Feb 052012

Chevrolet has uploaded to YouTube a 2012 Super Bowl advertisement for its popular Silverado line of pickup trucks. Based in a post-apocalyptic world foretold by the Maya, the ad shows a surviving Chevy Silverado emerging from the rubble and driving past a series of end-of-the-world disaster movie cliches while Barry Manilow’s Looks Like We Made It plays in the background. At first glance, the commercial appears to be clever and funny. However, it contains much more subtle and diabolical occult symbolism. The commercial can be viewed below. It is best watched in full screen, HD quality so that all of its details can be seen.

The white truck eventually meets with three other Chevy pickups. The Red and Black trucks appear to be the same year and model as the white pickup, while the fourth truck is a much older, beige Chevy. The four drivers represent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the destructive forces of Conquest, War, Famine and finally Death, all unleashed by the Lamb, Jesus Christ, in John’s Book of Revelation.

"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" by Victor Vasnetsov

"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" by Victor Vasnetsov

The driver of the white truck has a dog in his backseat wearing a harness that resembles the clothing of the Rider of the White Horse in Victor Vasnetsov’s painting. The Rider of the White Horse represents Conquest. Some see him as the Antichrist, others as the Islamic Mahdi. Of course, some people consider the Mahdi and the Antichrist to be the same person.

The driver of the red truck represents War and he announces the death of “Dave” a possible reference to King David’s people, the Jews.

The driver of the black truck is a black man holding a box of Twinkies which he offers to the driver of the white truck. He is the Rider of the Black Horse and represents famine. Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, filed for bankruptcy last month (see here).

The slim man wearing a grey jacket who drove the old stepside Chevy (that resembles an aging, emaciated horse) is silent. He represents the Rider of the Pale Horse who is Death, the last of the Four Horsemen.

The scene switches to an overhead camera showing a seated fifth man, initially almost invisible, who is holding something that he has been reading. He represents Christ, the Lamb, who can be seen next to a book in the background of Vasnetsov’s painting. Christ unleashes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse when he breaks four of the seven seals of God’s scroll initially held in God’s right hand. Near this seated man is a triangle, showing his relationship to the Trinity as Jesus.

At the end of the ad, frogs begin to rain from the sky yet the five men maintain their positions at the five points of a pentagram.

There are several other symbolic references in the advertisement, some serious and some not. For instance, the newspaper features a Mayan pyramid with an eye-like glow above it, recreating the famous Illuminati symbol found on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill. There are also homages to a few popular computer games. However, the occult meaning of the commercial clearly is the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and this message is not meant to be clever or funny, but is consistent with our research into the Georgia Guidestones and the arrival of the Mahdi.