Van Smith

I am best known as a writer and analyst on computer technology topics. One of my articles was widely credited with causing Rambus stock to plunge $150 per share in a single day. In that article, I showed that the performance claims the company made did not hold up under testing. That article and a few others were used in the FTC case against that company which eventually led to conviction. I have covered computer benchmarks for many years. Computer benchmarks are typically software programs that are used to measure how fast computer systems are. I am probably one of the world’s foremost authorities on consumer and business level computer benchmarks. I have influenced or directly contributed to many of the most widely used computer industry benchmarks. For instance, I wrote the cryptography benchmarks in SiSoftware Sandra. Information I uncovered on Intel’s influence over industry benchmarks is now being investigated in FTC's current case against Intel. I was the only analyst in the computing industry to identify the shortcomings of Intel’s NetBurst architecture used in the now defunct Pentium 4 line of microprocessors. The flaws I identified eventually caused Intel to lose market share to its rival AMD. These flaws eventually led to Intel’s abandonment of NetBurst many years ahead of initial expectations. I am less proud of the fact that I was instrumental in the demise of x86 microprocessor designer Transmeta. Representatives from one of Transmeta’s most important customers told me that they dropped Transmeta products after reading my articles on Transmeta CPUs. Additionally, I created the performance message that allowed VIA Technologies to become the world’s leading supplier of x86 thin client CPUs. VIA took this crown away from Transmeta. For about eight years I was head of benchmarking for Centaur Technology, one of three remaining x86 microprocessor designers. I recently resigned from Centaur to form my own company, Cossatot Analytics Laboratories – Cana Labs for short. My company provides validation, performance testing, energy consumption characterization and software development services. We also write software tools for benchmarking and validation testing.

Apr 112010

United Nations judge Geoffry Roberts wants to put the Pope of the Catholic Church on trial.

In a Guardian UK piece making its rounds this week in Catholic circles, Robertson demanded the pope be “put in the dock” so that the church might “feel the full weight of international law” over its thousands of pedophilia scandals.

The pope’s conduct, he said, “amounted to the criminal offence of aiding and abetting sex with minors,” making Benedict a justifiable target for either the International Criminal Court or a British court acting under the legal principal of universal jurisdiction.

Roberts also denies the sovereignty of the Vatican. He writes, “The anomalous claim of the Vatican to be a state – and of the pope to be a head of state and hence immune from legal action – cannot stand up to scrutiny.”

Plane crash kills Polish President, wife, head of National Bank, and several top military officials

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Apr 102010

The Polish military was “virtually decapitated” early this morning when a plane crash in Russia took the lives of many of Poland’s top military officials along with the country’s head of state and top banker.

The President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, his wife, the head of the Polish National Bank, the head of the National Security Office and the army chief of staff were among the 97 passengers on board a Tupelov-154 attempting to land near Smolensk in western Russia when the Polish military plane apparently crashed into trees close to the airport and was completely destroyed.  There were no survivors.

“The entire top military brass, including the chief of defense and all the services, were on the plane,” said Tomas Valasek, of the Center for European Reform.

“If that is true, then you’re looking at a situation, in effect, of the decapitation of the military services.”

The Polish contingency were en route to observe the 70th anniversary of the massacre of some 20,000 Polish prisoners of war (POWs) in the nearby village of Katyn during World War II.

The head of the company that recently serviced the plane seemed to suggest foul play was the cause of the tragedy.

The plane was refurbished and repaired last year, according to the general director of the company that performed the service. Alexei Gusev, the general director of Aviakor Factory, told CNN that the plane received major refurbishing and repair in December 2009.

The work included rebuilding all of the engines, he said. His company also provided the Polish government with repair and maintenance parts for the next six years.

“The plane has been in use very little since that major repair,” he said. “Speaking openly, we believe that this tragedy could not have been caused by equipment failure.”

The crash follows on the heels of recent Russian bombings and occurred only few days after the overthrow of the U.S. leaning Kyrgyzstan government, a former Soviet Republic that is home to an important U.S. airbase providing support for ongoing NATO action in Afghanistan.

Poland, a NATO member, recently agreed to deploy an American “missile shield.”  Missile deployment is planned to begin later this month despite serious Russian concerns.

Apr 082010

The popular technology website Bright Side of News* has published an in-depth report I authored comparing an ARM Cortex-A8 microprocessor, used in the Apple iPad’s A4 chip, against a trifecta of x86 CPUs typically found in netbooks, small notebooks and embedded devices.  My report particularly focuses on compute performance.

A major component of that comparison is miniBench, an open source benchmark that I wrote in C++.  I ported miniBench to Linux for both ARM and x86 platforms enabling, for the first time, objective, head-to-head performance comparisons across a wide range of meaningful tests like Dhrystone, Whetstone, FFT, LinPack, MFLOPS, AES, SHA1, SHA256 and many others.

While I worked as head of benchmarking for Centaur Technology, we used miniBench to help isolate performance problems in our microprocessors so that we could optimize out the weakest attributes of our chip designs.

In the BSN* report, I also compare performance across a number of popular JavaScript benchmarks and a few other native tests.

The results surprised me.  It is also worth examinig the relative compute performance between the new Intel Atom N450, the new VIA Nano L3050 and an old AMD Mobile Athlon based upon the Barton core.

You can read my full report here.

I noticed that Theo generously gave me credit for the recall of the 1.13GHz Intel Pentium III.  I want to make it clear that Tom Pabst discovered the speed path defect that manifested when he was trying to compile the Linux kernel.  My part in the recall was representing Tom’s Hardware at Intel.  The representative for the giant chipmaker initially laughed at the issue until I threatened him with an united call to yank the defective part involving a number of major computer hardware ethusiast websites.

Mar 282010

Sheikh Ahmed bin Zayed al-Nahyan is missing after his glider came down in a Moroccan lake near Rabat, according to the official news agency of the United Arab Emirates, WAM.

Sheikh Ahmed is the younger brother of Skeih Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi and President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The tallest building in the world was renamed the Burj Khalifa in honor of Skeikh Khalifa after he bailed out Dubai from the brink of bankruptcy in December.

The glider pilot was recovered and is safe but a search was under way for Sheikh Ahmed his passenger.

Listed 27 in Forbes magazine’s most recent list of the world’s most powerful people, the 41-year old Sheikh Ahmed ran the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund with assets estimated between $300-billion to $800-billion.

Our research has yielded proof that the a fundamental purpose of the Georgia Guidestones was to foretell the erection of the Burj Khalifa thirty years later.  With these links exposed, the Burj Khalifa symbolizes a new Tower of Babel for the occult group who carried out this plan.

FBI raids purported Christian Militia

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Mar 282010

The FBI appears to be conducting multiple raids upon suspected militia groups today, primarily in Michigan.  Their coordinated actions seem to involve significant resources targeting Hutaree, a Christian-oriented militia, and may provoke a response from related militia organizations according to current Internet chatter.  At least five have been arrested so far.

You can read an active discussion thread on this topic here.

Mar 272010

You can help solve the 30-year mystery of the true identity of Robert C. Christian, the pseudonym for a man who claims responsibility for the sinister Georgia Guidestones monument.  You can read about that diabolical structure here.

I will be very busy over the foreseeable future trying to earn money through my business and will not be able to spend much time on advancing my Georgia Guidestones research over that period.

For several months I have intended to call the publisher of Common Sense Renewed, the book Robert C. Christian penned in 1986 that expands upon the ten commandments he commissioned Joe Fendley’s company carve into the eight faces of the Guidestones.  The publisher is Stoyles Graphics Services and it was located in Lake Mills, Iowa, at the time of the printing of the third edition in 1990.  That company appears to still exist and copies of that book might be obtainable directly through them as is claimed on the inside cover of the copy I own.  In any case, here is the current contact information for that establishment:

19 8th St. SE • Mason City, IA 50401
Phone: 641.424.4341 • Toll Free: 800.247.5986
Fax: 641.424.9687 • E-mail:

Here is a suggestion for a dialog with that company:

Introduction: Hi, I’m an investigative reporter researching a book called “Common Sense Renewed” written by Robert C. Christian and last published in 1990 by your company.  The first edition dates to 1986.

1. Does anyone there recall this book?

2. Who paid for the publication costs and what was his address?

3. Can you please describe him? Are there any pictures of him available on-line that you know of?

4. Is there anything unusual you recall about the transaction?

5. Do you know this man personally? If so, can you please tell us a little about him?

6. Has the same man published other books? If so, can you name them please?

7. Is the man still alive? If he is alive, how can we get in touch with him?

8. Do you have any records of the transaction? If so, can we obtain copies?

9. Do you know if this man belonged to any organizations like Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians or the Lucis Trust?

Please be very courteous.  Feel free to expand upon these suggestions.  You might find it necessary to make them aware that “Robert Christian” was not the man’s real name. If you live near Stoyles Graphics Services, it is usually more effective to go there and ask them these questions face-to-face.

If you have the opportunity, please ask them if the following bust resembles the man:

Please send me your findings here:, or you can post your findings as a comment to this post.  In either case, I will publish every response.  Of course, we don’t want to bug this company too much, so I will be sure to call off this search after we receive enough corroborating responses.

If you do not understand the urgency of this mission, please read my research here.

Mar 272010

I have been remiss to report that in January sometime after I published my first two articles on the Georgia Guidestones, Wyatt C. Martin, the 80-year old banker I interviewed who has historically been considered the only man who knew Robert C. Christian’s real identity, suffered a second stroke.

I’ve spoken to him a few times since then and he has recovered well enough to walk. He still refutes my conclusions about Ted Turner and he is now telling all interviewers that he will not accept any more questions about the identity of R.C. Christian.

Mr. Martin is a good man and I have the utmost respect for him. I pray he recovers to full health soon.

Mar 272010

Several months ago, I had a dream that may have saved the life of one of my children.  Soon afterward, I recounted the incident to one of my friends and I’ll share that note here.

A miracle happened to us Sunday. Early that morning I had a nightmare. In that dream I was leaving a building with several people when I found a green pushpin in my hand. I was being hurried with the other people and didn’t want to carry the pushpin with me so I stuck it in the wall next to me. At first I was unsure to do this, but then I saw many pushpins already in the wall so I left mine with all of the others.

Soon in the same dream I found myself and my family on a walk outside. We turned left onto an overgrown trail next to the water. In front of us further down the trail was a bridge that passed overhead. The children had gotten ahead of me and I warned them to be very watchful for snakes. We then immediately saw a garter snake which I pointed out to the children. I told them it was common and harmless and showed them how to identify it. I then turned around and saw that the girls had picked up another harmless snake and were playing with it. We continued walking, but very soon I saw a pigmy rattlesnake crawl by us and then a timber rattlesnake, which I killed with a 6″ long stick in my hand, the only stick I could find. Soon there were water moccasins and rattlesnakes all around me and the panicking children. I picked up Elijah under one arm and started hitting at the snakes with the half-foot stick when I woke up around 4:30 AM and couldn’t fall back asleep.

When I got up, Kathy woke. I apologized for stirring her and told her about my nightmare.

Later that day, the computer running our Internet cell modem was acting up so I went into the apartment bedroom to reset it. After I had done so, I turned around and noticed a green pushpin that I had never seen before on a table next to the bed. I looked at it closely and lifted up the papers next to it and found many more pushpins. The green pushpin was exactly like the one in my dream. This unsettled me a little.

Sunday was beautiful so we wanted to get the children out of the house. I wanted to go to the park and throw the Frisbee, but Kathy suggested that we visit the Cossatot visitor center and then take a hike. I agreed.

When we got to the visitor center, I noticed a live garter snake in a terrarium, one of only four or five live exhibits. After I showed the snake to Elijah, I turned around and was startled to see the girls holding a milk snake. I took a few pictures of them playing with the snake, but was, of course, reminded about my nightmare. After the girls gave the snake back to the woman working at the center, I noticed hiking sticks for sale at the same counter. Disturbed by my nightmare, I decided to get Hattie, Winnie and Elijah hiking sticks since they did not have their own sticks yet. Hiking sticks are are very useful around here for safety and protection, particularly against snakes.

We left the visitor center when Kathy suggested that we walk down to the river. We arrived there, crossed the low foot bridge to the other side and noticed a narrow riverside trail to the left that penetrated through cane thickets mangled by the recent floods. The trail led underneath a bridge that passed high overhead. The children bolted down the trail when Kathy immediately reminded me about my dream. I then shouted to the children to be very careful and watch cautiously for snakes. I told them about my dream and was recounting the things that had happened that day when Hattie, who was leading us with her new walking stick in hand, yelled to me that she found a snake on the trail a few feet in front of her. I ran up to her and saw a water moccasin stretched lengthwise down the trail in a spot that was almost completely overgrown.

Aggressive and unafraid of people, water moccasins are the worst snakes to encounter under such circumstances because they would rather bite you than flee.

Of course, we turned around and left.

However, if I had not had the nightmare which woke me up early that morning, if I had not told Kathy about it, if I had not been reminded of the dream throughout the day and therefore motivated to take it seriously, if I had not purchased the walking sticks, if Kathy had not reminded me of the nightmare when we got on the trail, if all of this had not happened then it is likely if not certain that one of the children would have stepped on the water moccasin and been bitten.

This is not the first time miracles like this have happened to me, and that’s why Kathy took my dream so seriously. I’ve asked myself why God speaks to me this way and I believe it is largely because I believe in Him and listen to Him.

Mar 252010

Today, I fully withdrew from Chris Pinto’s Georgia Guidestones video project. I have requested that all video, audio, still images and anything else connecting me and my wife to the film not be used.

I have counted my loses and I am ready to move forward. I plan no further public comments on this subject.

Mar 232010

A study published March 18th from Princeton University concludes that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the overwhelming sweetener of choice in the U.S. snack food and soda pop industries, causes much more weight gain than table sugar.

A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.

In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides. The researchers say the work sheds light on the factors contributing to obesity trends in the United States.

“Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity, but our results make it clear that this just isn’t true, at least under the conditions of our tests,” said psychology professor Bart Hoebel, who specializes in the neuroscience of appetite, weight and sugar addiction. “When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they’re becoming obese — every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don’t see this; they don’t all gain extra weight.”

From my own professional soda pop drinking experience, I find that my thirst is quenched much faster with sugar sweetened drinks. I can swill down several HFCS-based 12-ounce soft drink cans, but usually one can of sugar-based pop is my limit. Moreover, I prefer the taste of sugar over HFCS.

Mar 222010

Matt Smith of CNN interviewed me extensively for a piece he was writing on the Georgia Guidestones.  Matt’s well written and balanced article was published today and he quotes me in it.  You can read that CNN article here.

I have also been working with award winning filmmakers Chris Pinto and Mike Bennett on a new Georgia Guidestones documentary.  The movie, planned for release this summer, is going to be absolutely fantastic.  I can’t divulge more, but it’s turning out better and more impactful than we had ever imagined.  The Guidestones are yielding their many sinister secrets.

You can read about my Georgia Guidestones research here.

Mar 172010

According to the video below, The Temple Institute has a Kosher red heifer ready to be sacrificed in order to bring in the Third Temple of Jerusalem.

As we reported earlier this week, the Jewish capitol is broiling as Islamic protesters besiege the Temple Mount in an attempt to thwart the prophesy of Vilna Gaon who predicted nearly three-hundred years ago that the work on the Third Temple would begin after the third Hurva Synagogue was completed.  The third Hurva Synagogue was opened Monday.

Mar 172010

Alongside the Elberton Civic Center and just a few feet away from a large Masonic plaque inset into its corner is a strange granite bust.  Originally completed in 1941, the bust bore the semblance of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, commonly called by his initials FDR.  However, years later in the dark of the night the good people of Elberton destroyed the statue.  When it was restored in 1995, the figure looked nothing like FDR.  Moreover, the new bust wears a tie embellished with peculiar symbols.

Could this figure be the mysterious Robert C. Christian, the man who designed and funded the sinister Georgia Guidestones monument only about 7.5 miles north of the statue and completed on March 22, 1980?

Franklin D. Roosevelt bust in Elberton

A bust purported to be Franklin D. Roosevelt in Elberton, Georgia.

Our own investigation suggests that media mogul Ted Turner was involved in the erection of the diabolical stone edifice explicitly intended for a post-Apocalyptic world and encoded with numerological links to the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building ever constructed. Given the obvious occult beliefs of the designer of the Georgia Guidestones monument, the Burj Khalifa, completed only three months ago, almost certainly symbolizes a modern Tower of Babel.

Mar 162010

Former Carter Whitehouse lawyer H.P. Albarelli Jr., author of A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, claims to have found evidence that the CIA sprayed LSD into New York City subways during a series of experiments on innocent, unwitting American citizens.

Albarelli spent more than a decade sifting through more than 100,000 pages of government documents and his most startling chestnut might be his claim that the intelligence community conducted aerosol tests of LSD inside the New York City subway system.

“The experiment was pretty shocking — shocking that the CIA and the Army would release LSD like that, among innocent unwitting folks,” Albarelli told The Post.

A declassified FBI report from the Baltimore field office dated Aug. 25, 1950 provides some tantalizing support for the claim. “The BW [biological weapon] experiments to be conducted by representatives of the Department of the Army in the New York Subway System in September 1950, have been indefinitely postponed,” states the memo, a copy of which the author provided to The Post.

An Olson colleague, Dr. Henry Eigelsbach, confirmed to Albarelli that the LSD subway test did, in fact, occur in November 1950, albeit on a smaller scale than first planned. Little, however, is known about the test — what line, how many people and what happened.

The purported experiment occurred nearly a year before a more infamous August 1951 incident in the small town of Pont St. Esprit, in the south of France, when the citizens were hit by a case of mass insanity.

We wrote about the disturbing CIA LSD experiments in the French village Pont St. Esprit in an earlier post.

Mar 152010

The third Hurva Synagogue was rededicated today in the Old City’s Jewish Quarter of East Jerusalem.  Meanwhile, the Israeli Government deployed 3,000 police officers to the Temple Mount while dozens of bus-loads of Islamic worshipers flock towards the Jewish capital in an attempt to thwart a prophecy made nearly three centuries ago.

As we reported in an earlier article, Vilna Gaon, an influential Jewish Kabbalist mystic, prophesied that the Hurva Synagogue, viewed by some as the center of the world of Jewry, would be destroyed twice. Furthermore, construction of the Third Temple of Jerusalem would begin on the day after the third synagogue opened.  So far, Vilna Gaon has been correct.  The Hurva Synagogue has been reduced to rubble twice, only to be rebuilt just as many times.

Many Christians, like Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, believe that construction of the Third Temple will coincide with the appearance of the Antichrist, though some Jewish orders, particularly Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, view the completion of the Third Temple as a necessary fulfillment of the Messianic Era. It is widely acknowledged that Freemasons, as an offshoot of the “Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon” but more commonly known as the “Knights Templar,” have been working for centuries to rebuild Solomon’s Temple.

As we reported in our earlier article, the Georgia Guidestones monument might also point to tomorrow, the March 16th date foretold by Vilna Gaon as the beginning of the Third Temple.

Mar 132010

A comet-like body of significant brilliance apparently struck the sun yesterday.  We alerted our readers to the impending impact several hours before it occurred.

As the body, assumed to be a Kreutz sungrazer comet, plunged towards the sun, most observers switched to the STEREO Ahead COR1 and STEREO Ahead COR2 satellite imagers.

NASA’s STEREO consists of two virtually identical observatories orbiting the sun in different positions, one leading the earth in its orbit and one trailing our planet, to provide stereoscopic views of solar weather. NASA launched STEREO so that it can keep an eye on solar weather, particularly Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which have known destructive potential for orbiting satellites and even earthbound electrical systems.

The COR1 imagers were desirable for watching the comet strike because they have relatively small occlusion disks allowing observation of the inbound body to within about 150,000 miles of the turbulent solar “surface” composed of hot plasma. Images are normally uploaded to NASA’s STEREO website at five minute intervals and can be stitched together to construct a movie of solar events.

For example, to see the last movie from STEREO Ahead COR1, visit, select “Ahead COR1”, boost the resolution to 512×512, click “Slideshow” and then depress the “Search” button. Leaving the dates blank will pull up the latest images. Using the date range 20100310 – 20100313 will provide all recorded images for the two impacts that occurred yesterday.

Indeed, as the doomed comet hurtled towards its fiery fate, Ahead COR1 provided several unmatched images until NASA stopped updating Ahead COR1 data immediately after impact where a bright streak can be seen leaving the sun at an odd angle. In fact, the update frequency of Ahead COR1 had already been throttled down from once every five minutes to once every hour with an eight hour gap preceding the appearance of the comet in the imager. The following sequence of photographs constitute those most temporally local to the comet impact event.

first comet image

This is the first Ahead COR1 image of the comet.

t-minus-2 frames to impact

The last image of the comet

This is the last image of the comet before it passes behind the occulter.

The comet has disappeared

The comet has disappeared behind the occulter in this frame.

A strange streak can be seen leaving the sun

A strange, bright streak can be seen apparently emanating from the sun. This is the last hourly update.

What is the cause of the lost data? Is it yet another demonstration of government incompetence? Or is this a continuing example of our government deciding to play our nanny, spoon-feeding us only the information they think we can handle?

In either case, NASA, if the data is available then make it available.  And next time don’t drop the ball again.

Mar 122010

UPDATE: A much smaller body appears to have preceded the currently observed impactor by about ten hours and may have triggered the coronal mass ejection seen in the original movie at the bottom of our article below.  The first object is visible plunging towards the sun along the same trajectory as the current impacter in this much longer time scale movie viewable here.

A large object is now highly visible through various solar observing instruments and will likely crash into the sun within the next few hours.  The body is currently assumed to be a Kruetz Sungrazer comet.  The object first appeared on instruments only a few hours ago and is rapidly descending towards the sun.

Apparent comet heading for sun

A comet is visible close to the sun only hours before impact.

The object’s dramatic increase in apparent size in the animation below is likely due to massive gas emissions caused by surface boiling and sublimation as the body, presumably an icy comet, nears the sun.  The second large object in motion to the right of the sun is the planet Mercury.  The solar impacter’s apparent size in earth-based images is already as large as Mercury’s, but this is probably an effect of the rapidly billowing gas envelop surrounding its cometary nucleus.  The coma of large comets can swell to sizes larger than Jupiter and can even rival the sun’s diameter, although their masses remain comparatively infinitesimal.

The large occlusion disc in the center of the image is used to block the sun’s blinding light.  The dark line emanating to the lower left of the disk is the shadow of a rod used to hold the disc in place.  The inner white circle on the occlusion disc marks an outline of the sun’s position and size.

Animation of object heading towards the sun.

This animation shows the rapid motion of the body towards the sun.

A coronal mass ejection (CME) is occurring in the animation on the left side of the sun. A poster to a popular message board correctly predicted the 8.8 earthquake in Chile based upon the impending impact of a CME on the earth.

Considering its beeline trajectory, it is highly likely that the current object will strike the plasma “surface” of the sun, but it is possible that the body will circle either in front of or behind the sun.

The consequence of the impending impact is unknown, but considering the apparent mass and speed of the impactor, the body’s plunge into the sun will likely spawn flares, sunspots and perhaps multiple CMEs.

Secret CIA French Experiment Killed Five, Affected Hundreds

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Mar 112010

Nearly fifty years ago, the inhabitants of the southeastern French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit mysteriously went mad, enduring grotesque and horrifying hallucinations resulting in the deaths of five. Hundreds were affected with many committed to asylums.

The so-called “Mystery of Le Pain Maudit (Cursed Bread)” still haunts the people of Pont-Saint-Esprit, located in Gard, France.

On August 16, 1951, the inhabitants were suddenly racked with frightful hallucinations of terrifying beasts and fire.

One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother. Another man shouted: “I am a plane”, before jumping out of a second-floor window, breaking his legs. He then got up and carried on for 50 yards. Another saw his heart escaping through his feet and begged a doctor to put it back. Many were taken to the local asylum in strait jackets.

Time magazine wrote at the time: “Among the stricken, delirium rose: patients thrashed wildly on their beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies, that their heads had turned to molten lead.”

However, investigative journalist H. P. Albarelli Jr. claims to have found evidence proving the nightmarish incident was a covert, sinister, mind control experiment led by the CIA and the U.S. Army’s top-secret Special Operations Division (SOD) located at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the originating town of the deadly spores used in the more recent anthrax attacks. The outbreak was accomplished by spiking local bread with LSD, a powerful hallucinogen.

Mar 052010

A six-year-old boy was suspended from a Michigan public school kindergarten for making a gun shape with his hand while playing.  When little Jason Jammer pointed his “gun”/hand at another student, he was kicked out of Jefferson Elementary until Friday.

Wee Jason, who doesn’t have any toy guns at home, doesn’t understand his punishment according to his mother, Erin Jammer.

IONIA — To the little boy’s mother, it was just a 6-year-old boy playing around.

But when Mason Jammer, a kindergarten student at Jefferson Elementary in Ionia, curled his fist into the shape of a gun Wednesday and pointed it at another student, school officials said it was no laughing matter.

They suspended Mason until Friday, saying the behavior made other students uncomfortable, said Erin Jammer, Mason’s mother.

School officials allege Mason had displayed this kind of behavior for several months, despite numerous warnings.

“I do think it’s too harsh for a six-year-old,” said Jammer, who was previously warned that if Mason continued the practice he would be suspended. “He’s six and he just likes to play.”

Jammer says her son isn’t violent, and there are other, more effective ways of teaching him not to make a gun with his hand.

“Maybe what you could do is take his recess away,” suggested Jammer, adding her son doesn’t have toy guns at home.