Sep 222014

In 2009 when my girls and I originally visited the Georgia Guidestones for what turned out to be my initial article on the subject, I discovered a large notch cut out of the top-right corner of the English language Guidestone. Given the considerable amount of vandalism committed over the year prior to our visit, I assumed that the notch was an attempt to topple the monument by freeing the English language Guidestone from the large stainless steel pin securing it to the capstone.

Mart Clamp, whose father sandblasted all of the letters and hieroglyphics onto the granite slabs 30 years previously from that visit, was chiseling away two-part epoxy that had been thrown onto the controversial monument in a recent act of vandalism. I asked Mart about the notch, but he said that he did not know anything about it.

Mart Clamp chisels away at vandalism in 2009.

I could find no previous photographs of the notch even though I found photographs taken by other visitors to the site earlier in 2009. Additionally, I found the following video from December, 2008, posted by an anonymous vandal. The notch is not visible on the English language Guidestone at the time of the video.

Promise to The New World Order at The Georgia… by neverknwo

Elberton Star publisher Gary Jones is a local expert on the granite edifice. While interviewing him in 2009 about the Georgia Guidestones, I mentioned the notch. Gary was not aware of the notch at that time and he told me that he would report my information about it to the local authorities.

A view of the recently cut notch in November, 2009.
A second view of the notch.

On September 11, 2014, I was contacted by a reader, Brian, who had recently visited the Georgia Guidestones. He said that the notch had now been filled with a granite cube etched with the numbers “20” and “14” on the two exposed sides of the cube. Brian sent me the two photos below.



I contacted Gary Jones about the newly added cube and he passed along the information to the Elbert County Sheriff’s Department. Whoever placed the cube into the notch did not do it as part of any officially sanctioned activity. It will be interesting to see if the block is removed in the next few days.

The cube appears to be professionally created out of a type of granite similar to the Pyramid Blue granite used to construct the Georgia Guidestones.

Mart Clamp, owner of Clamp Memorials, has the tools, materials and expertise necessary to manufacture the block. When I first met him five years ago, he was chipping away at the monument with a hammer and chisel almost directly underneath the newly created notch, as you can see from the first photo in this blurb. I have tried to contact Mart about the block, but to no avail yet.

“My long-term goal is to build some sort of festival around it, something that would be a weeklong thing that could be held in two or three different spots around Elberton that could really draw in crowds and help the local economy,” Mart said in a New York Times piece published about a year ago.

Given the overt and explicitly apocalyptic nature of the Georgia Guidestones, it is understandable that many people have already expressed alarm over the recent addition to the monument of new component bearing what certainly appears to be the current year. War, social unrest, ebola and global chaos have many people on edge.

Interestingly, the word “Isis” was scribbled all over the monument at about the same time that the “20 14” cube appeared inserted into the Guidestones’ notch, a notch that had been vacant for five years. The mention of “Isis” alarmed local authorities enough for them to contact the FBI, according to a local news report.

Our initial analysis of the monument five years ago demonstrated a link between it and the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. In fact, our analysis introduced the words “caliphate” and “Mahdi” long before they became mainstream with the emergence of ISIS. ISIS declared a caliphate early this summer. And the occult overtones of “ISIS” are obvious.

You can see all of our Georgia Guidestones research here.

Feb 052012

Chevrolet has uploaded to YouTube a 2012 Super Bowl advertisement for its popular Silverado line of pickup trucks. Based in a post-apocalyptic world foretold by the Maya, the ad shows a surviving Chevy Silverado emerging from the rubble and driving past a series of end-of-the-world disaster movie cliches while Barry Manilow’s Looks Like We Made It plays in the background. At first glance, the commercial appears to be clever and funny. However, it contains much more subtle and diabolical occult symbolism. The commercial can be viewed below. It is best watched in full screen, HD quality so that all of its details can be seen.

The white truck eventually meets with three other Chevy pickups. The Red and Black trucks appear to be the same year and model as the white pickup, while the fourth truck is a much older, beige Chevy. The four drivers represent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the destructive forces of Conquest, War, Famine and finally Death, all unleashed by the Lamb, Jesus Christ, in John’s Book of Revelation.

"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" by Victor Vasnetsov

"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" by Victor Vasnetsov

The driver of the white truck has a dog in his backseat wearing a harness that resembles the clothing of the Rider of the White Horse in Victor Vasnetsov’s painting. The Rider of the White Horse represents Conquest. Some see him as the Antichrist, others as the Islamic Mahdi. Of course, some people consider the Mahdi and the Antichrist to be the same person.

The driver of the red truck represents War and he announces the death of “Dave” a possible reference to King David’s people, the Jews.

The driver of the black truck is a black man holding a box of Twinkies which he offers to the driver of the white truck. He is the Rider of the Black Horse and represents famine. Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, filed for bankruptcy last month (see here).

The slim man wearing a grey jacket who drove the old stepside Chevy (that resembles an aging, emaciated horse) is silent. He represents the Rider of the Pale Horse who is Death, the last of the Four Horsemen.

The scene switches to an overhead camera showing a seated fifth man, initially almost invisible, who is holding something that he has been reading. He represents Christ, the Lamb, who can be seen next to a book in the background of Vasnetsov’s painting. Christ unleashes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse when he breaks four of the seven seals of God’s scroll initially held in God’s right hand. Near this seated man is a triangle, showing his relationship to the Trinity as Jesus.

At the end of the ad, frogs begin to rain from the sky yet the five men maintain their positions at the five points of a pentagram.

There are several other symbolic references in the advertisement, some serious and some not. For instance, the newspaper features a Mayan pyramid with an eye-like glow above it, recreating the famous Illuminati symbol found on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill. There are also homages to a few popular computer games. However, the occult meaning of the commercial clearly is the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and this message is not meant to be clever or funny, but is consistent with our research into the Georgia Guidestones and the arrival of the Mahdi.

Sep 232011

This is the second installment of a series of informal blog posts about these eminently important topics. You can read the first post here.

From all available scientific information, Comet Elenin is nothing special. In fact, it looks to be a boring, barely observable fizzy little conglomeration of rock and ice hurtling quickly through the inner solar system before vanishing beyond Pluto for another 11,800 years.

Certainly, Comet Elenin has not demonstrated any qualities that warrant the gushing torrent of panic that has flooded the Internet since the little comet’s official discovery last December 10th.

But one strange bit of evidence on the flip side of a bill of cash is so unambiguous that I have to admit that Comet Elenin might be worth an ocean of anxiety after all.

Towards the end of the last century, Switzerland distributed a peculiar ten Franc bill that honored the celebrated physicist, mathematician and defender of Christianity, Leonard Euler. The front of the bill looks typical of European denominations of the time, with Euler’s grinning mug offset to the right and a variety of esoteric, presumably anti-counterfeiting markings sprinkled elsewhere. Here’s an image of the front side of the note courtesy of Wikipedia.

10 Franc Swiss note honoring Leonard Euler

10 Franc Swiss note honoring Leonard Euler

However, like the rapidly shrinking U.S. One Dollar slip of fiat currency, the obverse side is odd and contains much more information than first meets the eye. The back of the Euler note is dominated by a diagram of the Solar System with a comet streaking through it. That alone is not really peculiar because Euler drew a chart quite similar to it. However, the positions of the planets are very interesting. Take a look at this image that came from the University of Princeton.

The back of the Euler note

The back of the Euler note

A small part of the Comet Elenin hysteria was discussion about how the planets in the diagram seem to conform with the date September 26, 2011, the very day that Elenin passes between the Earth and the Sun (although a little above the ecliptic). Given how totally wrong the vast majority of insane Comet Elenin jabber has been, I didn’t expect to find much correspondence with reality until I overlaid the September 26 orbital projections of the planets from the JPL Solar System simulator onto the Swiss bill. Take a look:

JPL Solar System projection over the Euler note

JPL Solar System projection over the Euler note

The alignments for Mercury through Mars are spot on. While it looks like Saturn and Jupiter are out of place, the orbits on the bill are drawn close to scale and the two outer orbits align closely to the asteroid belt and Jupiter. Assuming the outer planet is actually Jupiter instead of Saturn, the alignment is only a degree or two off.  (Oddly, the moon is roughly 180 degrees out of place, though.)

I knew immediately that such alignments were very rare, but I wanted to quantify the period between such alignments so I wrote an orbital simulation. To my amazement, it takes about 1,696,039 years for the planets to reach the depicted positions within a margin of error of +-10% for each planet! However, the planets on the back of the Euler note are far more precisely oriented than that.

What this means is that the back of the Euler banknote is an intentional encoding for the date September 26, 2011. Stranger still, it means that the comet depicted on this Swiss note designed decades ago is none other than Elenin, which officially was discovered only last December!

So innocuous, almost invisible Comet Elenin is apparently the return of a celestial body known about from at least the time that the Swiss Euler bill was designed. However, tiny little Comet Elenin would have been far outside the orbit of Pluto even during the late 20th Century where it would be well beyond the ability of any instrument to detect.

This suggests that Elenin was charted long, long ago. Current orbital estimates for Comet Elenin are around 11,800 years meaning that the last time it passed by earth, the eerie, staggeringly ancient Turkish civilization of Göbekli Tepe may have witnessed it. But few ancient civilizations were advanced enough to be able to predict a comet’s return. The Maya produced highly accurate eclipse prediction and planetary orbital projection data, but their civilization came about 10,000 years too late for puny little Elenin.

Frankly, this is both astounding and unsettling. What pushes this information to the alarming level is the synchronicity of Comet Elenin with the Georgia Guidestones-Burj Khalifa-Mahdi-World War III evidence pointing to a global conflagration erupting within weeks and orchestrated by a small cabal of super-rich occultist lunatics.

While wimpy Comet Elenin appears to pose no direct threat to earth, it just might be the occult starting gun for Armageddon.


Sep 162011

For several months I have needed to write an important article following up on my Georgia Guidestones research. A good introduction to that research is here.

However, my business is keeping me very busy and has made it impossible for me to spare enough time to write a proper article.

Since so little time is left, I will update this site over the next few days with bits and pieces of information that I have meant to share. Please excuse any sloppy editing.

Since the time of my last report on the Georgia Guidestones along with my appearance on the History Channel, I have discovered that the monument’s true purpose is to welcome the arrival of the Mahdi, the great Islamic conqueror prophesied to deliver justice across an unjust world. The Burj Khalifa, which I have irrefutably linked to the Georgia Guidestones, alludes to the global caliphate which the Mahdi is foretold to establish (the word “Khalifa” means “caliphate”). The Caliphate is intended to be a global government ruled by the Mahdi under Islamic law.

However, for the occult puppet-masters pulling his strings, World War III must be waged in order for the Mahdi to ascend to his global throne, with the ultimate resolution being the destruction of the West: the United States, Great Britain, Israel and their closest allies must be toppled, with billions of human lives extinguished.

According to Shiite beliefs, the Mahdi will do battle with the “One-Eyed Antichrist,” a description of the “Eye of Providence,” that familiar emblem on the back of the U.S. One Dollar bill which is widely recognized as a Masonic trademark. In fact, many Muslims believe that the West has been under the control of Freemasonry for centuries. Furthermore, some Shiite leaders have recently been equating the Daǧǧāl, the Islamic Antichrist, with that secret society.

Ironically, the bizarre, controversial Georgia Guidestones monument was built by Freemasons and protected by them over decades when little do the Masons know that the monument celebrates the man who will purportedly destroy them.

So the Freemasons of Elbert County, Georgia, constructed and tirelessly defend an edifice that not only mocks them, but celebrates their planned catastrophic and total decimation. As such, the Georgia Guidestones monument, a gigantic granite cuckoo’s egg laid in the nest of Freemasonry, stands as one of the boldest and most brilliant acts of subterfuge in the history of mankind.

Iran produced a documentary earlier this year claiming that World War III would erupt in the fall, only a few weeks from now. With the ongoing “Arab Spring” setting the stage for the apocalyptic conflagration, there is also another piece of evidence suggesting that Iran might be correct.

On 12/10/2010, the modest comet C/2010 X1 was discovered by the Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin. Strangely, this seemingly innocuous body, better known as Comet Elenin (named after its discoverer), soon triggered rampant hysteria across many Internet websites and message boards.

While much of the Comet Elenin fear mongering is lunacy — and perhaps intentionally fomented lunacy — I have written a computer simulation that very strongly suggests that Comet Elenin is probably much more than meets the eye. In fact, it appears certain that Comet Elenin is the return of a celestial body expected for many years and might be the astrological harbinger of orchestrated global doom.

I will try to expound upon this body of information in the coming days. For now, be alert for important global and perhaps celestial events on September 26.