Oct 052014

Update 2: This article has been followed by a flurry of bizarre hacks, spoofed emails and spoofed message comments. I believe the article and the activity surrounding it — much of which I have not discussed publicly — is being directed by a very determined individual who possesses at least moderate levels of hacking skills. However, I have been cooperating with a second targeted party who believes that a team of people are involved. I do not endorse the content of the anonymous email presented in this article. In fact, some of its claims conflict with the best information I have on hand. Although it makes a few interesting points, the email may very well be nothing but the conjecture of a very motivated, attention seeking individual.

UPDATE: I have received information that the author of the anonymous email is now dead. Clearly, this might be a hoax, but there are a number of unusual circumstances surrounding these events that warrant this brief update.

I received the following message from someone who wishes to remain anonymous and who states that his life could be endangered if his identity were revealed. This person claims to have inside information about the Georgia Guidestones including the identity of R.C. Christian and the meaning of the cube recently added to the monument. The cube was soon removed and destroyed by someone who appears to be Mart Clamp, as shown in the video below.

Additionally, the author claims that the cube was inscribed with a date for “Judgment Day,” presumably the time he calls the “great culling.”

I have preserved the author’s anonymity and added a few comments in his message below. Besides a few edits that I made for formatting purposes, the message is otherwise unchanged.

Sorry about the last enigmatic email. I had to do a traceroute to figure out the best way to email you, so I couldn’t put anything in it that meant squat. With that out of the way, here’s the real deal. I voluntarily am trusting this information only to you and one other agent of truth. Both of you agents have the capacity and audience to make public what I am going to tell you in an effective manner. I hope at least one of you do. Do not cite my name, I am an anonymous source. If my name is ever brought up by you publicly I will disavow knowing you. Publicly disclosing me as your source could literally lead to my death so please do not do it. All other information I give you however feel free to disseminate.

Here is the truth as I know it to be:

The “Georgia Guidestones” were built by Freemasons. This should come as no surprise. Let me tell you why they were built WHERE they were built first. The guidestones were built in Elbert county for a few reasons. One reason, vast quantities of Pyramid Blue granite, truly good for monument building. (The granite continues this day as a mecca attracting many Freemason tradesmen.) Another reason, Elberton the town was founded by Freemasons, as a matter of fact, it was named after Samuel Elbert, a very famous historical Freemason you can read plenty about. (Even in his day Elbert’s life was spared by a British mason officer’s bayonette [sic] due to recognizing him as a mason during battle {Elbert’s mason coded cry of distress}.) Lastly, Elbert county sits on an Eastern most edge of the continent. This is very meaningful to masons because the sun rises in the East. It is common knowledge that masons consider the sun and its rising to be metaphorically divine. This is why for over twenty years Elberton’s sister city was Mure, Kagawa, Japan… the land of the rising sun.

So who masterminded the guidestones specifically? Lore points to R. C. Christian. Much debate has been made about who this man was. And some people have guessed correctly, yet not correctly. The big secret? R.C. Christian was actually TWO men. Robert Carter Cook was the mastermind. Robert Edward “Ted” Turner III was the talking face that Joe Fendley and Wyatt Martin actually interacted with [Van: We have maintained that Ted Turner’s relationship with Wyatt C. Martin suggests his involvement with the Georgia Guidestones, but his role is not clear]. Fendley and Martin both described Christian as a tall middle aged man with white hair in a three piece suit and tie, and that’s how Ted looked back then (here’s a TT pic circa 1982:

http://i.imgur.com/qmapcsW.jpg )

Robert Carter Cook looked nothing like that. He was short with dark hair and loved bow ties.

Ted Turner has been a eugenics supporter for years, it takes little research to find interviews with him pushing the subject. Robert Carter Cook headed eugenics organizations such as Planned Parenthood League, American Eugenics Society, and the Association for Research in Human Heredity, and many other groups too numerous to recall. (Robert C. Carter had ties with Josef Mengele to give you a degree of seriousness.) Robert Carter Cook was a big fan of Thomas Paine (who was also a Freemason hence his famous essay in support of them). Thomas Paine as you know wrote “The Age Of Reason” and it is this essay referred to by the guidestones’ own “age of reason”. Ted Turner knew Robert Carter Cook and worked with him on the guidestone project. I wouldn’t say they were friends but they had a mutual interest. Ted Turner financed the project, but Robert Cook masterminded it. Robert Carter Cook also wrote the book “Common Sense Renewed” that serves as a companion piece to the guidestones. If you contrast the writing styles and ideas in R. C. Christian’s “Common Sense Renewed” with Robert Carter Cook’s earlier book “Human Fertility: The Modern Dilemma” ( ISBN-13: 978-0837161280 ISBN-10: 0837161282 ) you will have no doubt of this.

The Freemason connection… Robert Cook and Ted Turner; both of these men are/were Freemasons. Ted Turner is of the Order of Malta. I am not sure what order Robert C. Carter was involved in, only that he was a mason. He is listed as such in the Denslow record (http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/10,000_famous_freemasons/Volume_1_A_to_D.htm). Joe Fendley the granite mogul and Wyatt Martin the banker are both Freemasons [Van: Wyatt Martin denied being a Freemason when I interviewed him.], as were the majority of men who helped to construct the guidestones, including the sandblaster Charlie Clamp [Van: This is probably an understatement — I was told by Mart Clamp, caretaker of the monument and son of Charlie Clamp, that virtually every hand that touched the Georgia Guidestones during its construction belonged to a Freemason].

I don’t want to denigrate every Freemason involved in this project though, because one stood up for what was right and paid for it. I want to vouch for the credibility of one Freemason during the 1979 guidestone project. “John Kirk Nicholson, Jr.” This man was the grand master of the Georgia Freemasons during 1979. He was expelled in 1979 (http://www.glofga.org/pgms.html) because he disagreed with the guidestone project. Too bad for him that Scottish Freemasons above his rank did not agree and had him expelled. John Kirk Nicholson, Jr. was the first grand master Freemason of GA to be expelled in the nearly 200 years of grand masters that proceeded him. It was not until 2008 that another grand master was expelled, Carl W. Dohn [Van: This appears to be largely correct, although Dohn was not a Grand Master in 2008; see: http://www.glofga.org/pgms.html]. Carl W. Dohn knew in 2008 that the “cube” would be removed in 2009, and he knew why, and he did not agree with it. Because of this, Carl W. Dohn was expelled just as John Kirk Nicholson, Jr. was.

Before I tell you about the cube, a quick note about the time capsule. The time capsule has no date because this date will not be filled in until the day before the world’s population is massively reduced. If it were filled in before then, then vandals would surely dig it up. The date is to be filled in shortly before the great culling, the time capsule will THEN be placed, along with another date set to be opened after 100 years. Now let’s talk about the cube of recent note. There are a lot of lies and assumptions going on about this thing and I will now set the record straight.

First off, the 1st cube was always meant to be removed and replaced by the 2nd cube. You can see in these pre 2009 pics that the 1st cube was already precut for removal:




You can see in those old pictures that the same detritus and grime that had worked its way into the lettering, had also worked its way into the slits cut for the cube. The cuts had always been there since the beginning. The 2nd cube, the “message” cube, was always meant to go here eventually.

In 2009, the 1st cube was removed. It was removed by Freemasons. ( It wasn’t replaced for a few years due to internal debate within the masons.) However, authorities claimed it was removed by vandals on September 11th, 2009. Then they said it was recovered circa August 6th 2013. This was first claimed via a cover story on WSGC radio. (http://www.wsgcradio.com/piece-of-ga-guidestones-recovered-after-nearly-four-years/). WSGC is a Freemason owned radio station and website. This cover story is shockingly badly written, full of so many inconsistencies as to be laughable. I will list a few of them for you.

Notice that the article has no author, so no accountability. Notice the mugshot of William Jeremy Ellis is computer generated, an artificial collage photo made from a construct of layered faces. If you search for William Jeremy Ellis you will find he never existed in Anniston, Alabama. The article says deputies saw the “vandals” on cameras and were tipped off like that [Van: As we reported in our first Georgia Guidestones article, the cameras were inoperable at that time so it was impossible for the deputies to see the vandals on the cameras at the monument site]. But then the article immediately says deputies got a call to go out there. Did the deputies call themselves? The fabricator of the article is so lazy as to not even bother making up information about the other two supposed vandals. The detective Scarborough claims to have talked to the “gentleman in charge of the guidestones”, but it is common knowledge that the county of Elberton owns the guidestones, not one particular person [Van: This is true; in fact we were the first to report that fact]. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones#Ownership) Never mind the fact it makes zero sense that thieves would drive hundreds of miles to return years later what they had stolen for no apparent reason. And Scarborough says the police weren’t sure what to do with the returned cube. Would a police officer say this? No. It’d be bagged as evidence, and after the trial, it would be returned to the guidestone it was taken from. This snow article was written by a clueless faker.

The returned “stolen” cube was fake as well. If you take a close look at the supposedly returned cube you will see it is a piece of mostly uneven concrete with only one polished granite face:


This is NOT the cube that was removed in 2009, it’s a fake. It doesn’t even have the peggings. By peggings I mean the pegs that jutted out from the original 1st cube. They were used to guide the original 1st cube into place and help hold it while the adhesive dried. Look at this picture:


You can see the peg holes and the remnants of the adhesive. The whole sat open like this from 2009 until 2014.

In 2014 the infamous 2nd cube appeared. Elberton authorities claim they don’t know how it got there. Were the deputies not watching the cameras? They can supposedly catch three men trying to replace a cube in 2013, but not someone else doing it again in 2014? Hard to believe, because it’s a lie. Anyway, the 2nd cube was removed and destroyed on 9/25/14. This was a few weeks after it was first “discovered” and shown on various social media outlets, enough time to be sure its appearance would be known. That way its disappearance would cause a stir. Again, social media, to get the information on the cube out to those who know how to read it worldwide. Now, I am sure you’ve seen the video. Like the WSGC article, the destruction video is a fraud. Pertinent questions quickly came to mind.

How did all those people know that the 2nd cube was going to be removed that day, and yet not a single actual news crew showed up? No reporters, no official cameras. Instead we are treated to a single video recorded off what appears to be a young woman’s smartphone. The man who climbed the ladder and removed the cube. How did he know that he wouldn’t need tools to remove it when he climbed the ladder? Why did the girl have all the time she needed to record all sides of the cube, without the officer making her step away from the evidence? And why did the ladder man bring the tools he needed to destroy the cube ahead of time? All of these questions are answered easily and obviously. This was a planned extraction for the purpose of information dispersion and
cover up. Those who needed to see the sides of the cube (Freemasons) were able to do so through social media. The rest of us were lead to believe the 2014 cube was unwanted by Elberton county and was thus destroyed. Destroyed evidence with no culprits even mentioned as targets of investigation? Sounds fishy because it’s a red herring. I’m sure it’s of no surprise to you that most of the people involved in this recorded scene were masons.

Now let’s talk about what the 2nd cube means:


So the cube says: 8 16 20 14 MM JAM

People first assume this is a date of 8/16/2014. That’s because they read the cube in the wrong direction. They are reading the cube spun clockwise. This is wrong. Remember the guidestones make a big deal out of Polaris. And viewed from Polaris the Earth turns counter-clockwise. The cube date read in this direction becomes: 8/14/2016

This is important for two reasons. The obvious being that unlike 8/16/2014, 8/14/2016 hasn’t happened yet. But more importantly, August 14th is a day that means a lot to Freemasons. They HATE that day and for good reason. The first true public enemy the Freemasons had was William Morgan. Long story short, this man had access to secret Freemason rituals and materials and planned to make them public. He planned to expose the Freemasons via a book called “Illustrations of Masonry, By One of the Fraternity Who Has Devoted Thirty Years to the Subject”. He obtained a copyright for this particular book on August 14th, 1826. Shortly afterwards he was murdered by Freemasons. This led to the Morgan affair which led to the Antimasonic Party. To this very day, Freemasons loathe the date August 14th. They see it as the point at which society at large turned against them. What better day then, for the Freemasons to enact their revenge? To turn against society? And thus we have the date of the 2nd cube being: 8/14/2016.

But what of the letters MM and JAM?

MM stands for Master Mason. No surprise. Lots of people figured that one out.

Nobody figured out JAM. I guess no one studies Latin anymore?

JAM stands for Judicie Anno Mundi. “In the judgment of the world.”
Judgement day.

The 2nd cube tells those who can read it that the Master Mason will bring Judgement Day on 8/14/2016.

This is the extent of information that I can tell you. Research the things I’ve said, you will find all of it true. I leave this upon you and one other soul to decide what to do with all this information. Good luck and bless you as an agent of truth.

From here on out, I do not exist. We will never speak again.