all of this and more. Of course, I also explained alternative theories so that they could understand the complete picture of the Georgia Guidestones.
I am not sure which angle they will take with my testimonials – I understand that they are a business involved with “edutainment” and can’t court much controversy – but I am hopeful that at least a few people who view that program will become interested enough in the topic to conduct their own investigations. A good place to start is here.
The video below purportedly captures images of a UFO flying over the Temple Mount / Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Israel, early in the morning on January 29, 2011.
The History Channel is currently running commercials for the season finale of Brad Meltzer’s Decoded. The initial voiceover in the commercial is mine before they cut briefly to my image. The finale, which investigates the Georgia Guidestones, will play next Thursday, February 3rd, at 10PM Eastern, 9PM Central.
The three investigators, Buddy, Mac and Scott, a Major in the U.S. Army Reserves, interviewed me for a very long time as did the show’s producers. I do not know how they or Brad Meltzer are going to characterize the information that I gave them, but know that I did my best. Within the several hours of conversations, I told them as much as possible about the Georgia Guidestones and that monument’s diabolical connections to the Burj Khalifa.
Those of you who know me understand that I am a very private man. I don’t relish appearing on camera and the testimony I gave Decoded has the potential to harm my credibility within the computer industry and hurt my growing business. However, the Georgia Guidestones information is that important.
I solemnly prayed for guidance before agreeing to the interview. Whatever happens, I acted out of Faith and if any consequences from those actions fall upon me, I will bear them with God’s help.
There is an eerie resemblance between the “Combined Disasters” card from the popular Illuminati game and a recent photo of the London riots. The photo below is taken from here.
This photo of the London riots closely resembles a card from the Illuminati game.
According to Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, the United States and Israel will trigger a nuclear war before Friday that will cause the word’s richest countries to “suddenly disappear.”
Writing in his regular op-ed column “Reflections,” the former Cuban President states that missiles will fly as soon American and Israeli naval forces attempt to inspect Iranian merchant vessels.
I have absolutely no doubt that as soon as the American and Israeli warships are deployed –alongside the rest of the American military vessels positioned off the Iranian coasts– and they try to inspect the first merchant ship from that country, there will be a massive launching of missiles in both directions. At that moment exactly the terrible war will begin. It’s not possible to estimate how many vessels will be sunk or from what country.
The iconic Communist believes this conflagration will occur on or before July 2.
Obama has committed to attend the quarterfinals match on July 2, if his country’s team makes it to that stage. He supposedly knows better than anyone that the quarterfinals will not be contested because very serious developments will take place before that; or at least he should know.
Castro writes that the ensuing nuclear war might escalate to include Russia.
Nevertheless, there are still some uncertainties. Will the two mightiest nuclear powers, the United States and Russia, be able to refrain from using their nuclear weapons against each other?
There is no doubt, however, that from Europe the nuclear weapons of Great Britain and France, allied with the United States and Israel, –the same that enthusiastically imposed the resolution that will inevitably unleash the war, which for the abovementioned [sic] reasons will immediately become nuclear– are threatening the Russian territory even though this country and China have done everything within their capabilities to prevent the conflict.
Castro, the current First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, describes a grim post-war world that seems to involve a global government similar to the one written about by R.C. Christian as we discussed in our Georgia Guidestones research.
It is possible to predict what will happen in the rest of the Portuguese and Spanish speaking Americas during the nuclear post crisis.
Under such circumstances, it will not be possible to talk of capitalism or socialism. A stage will open that will see the management of the available goods and services in this part of the continent.
Certainly, every country will continue being ruled by those who head the governments today, some very close to socialism and others euphoric over the opening of the world market to fuels, uranium, copper, lithium, aluminum, iron and other metals being sent to the developed and rich countries today that will suddenly disappear.
An abundance of food exported now to that world market will also disappear abruptly.
In these circumstances, the most basic products needed for life: food, water, fuels, and the resources found in the hemisphere south of the United States will suffice to preserve some of the civilization whose unbridled advance has led humanity into such a disaster.
America’s fate is perhaps most grave according to Castro.
The economy of the superpower will fall to pieces like a house of cards. The American society is the least prepared to endure a catastrophe like the one the empire has created in the same territory where it started.
Fidel Castro’s predictions are made more unsettling in light of the discoveries from our Georgia Guidestones research which strongly suggest 2010 will be a pivotal year for the cult behind that monument. Our research shows that this cult successfully completed their modern Tower of Babel, the Burj Khalifa, early this year. For this sinister cabal, the completion of the Burj Khalifa hearkened in their New Age where they believe man can now undergo apotheosis — for this small collection of powerful lunatics, they believe their elect can now become like God.
Their immediate plans appear to be:
Dramatically reduce the world’s population.
Introduce their messiah.
Establish a totalitarian global government, an abominable political creation they call a “New Rational World Order.”
Let’s pray Castro is wrong. But if he is right, we know who is pulling the strings to Armageddon.
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The Freemasons have a program to protect your children. Dubbed “Masonichip,” the initiative claims to utilize technology to defend children from “really bad people out in the world.”
Making a difference through technology!
Welcome to the new “cloud computing” informational portal supporting Masonic Safety Identification Programs conducted independently at differing levels of activity by over (35) Grand Lodges of Masons in North America. It is managed by the Directors of MasoniCHIP International a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public foundation of the Conference of Grand Master of Masons in North America.
There is no “chip” in Masonichip as it stands for Masonic Child Identification Program and includes Abduction Awareness and “Safe Kids” Education benefits to all children and parents attend events and participate. At Masonichip EVENTs, comprehensive Safety ID packages are generated “at no cost…free of charge” to participants in North America. At Masonichip EVENTs, the Masons set up the equipment and enlist the volunteers necessary to generate individual completed identification packages. Pariticipation in a Masonichip EVENT offers much to educate and give parents and children alike a chance to contemplate the consequenses of being missing or exploited while they are progressing through the Event. Young children think…”why are my parents making me go through this…it must be important.” They realize that there are really bad people out in the world that can do them harm and they take the “Safe Kids Tips” handed out more seriously.
I am scheduled to be on Rick Adams Uncensored tonight at 9PM Central / 10PM Eastern / 8PM Mountain / 7PM Pacific. The topic will be the Georgia Guidestones. There might be an opportunity to call in and ask questions.
In addition to satellite listening options (Transponder Frequency 11836, Symbol Rate 2Ø77Ø, @ 97 degrees west), you will be able to listen to the Internet stream here.
Former Carter Whitehouse lawyer H.P. Albarelli Jr., author of A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, claims to have found evidence that the CIA sprayed LSD into New York City subways during a series of experiments on innocent, unwitting American citizens.
Albarelli spent more than a decade sifting through more than 100,000 pages of government documents and his most startling chestnut might be his claim that the intelligence community conducted aerosol tests of LSD inside the New York City subway system.
“The experiment was pretty shocking — shocking that the CIA and the Army would release LSD like that, among innocent unwitting folks,” Albarelli told The Post.
A declassified FBI report from the Baltimore field office dated Aug. 25, 1950 provides some tantalizing support for the claim. “The BW [biological weapon] experiments to be conducted by representatives of the Department of the Army in the New York Subway System in September 1950, have been indefinitely postponed,” states the memo, a copy of which the author provided to The Post.
An Olson colleague, Dr. Henry Eigelsbach, confirmed to Albarelli that the LSD subway test did, in fact, occur in November 1950, albeit on a smaller scale than first planned. Little, however, is known about the test — what line, how many people and what happened.
The purported experiment occurred nearly a year before a more infamous August 1951 incident in the small town of Pont St. Esprit, in the south of France, when the citizens were hit by a case of mass insanity.
We wrote about the disturbing CIA LSD experiments in the French village Pont St. Esprit in an earlier post.
A comet-like body of significant brilliance apparently struck the sun yesterday. We alerted our readers to the impending impact several hours before it occurred.
As the body, assumed to be a Kreutz sungrazer comet, plunged towards the sun, most observers switched to the STEREO Ahead COR1 and STEREO Ahead COR2 satellite imagers.
NASA’s STEREO consists of two virtually identical observatories orbiting the sun in different positions, one leading the earth in its orbit and one trailing our planet, to provide stereoscopic views of solar weather. NASA launched STEREO so that it can keep an eye on solar weather, particularly Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which have known destructive potential for orbiting satellites and even earthbound electrical systems.
The COR1 imagers were desirable for watching the comet strike because they have relatively small occlusion disks allowing observation of the inbound body to within about 150,000 miles of the turbulent solar “surface” composed of hot plasma. Images are normally uploaded to NASA’s STEREO website at five minute intervals and can be stitched together to construct a movie of solar events.
For example, to see the last movie from STEREO Ahead COR1, visit http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images, select “Ahead COR1”, boost the resolution to 512×512, click “Slideshow” and then depress the “Search” button. Leaving the dates blank will pull up the latest images. Using the date range 20100310 – 20100313 will provide all recorded images for the two impacts that occurred yesterday.
Indeed, as the doomed comet hurtled towards its fiery fate, Ahead COR1 provided several unmatched images until NASA stopped updating Ahead COR1 data immediately after impact where a bright streak can be seen leaving the sun at an odd angle. In fact, the update frequency of Ahead COR1 had already been throttled down from once every five minutes to once every hour with an eight hour gap preceding the appearance of the comet in the imager. The following sequence of photographs constitute those most temporally local to the comet impact event.
This is the first Ahead COR1 image of the comet.
t-minus-2 frames to impact
This is the last image of the comet before it passes behind the occulter.
The comet has disappeared behind the occulter in this frame.
A strange, bright streak can be seen apparently emanating from the sun. This is the last hourly update.
The next Ahead COR1 image after the "streak." Six hours have passed. Note how the image has darkened.
What is the cause of the lost data? Is it yet another demonstration of government incompetence? Or is this a continuing example of our government deciding to play our nanny, spoon-feeding us only the information they think we can handle?
In either case, NASA, if the data is available then make it available. And next time don’t drop the ball again.
UPDATE: A much smaller body appears to have preceded the currently observed impactor by about ten hours and may have triggered the coronal mass ejection seen in the original movie at the bottom of our article below. The first object is visible plunging towards the sun along the same trajectory as the current impacter in this much longer time scale movie viewable here.
A large object is now highly visible through various solar observing instruments and will likely crash into the sun within the next few hours. The body is currently assumed to be a Kruetz Sungrazer comet. The object first appeared on instruments only a few hours ago and is rapidly descending towards the sun.
A comet is visible close to the sun only hours before impact.
The object’s dramatic increase in apparent size in the animation below is likely due to massive gas emissions caused by surface boiling and sublimation as the body, presumably an icy comet, nears the sun. The second large object in motion to the right of the sun is the planet Mercury. The solar impacter’s apparent size in earth-based images is already as large as Mercury’s, but this is probably an effect of the rapidly billowing gas envelop surrounding its cometary nucleus. The coma of large comets can swell to sizes larger than Jupiter and can even rival the sun’s diameter, although their masses remain comparatively infinitesimal.
The large occlusion disc in the center of the image is used to block the sun’s blinding light. The dark line emanating to the lower left of the disk is the shadow of a rod used to hold the disc in place. The inner white circle on the occlusion disc marks an outline of the sun’s position and size.
This animation shows the rapid motion of the body towards the sun.
Considering its beeline trajectory, it is highly likely that the current object will strike the plasma “surface” of the sun, but it is possible that the body will circle either in front of or behind the sun.
The consequence of the impending impact is unknown, but considering the apparent mass and speed of the impactor, the body’s plunge into the sun will likely spawn flares, sunspots and perhaps multiple CMEs.
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Nearly fifty years ago, the inhabitants of the southeastern French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit mysteriously went mad, enduring grotesque and horrifying hallucinations resulting in the deaths of five. Hundreds were affected with many committed to asylums.
The so-called “Mystery of Le Pain Maudit (Cursed Bread)” still haunts the people of Pont-Saint-Esprit, located in Gard, France.
On August 16, 1951, the inhabitants were suddenly racked with frightful hallucinations of terrifying beasts and fire.
One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother. Another man shouted: “I am a plane”, before jumping out of a second-floor window, breaking his legs. He then got up and carried on for 50 yards. Another saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a doctor to put it back. Many were taken to the local asylum in strait jackets.
Time magazine wrote at the time: “Among the stricken, delirium rose: patients thrashed wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies, that their heads had turned to molten lead.”