Our Intel SysMark Article Ruffles Feathers
Posted By Van Smith
Date: August 16, 2001
We produced an article earlier this week citing optimizations that favored Intel processors in SysMark 2000's Photoshop tests. After outlining the intimate relationship between these two organizations we repeated our warning that SysMark and its BAPCo brethren must be taken cautiously and with suspicion.
Apparently OverClockers.com felt offended by this assertion and posted something of a rebuttal.
I was alerted to this article while perusing the message board at Ace's Hardware. Instead of recreating the argument, here is my post slightly edited to correct typos and formatting. A few additional comments were also added in delimited fashion. The original posting can be found here.
Hi Ed,
I read your post, but I’m afraid you are off base.
A benchmark is worthless unless the evaluator has some clue as to what is
being tested. The SSE optimized Photoshop filters would be fine if it
had been stated clearly that this is what was being stressed to the exclusion
of 3dNow! Is it the ALU or the FPU or memory latency or bandwidth or perhaps
SSE is better or worse than 3dNow! – maybe you are smarter than I and can see
these details, but I cannot.
When I review hardware I don’t like to crank up some product that spits out a
“dumb” number, a number whose significance is completely unclear.
Personally, I feel an obligation to my readership, people who potentially base
buying decisions on my recommendations. I desire to know as much about
the benchmark results that I am citing as possible. I wouldn’t and don’t
trust such black box benchmarks from anyone, much less an organization with
clear ties to Intel [or any other company that tries to trick people into
using tools -- that secretly come from them -- to evaluate their and their
competitor's products].
You mention the P4 -- it did do poorly in SysMark2000 where the PIII
was strong [and at a time when the Pentium III was Intel's bread and butter],
but it is no coincidence that SysMark 2001 makes the P4 look much better.
Just in case you need something to jar your memory, here are results from a
third party:
And I don’t know why you are trying to bury the BapCo connection with Intel –
what good is it to anyone to do this?
I would also like to know how COSBI is supposed to benefit me – it’s a lot of
work and there is no money involved. For years, I have been soliciting
help from everyone that I thought would be interested – the project is way too
big for me. I am just one man trying to act in good conscience.
I am not even making any money from my site, although I certainly wouldn’t
mind. I’m maintaining my site because I am writing about things I care
about and am interested in.
Forgive me, but I think you are too cynical. I have no hidden agendas and am
trying to act in as honest a way as I know how.
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