Children, Blessing or Burden

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Feb 042009

England’s Porritt with an unapologetic “two child limit on British couples” sites the impact on the environment as the problem. United States’s House Speaker, Pelosi, offers a subsidized “tax-payer child prevention” plan “… to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.” Where is the population growth in both these countries? IMMIGRATION. The CIA World Factbook sites these statistics for United States immigration and Great Britian immigration.numbers. Excluded are illegal immigration numbers. So, why are two high-ranking political figures in highly industrialized democratic countries calling for government intervention to reduce their own populations?

1-ton snake ruled balmy Columbian jungle

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Feb 042009

Investigators have announced the fossil remains of an enormous snake stretching up to fifty feet long and possibly weighing as much as two tons. At its greatest girth, the slithering reptile “would have come up to about your hips,” said David Polly, a geologist at the University of Indiana at Bloomington.

Living about five-million years after the dinosaurs were wiped out by an errant bolide (or, more likely, several bollides), the serpent ruled a Columbian jungle during a period when earth was much hotter than today.