The Senate votes to audit the Federal Reserve, 96-0

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May 142010

Congressional investigators will audit the Fed’s use of emergency lending authority since December 2007. The Fed will need to disclose which banks received help. Here is a list of all banks which have failed since October 1, 2000. It will be interesting to see how this information compares to the Feds listed of bailed out […]

President Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number

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May 142010

WorldNetDaily reports “Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.”

May 142010

Wow! Thanks to CJ and Tallulah for a fascinating conversation Thursday about the UN, Barak Obama, the Georgia Guidestones, Kenya and Maurice Strong. CJ and Tallulah are radio hosts for Patriot’s Heart Network. So how are the UN, Obama, the Guidestones, Maurice Stong and Kenya connected? Glen Beck’s call to gather information about Maurice Strong […]

May 142010

CNN published an article, “Undocumented student’s arrest called part of ‘civil rights disaster‘” today blatantly attempting to create a heroine out of an illegal immigrant. CNN had a large picture on the top of the front page linking to this article. Here’s an excerpt: Staring at the throngs of media representatives who came out to […]

May 112010

As we anticipated, the E. coli contaminated romaine lettuce recall has broadened.  Some people are worried that the E. coli outbreak might be a terrorist act. Vaughan Foods of Moore, Oklahoma, has issued a recall of romaine lettuce with “use by” dates of May 9 through May 10.  The recall is for lettuce sold to […]

E. Coli tainted lettuce outbreak probably larger than being reported

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May 092010

Last Sunday, I posted that I had been very ill for about a week with E. coli food poisoning.  My wife and I had already isolated romaine lettuce as the illness vector at the time of that post. Four days later, the FDA reported an E. coli outbreak in several states due to tainted romaine […]

FDIC shuts more banks

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May 082010

This year’s total number of closed banks is now 68, twice as many as this time last year. The banks failures occurred in Arizona, California, Florida and Minnesota. FDIC Chairman, Sheila Bair, said recently that the number of closures will likely peak this year at a slightly higher rate than last year.

Neanthderthal DNA appears in modern humans

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May 072010

Groundbreaking neanderthal DNA analysis shows that modern humans races out of Africa bred with them; modern Europeans, Asians, Melanesians have neanderthal DNA.  “The study found no early modern human DNA in the Neanderthal genome,” states the article at Van has been saying this for at least 20 years.

Tylenol Recall – Antibiotic resistant bacteria found in medicines

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May 052010

We received a call on Saturday which informed us that we had purchased Children’s Tylenol products that were now under recall. Although complaints were registered last year about black specs in the medicine, Tylenol as of Monday said that the voluntary recall was not due to “adverse medical events.” Today’s news announced that Johnson & […]

Listen to my recent Georgia Guidestones interview on Argusoog Dutch radio

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May 052010

Argusoog Radio‘s Désirée Röver interviewed me last Sunday from the Netherlands about my Georgia Guidestones research.  I was still a little ill at the time, but Désirée kept me on track. You can listen to that interview here.  Most of it is in English.

May 022010

I apologize for making so few updates this past week, but I have been very ill with what appears to be E. coli food poisoning.  My large intestine felt like it had been surgically removed, stomped on by a large-intestine-hating elephant and then replaced.  Although I was bedridden for several days, I am much better […]

Tea Party Infiltration Straight Out of a Comic Book?

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Apr 282010

In February, Marvel comics apologized for depicting a group of tax protesters in a recent Captain America comic issue as a characterization of the “Tea Party” political group. Issue 602 of the comic features Captain America investigating a right-wing anti-government militia group called “the Watchdogs”. Hoping to infiltrate the group, Captain America and his African-American […]

Flu Vaccine Convulsion Cases in New Zealand

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Apr 282010

Fluvax, the vaccine responsible in last week’s death of a 2 year-old toddler in western Australian is now being scrutinized in New Zealand as reaction cases are looked at in that country. Fluvax was administered in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

Masonichip: ‘Making a difference through technology!’

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Apr 272010

The Freemasons have a program to protect your children.  Dubbed “Masonichip,” the initiative claims to utilize technology to defend children from “really bad people out in the world.” Making a difference through technology! Welcome to the new “cloud computing” informational portal supporting Masonic Safety Identification Programs conducted independently at differing levels of activity by over […]

Group claims to have found Noah’s Ark

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Apr 272010

A group of evangelists believe they have discovered the remains of Noah’s Ark about 2.5 miles up Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey after radiocarbon dating returned an age of 4,800 years for wood samples recovered at the site. “It’s not 100 per cent that it is Noah’s Ark but we think it is 99.9 per […]

LUCIFER comes to Arizona

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Apr 272010

The University of Arizona welcomed LUCIFER, an astronomical system for observing near-infrared light.  LUCIFER 1, the first of two cameras/spectrographs, was recently installed on Mount Graham’s Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in southeastern Arizona. After more than a decade of design, manufacturing and testing, the new instrument – dubbed LUCIFER 1 – provides a powerful tool […]

Teotihuacan language discovered

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Apr 262010

The ancient and mysterious lost culture of Teotihuacan was believed to be illiterate, predating written language in that area. However, glyphs have recently been discovered at that site, one of the greatest existing archaeological sites in the world, proving the existence of written language in central Mexico thousands of years earlier than believed.

Child dies 12 hours after flu shot

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Apr 252010

A previously healthy two-year-old girl died twelve hours after receiving the seasonal influenza vaccine in Brisbane, Australia.  Her twin sister was given the same shot and began vomiting but is still alive. A FAMILY is in mourning after their toddler unexpectedly died less than 12 hours after receiving a seasonal flu vaccination. Two-year-old twin Ashley […]

Tune in to ‘Rick Adams Uncensored’ tonight to listen to my live interview

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Apr 232010

I am scheduled to be on Rick Adams Uncensored tonight at 9PM Central / 10PM Eastern / 8PM Mountain / 7PM Pacific.  The topic will be the Georgia Guidestones.  There might be an opportunity to call in and ask questions. In addition to satellite listening options (Transponder Frequency 11836, Symbol Rate 2Ø77Ø, @ 97 degrees […]

Poles express skepticism over recent plane crash

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Apr 222010

After a recent plane crash decapitated Poland’s government, military and central bank, Poles have taken to the Internet to express disbelief about the official crash story.  Fueling their skepticism has been recent revelations debunking original media accounts about the number of landing attempts made before the tragic crash.  Additionally, critical evidence gathered from the plane’s […]