Tetragrammaton and the recent solar triangle

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Mar 152012

The recent strange and gigantic hole in the sun’s corona, visible in certain space-based images taken earlier this week, bears an eerie resemblance to a French representation of the Tetragrammaton, a word that refers to the name of God. The following image was taken from Wikipedia.

Representing God or "Yahweh" this Tetragrammaton resembles a recent solar feature

Representing God or "Yahweh" this Tetragrammaton resembles a recent solar feature

From the Greek word “τετραγράμματον,” “Tetragrammaton” literally means “having four letters” referring to YHWH (Hebrew יהוה) or “Yahweh” as it is written in English.

Compare the Tetragrammaton image to the approximately 600,000-mile tall triangular coronal hole shown below.

Triangular coronal hole image taken by GOES 15 Solar X-Ray Imager

Triangular coronal hole image taken by GOES 15 Solar X-Ray Imager

Mar 132012

A large and very oddly shaped coronal hole has appeared on recent images of the Sun taken from various American space-based observatories (SDO, SOHO, and SXI shown below). The hole is distinctly triangular in shape and is pointed at the Earth. According to SpaceWeather.com, the solar winds from this hole should arrive at Earth around March 16-17.

Triangular coronal hole image taken by GOES 15 Solar X-Ray Imager

Triangular coronal hole image taken by GOES 15 Solar X-Ray Imager

May 102011

An unnamed comet appears to be on an impact course with the sun. It should strike the sun within the next two or three hours.

An unnamed comet streaks towards the sun from the left

An unnamed comet streaks towards the sun from the right

Lasko C2 Image of comet streaking towards sun.

Lasko C2 Image of comet streaking towards sun.

Here is a video showing the comet plummeting into the sun with a CME erupting roughly simultaneously on the opposite, earth facing side.

The following YouTube video gives an even better view of the event:

Apr 072011

While not nearly as large as last weekend’s event, a coronal mass ejection (CME) occurred today and the ejecta appears to be earthbound. According to government simulations, a portion of the CME wavefront is expected to hit our planet on Sunday, April 10, 2011, around 10:40AM Central time.

According to data from the same site, the last time the earth was struck with CME ejecta was March 11, the date of the destructive, magnitude 9.0 Japanese earthquake. Additionally, the 8.8 Chilean earthquake that occurred about a year earlier was predicted based upon a CME that had preceded it

There are formal studies supporting the notion that the sun’s weather is linked to earthquakes. For instance, an investigation of 16 years of seismic and solar activity claims that all 682 earthquakes of magnitude 4 and greater that occurred during this time were preceded by solar flares. However, the study also admits that not all solar flares resulted in earthquakes. It is widely believed that solar flares and CMEs are closely linked, with the former triggering the latter.

We present the study of 682 earthquakes of ¡Ý4.0 magnitude observed during January 1991 to January 2007 in the light of solar flares observed by GOES and SOXS missions in order to explore the possibility of any association between solar flares and earthquakes. Our investigation preliminarily shows that each earthquake under study was preceded by a solar flare of GOES importance B to X class by 10-100 hrs. However, each flare was not found followed by earthquake of magnitude ¡Ý4.0. We classified the earthquake events with respect to their magnitude and further attempted to look for their correlation with GOES importance class and delay time. We found that with the increasing importance of flares the delay in the onset of earthquake reduces. The critical X-ray intensity of the flare to be associated with earthquake is found to be ~10-6 Watts/m2. On the other hand no clear evidence could be established that higher importance flares precede high magnitude earthquakes. Our detailed study of 50 earthquakes associated with solar flares observed by SOXS mission and other wavebands revealed many interesting results such as the location of the flare on the Sun and the delay time in the earthquake and its magnitude. We propose a model explaining the charged particles accelerated during the solar flare and released in the space that undergone further acceleration by interplanetary shocks and produce the ring current in the earth’s magnetosphere, which may enhance the process of tectonics plates motion abruptly at fault zones. It is further proposed that such sudden enhancement in the process of tectonic motion of plates in fault zones may increase abruptly the heat gradients on spatial (dT/dx) and temporal (dT/dt) scales responsible for earthquakes.

Apr 032011
CME of April 3, 2011

CME of April 3, 2011

An ongoing coronal mass ejection (CME) has been captured on the COR2 Ahead solar satellite. The CME appears to be even larger than the solar eruption occurring on March 8 that preceded by a few days the magnitude 9.0 Tōhoku, Japan, earthquake and resulting tsunami.

The relative size of the sun is shown as the circle on the occlusion disk at the center of the image.

NASA disputes alien life discovery

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Mar 082011

Several NASA scientists have openly refuted claims made last week by fellow NASA scientist Richard B. Hoover of discovering extraterrestrial fossils within a sample of French stony meteorites.

In an apparently condescending and dismissive remark, NASA’s Carl Pitcher is quoted as saying, “He [Hoover] clearly does some very interesting microscopy. The actual measurements on these meteorites are very nice measurements, but I am not aware of any other qualification that Mr Hoover has in analysis of meteorites or in astrobiology.”

However, Hoover’s paper has more than a few scholarly supporters.

This cat-fight reminds me of several that I have directly witnessed (and even instigated) during my career. The sundry scientific fields have more than their fair share of socially stunted, territorial, insecure and emotionally volatile (and even unstable) people.

Mar 062011

A NASA scientist claims to have discovered fossil evidence of microscopic extraterrestrial lifeforms. Like earlier, similar claims from NASA involving Martian life, this evidence originates within rare types of meteorites.

The evidential image below is taken from a report by NASA’s Richard B. Hoover.

Photograph of purported microscopic Martians

Photograph of purported microscopic extraterrestrial life

Mar 032011

Our eight-year-old daughter, Hattie, has been conducting a science experiment where she has been monitoring the direction of earth’s magnetic north pole. The expected outcome of the experiment was that the direction would not change over the course of several weeks.

To conduct this experiment, she taped a laminated outline of her compass onto an immovable stone table in our yard. Before she taped it in place, she positioned the outline so that her compass needle lined up with a mark on the paper indicating magnetic north.

Several times each day, she carefully places her compass in the fixed outline and takes measurements of where her compass needle points. Surprisingly, she has obtained measurements which seem to indicate that magnetic north has been deviating very significantly (up to ~10 degrees) on a day-to-day basis.

Of course, this is alarming if true, so we are going to monitor her experiment much more closely over the days to come. However, Hattie is an extraordinarily meticulous child, so we take her findings seriously.

A quick Internet search returns apparent testimony from others who claim to have observed similar phenomena recently.

Bob and Doc I (or anyone else of course),

I know things are going to get exciting today but I have a question sorta in a different direction. You may have noticed from previous posts (kinda infrequent, I know) that I’m a NAVAID tech. I had a most interesting event occur last Friday and wonder what you think about it.

One of my VOR sites was being orbited by Flight Check just about the time that the Geo storm started on Friday. F/C took me off the air, that is they NOTAM’ed my VOR out of service because all of the radials were 3 degrees off. You don’t want airplanes using your site when it’s that far off.

Normally, internal monitoring by the VOR itself will shut the facility down when it goes 1 deg off on ANY radial. 16 small antennas around the site’s counterpoise constantly monitor the signnal. The site itself saw no problems, did NOT shut down, and when we checked it, everything was fine. Apparently the radial “bending” was only in space, not at the site.

Three days later a F/C aircraft flew another orbit and all the radials were … perfect.

What could the geo storm have done to us?

I had a similar event happen about 8 months ago at another site, in Southern Indiana, where only the radials east and south of the site “changed” by up to 5 degrees, then went back to normal a few days later. This time is was several commercial aircraft who reported the radial angles off, compared to GPS, and by the time Flight Check got there everything was back to normal.

At issue is whether we ought to be taking sites off the air during a Geo storm. There’s a lot of expense involved in having special aircraft come down to put us back on the air, plus the time that a NAVAID is down and unavailable.

Some of us are already pushing these questions “upstream” but I was wondering what you guys think, since I HIGHLY value your knowledge of solar and geo mag things.



Jul 222010

The astronomy photo of the day comes courtesy of NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric (SOHO) orbiting solar observatory.  An enormous, fiery, winged shape can be seen as if emerging from the sun’s broiling surface to the upper right of the occlusion disk.  For extra win, a trail of pixie dust follows it.

Strange SOHO image

A strange, winged figure apparently emerging from the sun

Full of win!

Full of win!

Billion-ton coronal mass ejection to strike Earth Thursday

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May 252010

The sun produced a magnetic filament that burst Monday, shooting a “billion-ton” coronal mass ejection (CME) racing towards our planet, according to a post on spaceweather.com.  NOAA projects a 35% chance of geomagnetic activity on May 27th when the CME is expected to hammer Earth’s magnetic field.

In the animated image below, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) captured the CME speeding away from the sun.  The Pleiades constellation, a star cluster with sinister occult meaning, can be seen drifting overhead.

May 24th, 2010, Coronal Mass Ejection

The May 24th, 2010, coronal mass ejection

It is unproven but probable that CMEs trigger earthquakes.  The fluctuations of Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere resulting from the impact of a coronal mass ejection induce magnetic and electrostatic forces and even produce massive electrical currents on the surface of our planet.  Doubtlessly, these forces are occasionally sufficient to catalyze fault zone slippage, causing earthquakes.

Earlier this year, we reported that the massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile was predicted several days before it occurred based upon a scheduled CME impact.

LUCIFER comes to Arizona

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Apr 272010

The University of Arizona welcomed LUCIFER, an astronomical system for observing near-infrared light.  LUCIFER 1, the first of two cameras/spectrographs, was recently installed on Mount Graham’s Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in southeastern Arizona.

After more than a decade of design, manufacturing and testing, the new instrument – dubbed LUCIFER 1 – provides a powerful tool to gain spectacular insights into the universe – from the Milky Way to extremely distant galaxies. LUCIFER, built by a consortium of German institutes, will be followed by an identical twin instrument that will be delivered to the telescope in early 2011.

The LUCIFER project recalls our recent research into the Georgia Guidestones which has revealed that the cult behind that controversial monument venerates Lucifer, the fallen angel that many, including the important theosophist Albert Pike, equate with Satan. Moreover, that powerful but deranged cult encoded unambiguous numerological information into the Georgia Guidestones that points to the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Opened earlier this year, the Burj Khalifa obviously symbolizes a new Tower of Babel for this secretive group of “Luciferians.”

Mar 132010

A comet-like body of significant brilliance apparently struck the sun yesterday.  We alerted our readers to the impending impact several hours before it occurred.

As the body, assumed to be a Kreutz sungrazer comet, plunged towards the sun, most observers switched to the STEREO Ahead COR1 and STEREO Ahead COR2 satellite imagers.

NASA’s STEREO consists of two virtually identical observatories orbiting the sun in different positions, one leading the earth in its orbit and one trailing our planet, to provide stereoscopic views of solar weather. NASA launched STEREO so that it can keep an eye on solar weather, particularly Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which have known destructive potential for orbiting satellites and even earthbound electrical systems.

The COR1 imagers were desirable for watching the comet strike because they have relatively small occlusion disks allowing observation of the inbound body to within about 150,000 miles of the turbulent solar “surface” composed of hot plasma. Images are normally uploaded to NASA’s STEREO website at five minute intervals and can be stitched together to construct a movie of solar events.

For example, to see the last movie from STEREO Ahead COR1, visit http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images, select “Ahead COR1”, boost the resolution to 512×512, click “Slideshow” and then depress the “Search” button. Leaving the dates blank will pull up the latest images. Using the date range 20100310 – 20100313 will provide all recorded images for the two impacts that occurred yesterday.

Indeed, as the doomed comet hurtled towards its fiery fate, Ahead COR1 provided several unmatched images until NASA stopped updating Ahead COR1 data immediately after impact where a bright streak can be seen leaving the sun at an odd angle. In fact, the update frequency of Ahead COR1 had already been throttled down from once every five minutes to once every hour with an eight hour gap preceding the appearance of the comet in the imager. The following sequence of photographs constitute those most temporally local to the comet impact event.

first comet image

This is the first Ahead COR1 image of the comet.

t-minus-2 frames to impact

The last image of the comet

This is the last image of the comet before it passes behind the occulter.

The comet has disappeared

The comet has disappeared behind the occulter in this frame.

A strange streak can be seen leaving the sun

A strange, bright streak can be seen apparently emanating from the sun. This is the last hourly update.

The next Ahead COR1 image after the "streak." Six hours have passed. Note how the image has darkened.

What is the cause of the lost data? Is it yet another demonstration of government incompetence? Or is this a continuing example of our government deciding to play our nanny, spoon-feeding us only the information they think we can handle?

In either case, NASA, if the data is available then make it available.  And next time don’t drop the ball again.

Mar 122010

UPDATE: A much smaller body appears to have preceded the currently observed impactor by about ten hours and may have triggered the coronal mass ejection seen in the original movie at the bottom of our article below.  The first object is visible plunging towards the sun along the same trajectory as the current impacter in this much longer time scale movie viewable here.

A large object is now highly visible through various solar observing instruments and will likely crash into the sun within the next few hours.  The body is currently assumed to be a Kruetz Sungrazer comet.  The object first appeared on instruments only a few hours ago and is rapidly descending towards the sun.

Apparent comet heading for sun

A comet is visible close to the sun only hours before impact.

The object’s dramatic increase in apparent size in the animation below is likely due to massive gas emissions caused by surface boiling and sublimation as the body, presumably an icy comet, nears the sun.  The second large object in motion to the right of the sun is the planet Mercury.  The solar impacter’s apparent size in earth-based images is already as large as Mercury’s, but this is probably an effect of the rapidly billowing gas envelop surrounding its cometary nucleus.  The coma of large comets can swell to sizes larger than Jupiter and can even rival the sun’s diameter, although their masses remain comparatively infinitesimal.

The large occlusion disc in the center of the image is used to block the sun’s blinding light.  The dark line emanating to the lower left of the disk is the shadow of a rod used to hold the disc in place.  The inner white circle on the occlusion disc marks an outline of the sun’s position and size.

Animation of object heading towards the sun.

This animation shows the rapid motion of the body towards the sun.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is occurring in the animation on the left side of the sun. A poster to a popular message board correctly predicted the 8.8 earthquake in Chile based upon the impending impact of a CME on the earth.

Considering its beeline trajectory, it is highly likely that the current object will strike the plasma “surface” of the sun, but it is possible that the body will circle either in front of or behind the sun.

The consequence of the impending impact is unknown, but considering the apparent mass and speed of the impactor, the body’s plunge into the sun will likely spawn flares, sunspots and perhaps multiple CMEs.