Hattie’s Senior Recital

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Dec 222024
Hattie's Senior Recital

My daughter, Hattie Blake, gave her senior recital at Harding University on November 9th. Here is a link to a recording of it. https://reflect-harding.cablecast.tv/CablecastPublicSite/show/8734 Here are a few pictures.

Elijah Smith’s 2024 senior high school football highlights

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Dec 152024

My son, Elijah Smith, is an outstanding athlete. He completed his 2024 senior high school football season averaging one touchdown for every three receptions. He has unmatched football speed. I never saw anyone who was able to match his speed during a game, either covering him or running away from him when he played safety. […]

Test, test, test

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Nov 092024

I’m thinking about regularly posting here again.

Sep 292015

A recently released documentary reveals that R.C. Christian, a pseudonym for the man who provided the designs and funding for the controversial Georgia Guidestones monument, was Herbert Hinie Kersten, a doctor from Fort Dodge, Iowa. Kersten appears to have expressed support for David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, in a letter written to the South Florida Sun Sentinel. William Sayles Doan, an author and Fort Dodge historian, claims on camera that Kersten was an outspoken racist who voiced plans to create a measurement to definitively prove that whites – and in particular Northern Europeans – were the world’s superior race.

Nov 092014
Video Claims to Explain Origin of Georgia Guidestones Cube

A YouTube video posted yesterday, November 8, persuasively explains the origin of a granite cube recently added to the Georgia Guidestones. The cube was placed inside a five-year-old notch cut into the upper-right corner of the English Language Guidestone. Michael Massanelli claims responsibility for the cube and he states that the cube was intended to […]

Oct 052014
Anonymous message claims to reveal R.C. Christian identity, Georgia Guidestones doom date: Update 2 - hacking attempts suggest hoax

Update 2: This article has been followed by a flurry of bizarre hacks, spoofed emails and spoofed message comments. I believe the article and the activity surrounding it — much of which I have not discussed publicly — is being directed by a very determined individual who possesses at least moderate levels of hacking skills. […]

Sep 222014
Mysterious "20 14" cube added to the Georgia Guidestones

In 2009 when my girls and I originally visited the Georgia Guidestones for what turned out to be my initial article on the subject, I discovered a large notch cut out of the top-right corner of the English language Guidestone. Given the considerable amount of vandalism committed over the year prior to our visit, I […]

OpenSourceMark source code available here, OPBM and miniBench projects are now public

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Mar 212014

I continue to receive requests for OpenSourceMark source code. You can download the source code here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_M9uysbCa–dEJoM01kZmgwNlk&usp=sharing I have also made public a sophisticated benchmark harness that my company developed that can be used to create application level benchmarks like SysMark. You can access the source code here: https://github.com/van-smith/OPBM I am also making public the […]

Mar 062014

The Georgia Guidestones have been a source of debate for decades. Our research links the controversial granite monument with the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, confirming the suspicions of some that the Stonehenge-like structure declares the planning of a global government and the culling of the world’s human population to a mere 500,000,000. While […]

4K 39″ television monitor for less that $520 at Amazon.com

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Nov 162013

Internet shopping giant Amazon is currently selling the Seiki Digital 39-Inch 4K Ultra HD 120Hz LED TV for only $519.99 with free two day shipping if you are an Amazon Prime member. Additionally, the item qualifies for 6-month interest free financing. If you can bump up your order to over $600 with qualifying items (which […]

Nov 142013

A pastebin post self-attributed to the secretive and nebulous activist group “Anonymous” claims that a 9/11-style false flag attack on the Los Angeles Citibank building may occur tomorrow, Friday, November 15, 2013.  The post is quoted in its entirety below: Potential False Flag———————————-Anonymous Shocking Current Events Greetings citizens of the world, we are Anonymous. We […]

Georgia Guidestones: New Discover Article Carries My Quotes

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Sep 112013

Author Jill Neimark has written an article for Discover magazine about the Georgia Guidestones, a controversial and mysterious granite monument located in a northeast Georgia pasture.  In her article, she provides quotes from me.  You can read her article here. You can read more about my research here, here and here.

Feb 052013

Most people occasionally read horoscopes for fun, but an astrology website is predicting a bad computer day for everyone tomorrow, February 6, 2013. Take a look at tomorrow’s fortunes for all twelve signs of the Zodiac from San Francisco-based Horoscope.com. Aries: Computers and other equipment could go haywire today, limiting your abilities to work at […]

Nov 062012

I find myself suddenly in a dark pit, illuminated only by scattered fires and glowing lava pools.  I fumble with my phone, but there are no bars.  I start recording… Me: Wow, it’s hot!  And what is that smell? The fiery pit is large and barren of life.  Despite the overwhelming heat, the center of […]

Facebook to become basis for National ID?

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Aug 212012

Many of us inside the computer industry were highly skeptical of Facebook’s IPO.  I warned those near me that Facebook (NASDAQ FB) was grossly overpriced and would crash so hard, so fast that it might serve as a bullet in the head for the struggling global economy.  It’s not just that Facebook’s market cap has […]

Jul 182012

After announcing shipping delays, Google’s first tablet computer began arriving in the hands of owners this week and anecdotal reports suggest that the defect rate for the Asus manufactured device is high. On the XDA Developers website, 140 users have responded to a poll asking where their defective Nexus 7 came from.  That message board […]

Mar 182012
1970s record album suggests 9/11 foreknowledge

Now they’re planning the crime of the century Well what will it be? Read all about their schemes and adventuring. It’s well worth a fee. So roll up and see How they rape the universe How they’ve gone from bad to worse. Who are these men of lust, greed and glory? Rip off the masks […]

You might be a terrorist if you read iFixit

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Mar 182012

Recent U.S. Government flyers claim that reading electronics information on the Internet might mean you are a terrorist and need to be reported to law enforcement authorities. Popular electronics website iFixit, famous for tearing apart the latest gadgets, is understandably worried about the ramifications of such broadly worded fear mongering coming straight from the Feds. […]

Tetragrammaton and the recent solar triangle

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Mar 152012
Tetragrammaton and the recent solar triangle

The recent strange and gigantic hole in the sun’s corona, visible in certain space-based images taken earlier this week, bears an eerie resemblance to a French representation of the Tetragrammaton, a word that refers to the name of God. The following image was taken from Wikipedia. From the Greek word “τετραγράμματον,” “Tetragrammaton” literally means “having […]

Mar 132012
Triangular Coronal Hole Opens on Sun Images

A large and very oddly shaped coronal hole has appeared on recent images of the Sun taken from various American space-based observatories (SDO, SOHO, and SXI shown below). The hole is distinctly triangular in shape and is pointed at the Earth. According to SpaceWeather.com, the solar winds from this hole should arrive at Earth around […]

Feb 282012

I updated Skype recently to version and I have had three straight calls that were dropped after 30 minutes, 24 seconds. This did not happen with previous Skype versions where I could maintain calls for hours. Microsoft purchased Skype last year for $8.5-billion and the service has been balky on several occasions since then.