Britain has begun screening all airline passengers arriving from Mexico for Mexican Influenza. Although the United States announced a public health emergency yesterday with domestic Mexican Flu cases now reaching around 20, Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, dismissed similar measures for American airports. Napolitano also failed to take any action to tighten US-Mexico border […]
Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing
A criminal investigation is underway at the U.S. Army infectious disease research center in Fort Detrick, Maryland where infectious disease samples have apparently vanished. Fort Detrick was the source of the anthrax bioweapon material used during the anthrax attacks soon after September 11th, 2001. Bush and his staff were already on ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that […]
Mexican Flu Emergency Declared in U.S.
U.S. federal representatives declared a public health emergency today as more Mexican Flu victims have been identified within the country. The official count of domestic Mexican Flu cases has risen to 20 with one requiring hospitalization. Among the emergency measures taken by the Government are plans to “release a quarter of its 50-million-unit strategic reserve […]
Mexican Flu Pandemic Threatens U.S.
A new, hybrid flu strain containing pig, avian and human flu components has struck Mexico, killing up to 68 and sickening at least 1,000 others. Given Mexico’s impoverished third-world status and with the country currently coming apart at the seams, the real number of infections is probably at least a hundred times higher. The infection […]
New York Times investigative reporter Seymour Hersh claims that former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney ran an “executive assassination ring.” During a talk Tuesday at the University of Minnesota, Hersh described the Joint Special Operations Command, a group of assassins with no Congressional oversight, that reported directly to Cheney. Apparently without the permission of anyone […]
Flu Vaccine contaminated with live avian flu virus
Was this part of a planned pandemic? Baxter, an American flu vaccine provider, shipped vaccine material tainted with the live H5N1 human variation of the avian flu virus. The “accidental” concoction is almost a perfect, deadly bioweapon.
Problems posting comments to this blog
We are aware that there are persistent, ongoing problems posting comments to this blog. Google’s service is unreliable and often times-out. We apologize for the trouble. I am extremely busy at work, so I will not likely be able to find a remedy anytime soon. If you need to send feedback that you can be […]
I’m having one of those weird nights again. I have been working a lot lately because we are testing a new part, but I was able to get home early tonight, a little after 9PM. I went to bed before 11, and woke up believing that it was morning, but only two hours had passed. […]
I can’t believe the good people of Tulsa are tolerating this
The TSA has implemented full-body scans in the Tulsa airport producing nude images of passengers, and the good people of Oklahoma are accepting the outrageous indignity passively. I expected riots. Tulsa, what has happened to you? Where is your heart?
Unemployment Benefits Paid Through Debit Cards Incur Fees
Debit Card Hell.
Kathy witnessed the widely reported “fireball” over Texas around 11AM this morning. She was northbound on I-35 near Georgetown and described a persistent cloud created by the hyperbolic shaped, metallic object (this appearance was probably a result of a shockwave created by a meteor bouncing off the atmosphere). The cloud lingered for about an hour. […]
New Federal Position – National Coordinator of Health Information Technology
Congress’s 700 page bill comes with some extra goodies, like this one. “This office will monitor the medical treatments your doctor is providing you to make sure that Washington agrees that those treatments are appropriate and cost effective,” explains Gary Bauer.
Mockingbirds are quite a featSomewhat more than you’d think.During the season that they molt,They all seem sad in sync. If you feed them eggs and potatoes,They’ll turn to black and white.They’ll eat fifteen to twenty minutesAll day and most of the night. They make up most of their songs,Yet they borrow ten percent.Tis a shame […]
D.C. Voting Rights Passed by Senate Committee
Our visit to D.C. this summer left me discouraged. Crime, the poor success of public education in our country’s capital is well documented. Interestingly, all the vendor shops around our country’s grand monuments and public buildings sell exactly the same merchandise. We bought 4 t-shirts. They were all made in Honduras. The food vendors sell […]
NY parents grilled in ‘religious sincerity test’
“Rita says the attorney concluded that her beliefs were not “sincere” enough and decided to deny her vaccine waiver.” When does the state or a person acting on behalf of a public institution have the right to determine personal religious freedom?
Although I use Ubuntu more and more, I still have to spend a large portion of my day working in Windows, primarily because of my job. Gaming and navigation software are other reasons why I boot up Windows. Whenever I load a box with Windows, I usually install the following programs. OpenOffice: OpenOffice 3 has […]
Children, Blessing or Burden
England’s Porritt with an unapologetic “two child limit on British couples” sites the impact on the environment as the problem. United States’s House Speaker, Pelosi, offers a subsidized “tax-payer child prevention” plan “… to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.” Where is the population growth in both these countries? IMMIGRATION. The […]
1-ton snake ruled balmy Columbian jungle
Investigators have announced the fossil remains of an enormous snake stretching up to fifty feet long and possibly weighing as much as two tons. At its greatest girth, the slithering reptile “would have come up to about your hips,” said David Polly, a geologist at the University of Indiana at Bloomington. Living about five-million years […]
Car explosion injures head of Ark. medical board
Dr. Trent Pierce, Chairman of the Arkansas State Medical Board was injured when his car caught fire. Mechanical failure of his Lexus hybrid is suspected. Update: CNN now reports explosive device evidence has been found.
Cheney warns of new attacks
Cheney, barely out of office, is now a public figure, accessible for interviews.
Two Children should be limit, says green guru
Population growth in Britain is occurring primarily through immigration. Statistics provided in the linked headline article reveal that British nationals have a fertility rate of 1.7; that’s not a number that makes for growth. Fortunately, this editorial takes Jonathon Porritt, Chair of the British government’s Sustainable Development Commission, to task for the atrocious idea of […]
Al Gore Ice Sculpture
Arabs shocked by blanket of snow
Residents of parts of the United Arab Emirates, a balmy, oil-rich sheikdom located farther south than Florida, were shocked to discover their lands blanketed with several inches of snow. Only the second occurrence of snowfall in the recorded history of a rugged area once known as the Pirate Coast, the local tongue has no word […]
Mexico police chief’s head found in ice box
As if to underscore the recently released U.S. Joint Forces Command on Worldwide Security Threats report that warns Mexico is in peril of collapse, crime lords have slain yet another Mexican police chief. The head of a Mexican police chief was delivered to his colleagues in an ice box in the country’s latest drug-related violence. […]
Dr. Steven E. Jones is a world renowned physicist recognized for his research into muon-catalyzed cold fusion. In recent years, Dr. Jones has conducted metallurgic analyses of debris from the World Trade Center tragedy of September 11, 2001. His findings led Dr. Jones to posit that the Trade Center towers were brought down by controlled […]