Thursday, February 18, 2010
Public school accused of using webcams to spy on students' homes
A suburban Philadelphia school district used the webcams in school-issued laptops to spy on students at home, potentially catching them and their families in compromising situations, a family claims in a federal lawsuit.
Lower Merion School District officials would not comment on the accusation, but angry students have already responded by putting tape on their laptop cameras and microphones.
Sophomore Tom Halperin described students as "pretty disgusted," and noted that his class recently read "1984," the George Orwell classic that coined the term "Big Brother."
"This is just bogus," said Halperin, 15, of Wynnewood, as he left Harriton High School on Thursday with his taped-up computer. "I just think it's really despicable that they have the ability to just watch me all the time."
The school district can activate the webcams without students' knowledge or permission, the suit said. Plaintiffs Michael and Holly Robbins suspect the cameras captured students and family members as they undressed and in other embarrassing situations, according to the suit.
Plane strikes Austin building
Monday, February 15, 2010
From Evil Google to WordPress
Fortunately, it is not an insurmountable task to migrate to the superior WordPress blogging system. Unlike Google's Blogger, WordPress is an Open Source solution that fully runs on your web server. In other words, no one is going to yank the rug out from underneath you like Google just did.
We are currently in the process of migrating to WordPress. To use WordPress, your server or hosting service must support the following:
- PHP 4.3 or greater
- MySQL 4.1.2 or greater
- The mod_rewrite Apache module
Additionally, Blue Host is currently offering a free domain. This makes it trivial to set up your secondary website for the transition from your current Google Blogger site.
However, before purchasing your Blue Host service, visit this site first:
By visiting that link, you can save up to 43% off the regular hosting price of $6.95 / month. In either case, you will have to pay for a full year when you set up your hosting service.
Once you purchase your new hosting service (and new domain, if necessary), you can install WordPress by simply clicking on the "Word Press" icon under "Software / Services" in cPanel. Be sure to set up WordPress using your secondary domain, otherwise your installation won't work until you point the WordPress specified domain to your Blue Host account. It will be easy to change this to your primary domain name once you are ready to do so.
Once WordPress is installed, you'll want to choose a theme for your new blog. There are many free and attractive themes available on the WordPress site here. You will need to download the theme as a zip file and then upload it to your server in the WordPress administration page, usually set to "wp_admin" from you root site (example: http://myNewWordPressSite/wp_admin) . You will then need to activate the new theme.
Changing from one theme to the next only takes seconds, so experiment freely with different themes. With Blue Host, you have unlimited storage space, so you can upload as many themes as you want.
If you host advertisements on your site, you'll then want to load a WordPress plugin that makes adding ads easy. A decent one is AdSense Manager which supports not just Google AdSense but other types of ad services as well. AdSense Manager makes it easy to place ads in the header, sidebars or even embedded into articles.
Once you have your theme chosen and your ad plugin set up, it's time to migrate your Google Blogger site content to WordPress. WordPress has support to directly import your Google Blogger account if it resides on BlogSpot (Tools | Import | Blogger). I temporarily activated our site on BlogSpot (it only takes a second to toggle from FTP to BlogSpot from the Blogger Dashboard: Settings | Publishing | Switch to, but WordPress was unable to import our site due to timeouts from Google's servers.
Instead, I was forced to export (Settings | Basic | Export blog ) our Google Blogger site to a local XML file formatted in Blogger's Atom export format.
Unfortunately, WordPress can't read this file, so it must be translated into WordPress WXR format. I used the Blogger 2 WordPress conversion application here. You can then upload the file in Wordpress: Tools | Import | WordPress.
This process is good but isn't perfect. All of the comments and tags appear to have been preserved. Some of our posts needed to be edited to reestablish proper formatting. A few embedded videos are not showing up. However, the WordPress editor is as least as good as the Blogger editor, so fixing these problems is not too hard.
You will also need to copy any extra files that are not part of the Blogger system to your secondary site before pointing your primary URL to your secondary site. You will probably want to copy all of the Blogger files over to ensure that all of your old links continue to work.
Of course, any edits that you make to your original site after the import will have to be made to your transition website. However, you can simply delete all of your posts on your secondary website and import the last version of your original site immediately before pointing your primary URL to your secondary website.
While Blue Host is fantastic in many ways, its servers do not appear to be nearly as fast as our Tera-Byte server. We will be transitioning soon to Blue Host. Depending on how well the Blue Host server can handle the traffic, we might be on Blue Host for just as long as it takes us to install our new WordPress site on our old Tera-Byte server.
In the meantime, you can view our Blue-Host secondary site here.
Labels: Blue Host, Evil Google, migrate, Tera-Byte, WordPress
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Obtaining 'Common Sense Renewed'
Friday, February 12, 2010
Felling the Beast: an intro to a new novel
Our new home is hard to get used to. It’s real pretty here and the weather is nice right now. It’s a little like our old home in Arkansas. I miss that place a lot.
I miss the rain at night and the cool mornings. I miss the smell of the dogwood and honeysuckle flowers. I miss the friendly little hummingbirds that were always flying around our shoulders. I miss fishing in our ponds, working in our garden with Mama, skipping rocks on the Cossatot with Daddy, eating Hope watermelons and swimming in the ice cold creeks under a warm sun. In a way, I even miss the chiggers, seed ticks and poison ivy which are all usually bad this time of year in the Ouachitas.
Daddy probably misses Arkansas more than anyone else. He was born and raised there. Even though I was born in Texas, Daddy managed to find a way to get us back to a good home in Arkansas where we could be safe during the War. Daddy never wanted to move again, but, when we had no other choice, he told Uncle John that he didn’t want to move too far away from home. That’s one of the reasons why he and Mom picked this place.
Daddy took us outside tonight for a surprise. We had a marshmallow roast and told spooky stories around a camp fire. A little after midnight, Daddy set up his telescope and asked us to guess what we were looking at. It was a dim yellow star, just a tiny, flickering speck of light, even through his telescope. It was the sun -- or at least our old sun. It was hard for me to imagine that our old, green house still circled that little, yellow dot 2,110 light years away.
We had a good time tonight. Everyone was happy. Everyone but Daddy. When he thought everybody was asleep, he walked back to that telescope and looked at earth for a long, long time. He only quit when he began crying. I’ve never seen Daddy cry before, even after all that he went through during the War.
It’s very late and I need to go to sleep. I miss Arkansas a lot right now. I love you, Daddy.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Elevator Failure Blamed for Burj Khalifa Closure
Labels: Burj Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Georgia Guidestones, shutdown
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Burj Khalifa Closed to the Public
Friday, February 5, 2010
Two more Radio Liberty interview archives are ready
Wednesday is here.
Thursday is here.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
9-Year Old A-Student Busted for 2" Lego Gun
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Listen to my new 2-hour radio interview
Dr. Monteith has scheduled to interview me again tonight at 11PM Central / 9PM Pacific. You can listen to that interview live here.
I will also be interviewed on his afternoon show tomorrow at 5PM Central and at 9AM on his morning show on February 8th.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Google Kills Bloggers!
The Google service will end March 26, 2010, giving bloggers less than two months to migrate to another blogging service or to follow Google's solution which is to upload all external Blogger databases to Google's servers and then point associated blog URLs to Google.
In other words, if you have been using Google's Blogger FTP service, which has been around for several years and is used by many now very irate people, Google is holding a gun to your head in order to take control of your content.
Here is a comment I posted earlier on the Google Blogger site:
I do not understand why Google is terminating existing FTP blogging services. Why not simply remove the FTP/SFTP option from new blogs while maintaining current support for existing FTP blogs?
At the very least, why doesn't Google release an open source blogging tool (either web-based or standalone) that allows current FTP bloggers to continue to maintain their sites?
Giving less than two months formal warning to current Google bloggers that their publishing service will be cut off unless they migrate their blogs to Google's servers is a lot like placing a gun to our heads. This is one of the more "evil" things Google has ever done.There is no valid technical reason for Google to suddenly pull the plug on all external, existing Blogger websites. This is an outrageous act of Internet piracy in what appears to be a play to take control of hundreds if not thousands of valuable blog sites.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Apple iPad: It might be worse than you think
But few if any observers have mentioned that the iPad is probably very underpowered compared with much cheaper netbooks.
The Apple iPad uses a custom, 1GHz Apple A4 system-on-chip (SoC). While details are lacking, the microprocessor is probably either the ARM Cortex-A8 (a superscalar design a little like the Intel Atom, but sans HyperThreading) or Cortex-A9 (an out-of-order superscalar design superficially analogous to the VIA Nano). If that is the case, this explains why Apple chose to forgo multitasking because ARM chips are very slow.
ARM has been very successful at avoiding direct, objective performance comparisons of their chips with x86 counterparts. However, I've been able to test an 800MHz ARM Cortex-A8 running Ubuntu Linux and compare its results to an 800MHz AMD Mobile Athlon and a VIA Nano L3050 downclocked to 800MHz. The x86 systems ran the same version of Ubuntu Linux as the ARM box.
While the Nano and the Athlon are close to performance parity with each other, the ARM Cortex-A8 is less than one-half as fast as either x86 chip. Moreover, the ARM CPU is much weaker on floating point calculations, providing lower that 25% of the performance of either x86 chip.
Worse, the ARM system frequently becomes unresponsive for several seconds at a time. And even though I only ran the ARM system at 16-bit XGA resolution while the x86 systems ran at 24-bit 1080p resolutions, both x86 systems trounced the video performance of the ARM box.
After using the ARM Cortex-A8 Ubuntu system, it is safe to say that people migrating from x86 netbooks (which typically use 1.3-1.6GHz x86 processors) -- or, heaven forbid, thin-and-light notebooks -- will be very disappointed with the performance compromises they will encounter from stepping down to ARM.
So if Apple is deploying a 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 in the iPad, overall performance will be worse than a 500MHz x86 chip -- sometimes much worse. And that level of performance won't make many people happy. For Apple's sake, if the company is indeed using an ARM design in its iPad, let's hope that they at least chose a multi-core Cortex-A9. BSN* confidently claims that this is indeed the case.
I'm trying to get my hands on an ARM Cortex-A9 system. The Cortex-A9 will boost performance over the A8 because it adds an Out-of-Order engine which reduces pipeline stalls. However, I expect a 1GHz Cortex-A9 to be no faster than a 600-650MHz x86 counterpart at best.
These results don't surprise me because several years ago when I was working at Centaur I compared the performance of an Intel XScale chip against a VIA C7. The C7 creamed the XScale even though the ARM chip ran at a slightly higher clock speed.
I'm convinced Intel sold off XScale to Marvell because the chipmaker recognized that this performance deficit would be untenable once ARM chips inevitably began competing with x86 designs. Of course, Intel's response was to create the highly successful Atom.
I'm trying to get permission to publish the ARM Cortex-A8 results. Check back in a few days if you are interested.
ARM CPUs certainly have their strengths, but raw performance is not one of them. They will face very stiff competition as they go head-to-head with much more powerful x86 designs.
My email address
A letter from a listener
Hi again, Mr. Smith.
I had to listen to the Dr. Stan broadcast re the Georgia Guidestones again. Something in my spirit is so stirred up. I do listen to most of Dr. Stan's speakers, but I don't remember when the spirit in me has been so stirred up.
An aside: I, too, have 5 wonderful children; I raised them by myself. Well, my only son drowned a few months ago, and he is with the Lord, but he was the one who even knew more than I. He had been following a lot of things for about 25 years.
Anyway, the Lord seems to show me things that are going to happen from time to time. Believe me, I am just a "Joe Blow" middle-aged mom, but I have led my 30 years of being born again by just following our Lord.
I am going to risk sharing some things with you. You are a scientist, but I believe He wants to use each of us together as He will. I am nervous here, so, Lord, I ask that you guide what I share with my brother, and let him judge by Your Holy Spirit.
Some things He has shown me have come to pass, and I will just say a few "bottom lines," but these were all shared with friends and family before they happened, and I am sure I am not the only one this happens to.
* I foresaw the Lord taking the pastor of the largest churches in our state capitol. The Lord had me go to warn him, but to no avail. He did die 6 months later. There are many other details that I won't go into.
* I saw what happened to the Twin Towers a couple of months prior to 9/11 in another morning vision, I guess you'd say. Also detailed.
* I saw the tsunami, also in similar manner a couple of months prior to the event.
Now, I want to ask you, what type of weapon disintegrates living things but not buildings? [ed: a neutron bomb, or perhaps a bioweapon] This I saw in detail, but He protected me. I was left standing, even though the person next to me was vaporized like so much ash that floated to the ground. It came in a huge wave disintegrating all living in its path.
And our country being invaded from the southern border by hoards in tan shirts and pants, and some with Uzies. But again, I was protected, meaning His true believers, I think.
Again a huge mudslide along the Mississippi River following a nuclear explosion up in the N.E. (it was set off on the ground with foreknowledge, because I knew that the President and his band were gone from that area before it happened).
The eruption of Mt. Hood, that I see clearly from here, and possibly more in the string of mountains that go down the Pacific Coast.
I know this sounds all wild. I am just telling you what I believe his Holy Spirit has shown me. There are so many false words out there, and I have seen alot of that. I just needed to share with someone whom I think the Lord is also using to warn. I have not known what to do about any of this except pray and ask others to pray. Well, I don't know about all this, but there you go, Mr. Smith. You might think I'm another nut, but people who know me, I think, would say that I am careful not to add one word more or subtract one word. I would fear that.
Wouldn't expect an answer, and you could just chalk it up, but we ask the Holy Spirit to witness.
Thank you, and may the Lord continue to use you by His power that works within you for His purposes.
Oh, I also feel that it will not be our Lord's hand in a lot of the coming catastrophes, but I think He will be blamed.
Respectfully, Anonymous
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Direct Link to my Radio Liberty interview
Dr. Monteith also has scheduled several additional interviews with me for the upcoming weeks.
Dr. Stan Monteith interviewed me last night (1/25/2010) about the Georgia Guidestones article
Dr. Monteith, himself, recently appeared on the popular television program Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura where he discussed the Georgia Guidestones among other topics.
Labels: Burj Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Dr. Stan Monteith, Georgia Guidestones, interview, Radio Libery
Friday, January 22, 2010
Georgia Guidestones, 2012 and HAARP discussion
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
More Linkage between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa
The Georgia Guidestones monument is composed of three primary components: the center "Gnomen" stone, the capstone and the four "Guidestones." Their dimensions and proportions are as follows:
Capstone: 0.5m x 2m x 3m (proportions 1 : 4 : 6)Last week the official height of the awe inspiring Burj Dubai, now dubbed the "Burj Khalifa," was revealed to be 828 meters or 2,717 feet tall, ten meters higher than expected.
Center "Gnomen" stone: 0.5m x 1m x 5m (proportions 1 : 2 : 10)
Each Guidestone: 0.5m x 2m x 5m (proportions 1 : 4 : 10)
The prime factors for the tower's height in feet are 11, 13 and 19 (11 * 13 * 19 = 2,717).
The sum of the proportions for the Georgia Guidestones capstone is 1 + 4 + 6 = 11.
The sum of the proportions for the Gnomen stone is 1 + 2 + 10 = 13.
The Guidestones each have the proportions 1 : 4 : 10. However, there are four Guidestones. Taking this into account: 1 + 4 + 10 + 4 = 19.
Astonishingly, these are the three prime factors of the height of the Burj Khalifa: 11 * 13 * 19 = 2,717.
I had derived this height weeks before publishing my Georgia Guidestones article, but did not include the information because I believed the widely cited height at that time of 818 meters was credible.
On yet another connection between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa, I updated my article after the opening of the tower with the following information:
...the Georgia Guidestones' capstone has the proportions 1 : 4 : 6 and the former emir of Dubai, Sheik Maktoum bin Rashad al Maktoum, died unexpectedly on a trip to Australia on January 4, 2006 (1 / 4 / 6). He was 62.Considering the obvious Luciferian religious beliefs of the cultist who designed the Georgia Guidestones, the fact that the opening date (1 / 4 / 10) of the Burj Khalifa was encoded in the proportions of the Guidestones (1 : 4 : 10) very strongly suggests the two structures are linked in the manner discussed in my article.
Now add the mind-boggling fact, detailed above, that the exact height of the Burj Khalifa was encoded nearly 30 years ago in the proportions of the Georgia Guidestones' components. Combine this with the unexpected death of Dubai's ruler on January 4, 2006, a date encoded in the proportions of the Georgia Guidestones' capstone (1 : 4 : 6). Altogether, the linkage between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa is virtually a mathematical certainty.
Why would a strange and highly controversial stone monument built in a remote rural location in Georgia secretly point to the erection of the world's tallest building nearly 30 years later (and in the process leave a dead head of state in its wake)? It is not surprising that an established Luciferian sect would attempt to accomplish such a feat in order to complete their goal of attaining godhood. The astonishing and extremely worrisome issue is that they apparently succeeded in building their Tower of Babel, heralding in their New World Order and possibly setting the stage for the introduction of their fraudulent Antichrist.
Labels: Burj Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Georgia Guidestones
Monday, December 28, 2009
Decoding the Georgia Guidestones
Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?It’s a beautiful, warm, November Saturday in Georgia and the defaced granite monument looms above Mart Clamp while he uses a stonemason’s hammer and chisel to patiently chip away at the stubborn polyurethane splattered across the Swahili lettering his father sandblasted into the hard rock thirty years ago. Inexplicably, branchy tufts of hay rain down in slow motion from high up in the blue skies overhead like a vast army of eight-inch pagan fairies who are too tired to keep afloat in the still air. Children nearby playfully roll the hay from heaven into a wispy ball about four feet across.
– Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Program
A large man with broad, square shoulders and a crushing handshake, Mart Clamp was born to work stone. Quick to smile with a youthful face, Clamp is a friendly man whom children instinctively like. “I don’t understand why people would do something like this,” Clamp remarks as he cleaves off a piece of polyurethane taking along with it a thin sliver of underlying granite. “Up until the last year or two, the worst thing they’d do is smear chicken blood everywhere.”
It’s all more than a little surreal.
Crowded next to the South Carolina border in northeast Georgia, Elberton, aptly the county seat of Elbert County, is the self proclaimed “Granite Capital of the World.” Home to at least 42 active quarries, chances are good that regardless of where you live in the United States there’s a chunk of Elbert County nearby. For the last century, buildings, monuments, countertops and, of course, gravestones have been built and laid all over the world using Elberton granite.
Elbert County is so rich in the durable igneous stone that practically everything there is built of granite. Homes, road signs, banks, the community center, the county jail and even the grossly oversized, 20,000 seat Blue Devils high school football stadium are all constructed out of the 400-million year old, sparkling rock, a combination of gray feldspar, quartz and mica. Unsurprisingly, little Elberton, with a population under 5,000, probably has the highest concentration of monuments in the world.
Elbert County is also the home to thousands of stoneworkers: explosive experts, stone cutters, sand blasters and heavy equipment operators specializing in handling huge blocks of granite. Almost exclusively male, these stoneworking men combine to form the backbone of the Elbert County economy. For the most part, these men are the hardworking, salt of the earth types that have come to symbolize classic Americana. But it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Elbert County is also home to a thriving community of Freemasons. After all, at least one major branch of modern Masonry got its start among the stonemasons of England, Scotland and Ireland in the late 16th Century.
“I know nearly all of the men who worked on this monument and nearly all of them were good Christians and good Masons,” Clamp maintained. “I know that none of them would have worked on the Guidestones if they believed that there was anything evil or untoward about them.”
But that is not quite accurate. Nearly thirty years previously to the day, Mart Clamp’s father, Charlie Clamp, was sandblasting over 4,000 4-inch letters into the eight faces of the four Guidestones. Forebodingly, as he carved the words “to an age of reason” into the Pyramid Blue granite capstone, Charlie Clamp says he heard “strange music and disjointed voices.”
The Elberton Granite Museum attendant, a warm, amiable man in his sixties, also revealed that the Guidestones have been a persistent source of controversy with the local churches. “The churches in this area have never been too happy about it,” he said in a perfect, melodious Georgia accent. In a Los Angeles Times article, the man who constructed the monument, Joe Fendley, remarked that he “got a lot of poison calls and poison letters” over the Guidestones. “I’ve heard preachers say it’s evil,” confided Hudson Cone of the Elberton Granite Association in that same article.
In his interview with us for this article, retired banker Wyatt C. Martin, the one man who knows the true, secret identity of the initiator of the Georgia Guidestones, lamented about all of the attention he has gotten over the years from witches, pagans and “nutcases.” Mr. Martin, a devout Christian man who is now nearly 80-years old, nevertheless remains proud of his contributions to the Guidestones.
Gary Jones, publisher of the Elberton Star newspaper, probably best summarized local feelings when he told us, “None of the churches around here ever liked the monument much, but the Guidestones literally put Elberton on the map, so people in Elberton are pretty protective of them.”
After a recent spate of increasingly severe vandalism, Elbert County was protective enough to put up two wireless surveillance cameras, even though the cameras remained unpowered during our recent visit to the monument.
Our investigation in Elbert County led to the discovery of an apparent, ongoing attempt to topple the English language Guidestone. We passed on photographic evidence to Jones showing that a large notch was recently cut from the top of that Guidestone near the support pin attaching that stone to the capstone.
Anger directed against the monument has only grown more intense over the years. Many believe the Georgia Guidestones advocate – if not outright promise – genocide at an almost unimaginable scale, promote eugenics and hint towards a New World Order global government where personal rights are only granted through service to a tyrannical world state. Some even claim the Guidestones are the product of a Satanic cult.
Interestingly, we have found evidence that a date is encoded in the Guidestones – a date that is only a few days away – and an event planned for this date may very well lend credence to the very darkest of sinister theories.
What is the truth about this modern, mini-Stonehenge? Do the Guidestones contain secret messages? Who is behind this enigmatic granite edifice? What’s going to happen on January 4th, 2010, a date that appears to be deliberately hidden in the design of the monument? Can we decode the Georgia Guidestones?
The Mystery of Robert C. Christian
If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.– Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, patron of the World Wildlife Fund
Busy with payroll, Fendley initially didn’t take Christian seriously when the odd stranger began describing an elaborate granite monument that he wanted Fendley’s company to build. However, as the refined, silver-haired and well dressed Christian elaborated on project details involving solid granite slabs larger than anything anyone in the area had ever produced, Fendley took notice.
Joe Fendley whipped out a calculator – and a metric conversion table since R.C. Christian made all of his specifications in meters, an unusual metrology for Georgia during the 70s – and quickly provided a rough cost estimate. Fendley deliberately made sure to err well on the high side, but Christian didn’t flinch at the price. Fendley then carefully explained that no monument that big had ever been quarried in Elbert County and that consultants would have to be hired to provide the necessary astronomical and language translation expertise, so the price he quoted was only a rough estimate and could not be guaranteed.
Undeterred, Christian went on to explain that he represented “a small group of loyal Americans who believe in God” and want to “leave a message for future generations.” He then asked Fendley to suggest a local bank to serve as a financial intermediary.
- R.C. Christian visited Stonehenge before designing the Georgia Guidestones.
- He was over sixty years old when he wrote Common Sense Renewed in 1986.
- He claimed to be a Christian, but his writings suggests that he might instead be a follower of Alice A. Bailey's New Age movement who venerate "The Christ" but also worship other deities.
- He had a great-grandmother from Georgia.
- He served in World War II.
- He was very well traveled and sent checks to Martin to pay for the monument from banks located all over the country.
- He was at least moderately wealthy.
- He liked Thomas Paine.
- He distributed his book to "several thousand political officials and shapers of public opinion throughout the world. All members of the United States Congress received copies."
- He quoted Henry James' remarks about Stonehenge.
- He was described as a "gray-haired middle-aged gentleman" when he met with Fendley and Martin in 1979.
The Monument
Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.-- Albert Pike, Morals and dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry

Promise to The New World Order at The Georgia GuideStones
Uploaded by neverknwo. - Up-to-the minute news videos.
Humanity’s Tombstone
A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.– Ted Turner, founder of CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, Kappa Sigma alumnus and donor of $1-billion to the United Nations

Humanity has successfully applied practical genetic principles in developing domesticated plants and animals. It is now within our power to begin the domestication of our own species in a parallel fashion.
Who is R.C. Christian?
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.-- David Rockefeller

Stand in awe of him, and sin not, speak his name with trembling ... It is Satan who is the god of our planet and the only god...-- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!-- Albert Pike, Morals and dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
They were white men, as we are, the superior race in intellect, in manliness, the governing race of the world, the conquering race of all other races. They called themselves Arya, the Aryans, the Warlike, or, some think, the Noble… we owe not one single truth, not one idea, in philosophy or religion to the Semitic race… it is a fact indisputable.-- Albert Pike, Lectures of the Arya

1. I promise to have love and respect for the planet earth and living things thereon, especially my fellow species--humankind.2. I promise to treat all persons everywhere with dignity, respect, and friendliness.3. I promise to have no more than two children, or no more than my nation suggests.4. I promise to use my best efforts to save what is left of our natural world in its untouched state and to restore damaged or destroyed areas where practical.5. I pledge to use as little nonrenewable resources as possible.6. I pledge to use as little toxic chemicals, pesticides, and other poisons as possible and to work for their reduction by others.7. I promise to contribute to those less fortunate than myself, to help them become self-sufficient and enjoy the benefits of a decent life, including clean air and water, adequate food and health care, housing, education, and individual rights.8. I reject the use of force, in particular military force, and back United Nations arbitration of international disputes.9. I support the total elimination of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction.10. I support the United Nations and its efforts to collectively improve the conditions of the planet.
It is written hieroglyphically with numbers and images; and the Apostle often appeals to the intelligence of the Initiated. "Let him who hath knowledge, understand! let him who understands, calculate!" he often says, after an allegory or the mention of a number.-- Albert Pike, Morals and dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Each Guidestone: 0.5m x 2m x 5m (42,437 lbs. each, proportions 1 : 4 : 10)Center "Gnomen" stone: 0.5m x 1m x 5m (20,957 lbs., proportions 1 : 2 : 10)Capstone: 0.5m x 2m x 3m (24,832 lbs., proportions 1 : 4 : 6)
Although not directly derived from it, there is a 1:2 proportional relationship between SI and Sumerian metrology. SI inherited the convention of the second as 1/86,400th of a solar day from Sumer thus, two Sumerian seconds are approximately one SI second. Moreover, because both systems use a seconds pendulum to create a unit of length, a meter is approximately two kuš3 [cubits], a liter 2 sila3, and a kilogram is 2 ma-na.
Well you may throw your rock and hide your handWorkin' in the dark against your fellow manBut as sure as God made black and whiteWhat's down in the dark will be brought to the light– Johnny Cash, “God's Gonna Cut You Down”

Labels: 1/4/2010, Burj Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Elbert County, Elberton, Freemasonry, Georgia, Georgia Guidestones, Joe Fendley, New Age, R.C. Christian, Robert C. Christian, Ted Turner, Wyatt C. Martin
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Why the FTC lawsuit against Intel has substance
BTW, BSN's web server has been very slow lately, so be patient when trying to pull up this article. I've been told that their site traffic has been heavy, so perhaps it's time for Theo to upgrade his hardware.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Changing Seas
Labels: CAna Labs, Centaur, Cossatot Analytics Laboratories, Hardware sites
Sunday, July 26, 2009
3,000 Low Temp Records Set This July in U.S.
First, some stats. 1,044 daily record low temperatures have been broken this month nationwide according to NCDC -- count record "low highs" and the number increases to 2,925, surely to pass 3,000 before the end of the month.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Rest in Peace, Billy Mays
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Apparant attack on Dutch royal family
Upon questioning, the driver stated that his attack was directed at the royal family. The man is in critical condition after his car collided with a large, stone obelisk.
The Dutch royal family has close ties to the secretive Bilderberg Group, an organization seen by many as a major command component of globalism. Prince Bernhard was one of its founders, and the Bilderbergers maintain their headquarters in the South Holland town of Leiden.
Mexican Flu observations
At the same time, the WHO and the U.S. Government are deploying higher and higher levels of pandemic controls.
Monday's conveniently timed buzzing of "Ground Zero" New York by one of the President's 747s flanked by two fighters was almost certainly a psyop intended to blunt public attention away from the flu, where the first line measure of shutting down the U.S.-Mexican border has still not been taken.
It appears that the Mexican Flu is virulent and spreading rapidly. The number of existing cases appears to be significantly higher than what is being reported. When the true numbers are finally released, they will probably be accompanied with unprecedented measures from our federal government.
While no cases of the flu have been detected in pigs yet, Egypt has already announced that it will slaughter its entire hog population.
Cooler Master HAF 932 for $124.99
With the HAF and Sniper cases, Cooler Master is probably producing the best mid-priced enthusiast cases right now. The Antec Twelve Hundred has its high points, but it is not tool-free, has limited front panel connectors and the case fans do not have motherboard connectors.
My Cooler Master HAF recommendation comes with two caveats: 1. It's a huge case. 2. It doesn't have filters.
Although the Cooler Master HAF features three huge 230mm fans, only one is lit by LEDs. These fans do not have external speed controls, but are very quiet. Cool Master should also implement hot swappable SATA drive bays like those on Zalman's case.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
PC-Audio a misnomer no more, Avi ADM9.1

As the music industry decides what its next medium for mass marketing shall be the music file industry has been a runaway train. I have been writing and testing PC-related products for almost 6-years now for among others, and recently have re-discovered my once favorite hobby. No its not surfing 25-ft swells in late September off Marconi Beach State park on Cape Cod Massachusetts, its High End Audio. When I suffered a spinal injury some years ago racing MTB bikes I was forced to liquidate all my High End Audio gear long before my humility would allow me to collect Social Security Disability (although this is an earned income everyone pays into). As I sold all that stuff, Futterman NYAL OTL prototype amps, panel speakers, a Sony x777 CD player (their $3k audiophile model) and thousands in cables, I realized I had begun several years before as a pure music lover and by that time I had actually lost that passion. I began after hearing a High End system running out and buying every CD I could find and by the time I sold everything I had just two CD's I considered Audiophile quality recordings. I wasn't listening to music, I was listening to the nuances in hardware.
I had spent well over $10k on my own system which consisted of Dealer Demo "bargains" and then spent years siting in front of over one hundred different types of loudspeakers. I was isolated, and frustrated in my perfectionism. High End Audio cost money and to reproduce a true 20Hz ~ 20kHz costs big money. When you want Joni Mitchell in the room it costs about as much in High End Gear as it would to have her perform live at your home. Its a world onto its own and a absolute pleasure for the electronics hobbyist with a open bank book. When it comes to Affordable High End what we have is another misnomer like PC-Audio.
PC-Audio has always been driven by multi-channel affairs which were designed for Gaming, hence surround sound. Recently this has begun to change. Influences from High End Audio are slowly influencing PC-Audio. When I was into High End separates were the rule. Isolate and specialize each function, purifying it. Instead of a CD-player you have a transport and separate DAC and then a distinct power unit for that device. Now the digital cable between transport and DAC becomes an industry onto itself. From the DAC's Analog outputs we now need silver wire kapton insulated interconnects. Then the pre-amp and if there's a phono-stage this is separate with separate power supply. Now we have the interconnects from Pre-amp to stereo a,p or monoblocs. Either way once again the laws of physics meet engineering as an art form. For example read this little gem about a pair of "vacuum" sealed interconnects which cost $14,900 per 1m pair, Tara Labs Zero interconnects. I understand the science, I understand the potential for why they"sound" better, I also understand that's what I spent on my entire system in 1992. In that Tara Labs article the Reviewer's speakers are my 10.0 drool factor, in the mbl 101E Radialstrahler loudspeaker costing a mere $44,900 or about the same as a P-Class Mercedes (P=Poor). And the mbl 101E are still considered a value given what some other High End models cost.
So, is there a silver solder trickle down effect in High End Audio? Erm maybe, the current trend are chinese assembled integrated tube amplifiers, especially single ended Pentode and many incorporating USB fed (or TOSLINK) DACs. This new breed of Audiophile quality Plug and Play integrated amps with on-board D/A conversion are made for use with the modern PC or Laptop, a first. This transforms your PC's HDD into an instant music file server and provides access to thousands of free streaming Audio websites the world over. My favorite has been which offers one of the "cleanest" signals especially in their high quality stream Chanson Francaise. There you'll find many live studio recordings, those which allow a a system capable of 3D imaging to come into its own. There many strong acoustics and clear vocals as well as rock, and some funky folk. Rare in the annals of High End I recently auditioned a Single Ended Pentode integrated amp with on-board Burr Brown USB DAC, from Tecon. Their Model 55 reviewed here cost a mere $389 shipped in the USA and all that's required is a PC and passive speakers. I mated the Tecon to the venerable Lovecraft Designs, Abby also reviewed by me, although at $2k this defeated "affordable" at least relative to what "we" might conisder. In the High End world some wouldn't make this purchase out of some discombobulated sense of pride. An ideal match for the Tecon Model 55 would be the affordable Tekton Model 6.5 which cost just $350 and Tekton makes models as low as $200 or as high as $3,300. Basically $600 will get you one of the best sounding systems you've ever owned if your an owner of mass-market mid-fi. And very respectable, accurate and their ability for three dimensional imaging will certainly launch your High End Audio love affair.
Undoubtedly the gradual decline of the CD will not necessarily go the way of vinyl, vinyl still has in its favor a true analog signature and will be favored by a large majority of the Purist Audiophile Crowd so long as they continue to press it. Except for the Compact Discs sitting on shelves, the future is the music file albeit Lossless, Mp3, Mp4 etc.

There is one product out there which has recently captivated me, this is a unique active speaker system by a company known as Avi HiFi Originating out of the UK like so many great loudspeakers, they have released the Avi ADM9.1 active loudspeaker system. In my many years of "High End Audio" this system has completely redefined what I've come to expect from High End Audio as well as what is considered a value. How are they different? The typical powered speaker system utilizes a single amplifier in a main enclosure from which zip-cord feeds the right or left passive unit. Already we have problems with such a design, since the additional electronics in one enclosure give it slightly different sonic characteristics and other potential offsets. Avi in the Purist tradition has placed bi-amplified 250W mid/bass driver and 75W tweeter in each enclosure. Therefore each speaker is a true active unit under its own power, ergo each has its own power cord. The main unit contains two TOSLINK inputs which feed a Wolfson 8741 DAC. Two analog inputs allow you to bypass the Wolfson DAC (although I can't see any reason why) which is one of the most neutral sounding I've had the pleasure of hearing. It simply invites streaming music files and gives back all it takes. Another RCA out supplies the right speaker and if its more bass you desire there is a dedicated subwoofer output. Avi makes a subwoofer which was designed with the ADM9.1 speakers in mind. The following was taken from Avi's webpage:
Therefor we've produced a special dedicated, ultra high powered 10" model for the ADM9's. The voice coil is 3" diameter, maximum excursion is 2" and it's in a sealed box and driven by a linear, analogue bipolar amplifier that can produce up to 30 Amps and 200 Watts. The filter can be set to 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 or 100 Hz and gain adjusted to suit room acoustics. In practice it extends low frequency excursion to below 30Hz...
I do not feel the need for a subwoofer since I don't feel as if I am missing much. The ADM9.1's are rated down to 60Hz and I am certain this is the most honest 60Hz I've ever heard. Given the number of speakers I have owned and heard rated down to "50Hz ~ 40Hz" based on budget constraints, this is a region I am most familiar with. The sound from the ADM9.1's is like nothing I've ever heard from a active speaker system, indeed from any combination of separates up to $10k and beyond. They are as fast as planar ribbons (there will be consequences for that description)image as if they were 360 radiators, and pack bass worthy of full range. If any of these attributes were lacking they would still be a bargain at approximately $2k USD. The fact they present a realism which flows into and and fills the room with live music level, even the most critical listener can't deny they perform far beyond their stature. Listening to Joni Mitchell BLUE, the ADM9.1's were able to maintain what are some of the highest pitched vocals and still allow you to hear her diaphragm expand, the moisture on her lips and know exactly where she sat when letting loose on the microphone bested my Proac, Cary, Audible Illusions combo from years back. If i can summarize these speakers in one word that would be, "Effortless." They just don't seem as if they have to work as hard as many to give what most cannot.
If I had $10,000 to spend on anything I wanted in High End Audio, I would still buy the ADM9.1 and spend the rest on a Tapestry. They are the best value in Audio I've seen in many years, especially when you consider you don't have to leave your seat to enjoy streaming audio from your PC. I've neglected other reviews since the ADM9.1's arrived and if I could afford them I'd own them by now. The highest compliment I can given them, is that I don't want to give them back :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Britain to screen all passengers arriving from Mexico for flu
Although the United States announced a public health emergency yesterday with domestic Mexican Flu cases now reaching around 20, Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security, dismissed similar measures for American airports. Napolitano also failed to take any action to tighten US-Mexico border security, exposing Americans to further infections from our southern neighbor where panic is causing many people to flee infected areas.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing
Fort Detrick was the source of the anthrax bioweapon material used during the anthrax attacks soon after September 11th, 2001. Bush and his staff were already on ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat anthrax infections, at the time of the attacks which eventually killed five people and sickened seventeen.
Mexican Flu Emergency Declared in U.S.
Notably absent were any plans to lock-down the United States' border with Mexico, an obvious measure that would impede the disease's migration northwards. This stands in contrast with actions already taken by countries like Japan who are discouraging if not outright restricting travel to and from Mexico.
As we reported yesterday, evidence suggests that the disease is already widespread in the U.S., but with flu awareness and fear exploding over the last few days, case numbers are likely to escalate rapidly as people with flu symptoms flock for medical treatment.
So the soaring numbers of U.S. Mexican flu cases over the next week will produce the illusion that the disease is spreading rapidly, when in actuality we are only gaining insight on the true, existing prevalence of the disease.
The Mexican Flu has several characteristics that suggest it might be a man-made bioweapon. Perhaps most concerning of all is that the disease has pig, bird and human flu components, suggesting that it not only targets humans hosts, but pigs and perhaps birds as well. From the CDC's recent press briefing:
We know so far that the viruses contain genetic pieces from four different virus sources. This is unusual. The first is our North American swine influenza viruses. North American avian influenza viruses, human influenza viruses and swine influenza viruses found in Asia and Europe.Russia has already halted pork imports from Mexico and several U.S. states. In my post yesterday, I mentioned the potential impact of the flu to hog farmers. If birds become infected as well, the U.S. Government might also slaughter chickens and turkeys throughout the country.That particular genetic combination of swine influenza virus segments has not been recognized before in the U.S. or elsewhere. Of course, we are doing more testing now and looking more aggressively for unusual influenza strains. So we haven't seen this strain before but we haven't been looking as intensively as we are these days.
The viruses are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine anti-viral drugs but they are sensitive or susceptible to oseltamivir and zanamivir, the newer anti-viral drugs for flu. And at this time we don’t know exactly how people got the virus. None of the patients have had direct contact with pigs.
You can get swine influenza without direct contact but it's a bit more unusual. And we believe at this point that human-to-human spread is occurring. That's unusual.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Mexican Flu Pandemic Threatens U.S.
The infection count north of the border continues to rise with two confirmed cases in Kansas to add to the nine already identified in Texas and California. A private Christian school in Queens, New York is suspected to have been hit by at least eight additional cases.
The two Texas flu victims originate from San Antonio, but we are aware of several severe flu cases in Austin from early this month that have the hallmarks of the new, deadly strain. In all likelihood, the Mexican Flu has probably already established a firm foothold in America with hundreds of unreported or misidentified cases.
The Mexican Flu has unusual characteristics that suggest that it might be man-made. The timing of the Mexican Flu outbreak also follows closely behind the recent distribution of a Baxter flu vaccine contaminated with live avian flu virus.
With America already under siege from a carefully constructed economic attack, a manufactured flu pandemic would serve as the second prong of an offensive made to weaken and then pacify our country. I anticipated this tactic in my predictions for 2009.
If indeed the Mexican Flu is the second stage of the globalists' war against the U.S., the fear and chaos the corporate media nurtures will probably be leveraged to further the NAIS initiative and serve as an excuse to slaughter hog populations throughout the country. This will decimate many small farmers. Along with new, so-called "Food Safety" measures, these steps will will allow the federal government, now largely a proxy for globalist interests, to seize control of the nation's food supply.
Additionally, the crisis will allow the President's emergency powers to be grossly extended, setting the stage for random and warrantless "health safety" searches of Americans and their homes. Travel regulation, gun seizures, forced relocation, forced inoculations and troop deployment for police actions throughout the country are also likely to follow.
In fact, Mexico has already enacted many of these measures. From the CNN article linked above:
Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Saturday issued an executive decree detailing emergency powers of the Ministry of Health, according to the president's office.
The order gives the ministry with the authority to isolate sick patients, inspect travelers' luggage and their vehicles and conduct house inspections, the statement said.
The government also has the authority to prevent public gatherings, shut down public venues and regulate air, sea and overland travel.
The main intention of this second prong of attack would be to deploy the control mechanisms that the globalists need to pacify uprisings in this country that might otherwise awaken and unite our very powerful nation against them.
If you are aware of extant Mexican Flu cases in the U.S., it is important that you quickly disseminate that information in order to defuse the groundswell of panic that the corporate media and the globalist controlled WHO appear to be nurturing. Moreover, take precautions and limit exposure to yourself and your family. The recent, suspect flu cases in Austin were severe, although everyone recovered.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dick Cheney directed assassination ring
Hersh also maintains that the CIA was "very deeply involved" in illegal domestic investigations of people the sometimes sinister spy organization considered "enemies of the state" after 9/11.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Flu Vaccine contaminated with live avian flu virus
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Problems posting comments to this blog
UPDATE: Problems continue to persist into 2010, but Internet Explorer and Opera browsers appear to work reliably. Comments can't be published with Firefox and, ironically, Google's own Chrome browser because the comment input section is not rendered properly.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Asus G1S: Cold failing NVIDIA Geforce 8600GT
I bought an Asus G1S notebook about a year ago from Best Buy. I have been very happy with it other than the notebook will not boot to the desktop on cold days.
All overclockers know that the key to achieving high frequencies is keeping the part cool. Consequently, producing aftermarket computer component thermal solutions has become a sizable industry unto itself.
Less well known is that many semiconductor devices have a distinct cold limit as well. In fact, some devices will not function unless they are hot. Semiconductor device manufacturer have to ensure that these "cold failures" do not occur within normal operating temperatures.
My Asus G1S will not boot to the desktop if the room temperature is lower than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The failure occurs when the GPU is initialized for desktop compositing engines like Vista's Aero or Compiz in Linux. Particularly for Aero, as soon as video initialization is attempted, the notebook either freezes or spontaneously reboots (Compiz might limp along for a few seconds before locking up).
If the room temperature is only a degree or two cooler than 70, the notebook will eventually warm up enough to reach the desktop, but if the ambient temperature is much lower than 65 then the notebook will enter a perpetual reboot cycle, if it doesn’t lock up first.
This is especially annoying when resuming from S3 or waking from hibernation, since rebooting totally defeats the timesaving aspects of these measures and could potentially corrupt files.
So apparently NVIDIA had, at least for a little while, a hole in their screening process that allowed for cold failure test escapes. Since the failures begin to manifest just below room temperature, it looks like NVIDIA did not test under cold conditions using a refrigerated thermal head, which is an odd screening omission.
I don’t want to infer that this is a widespread, serious issue, because there does not appear to be many cases of this failure in the wild. I’m simply recounting my personal and apparently rare experience with the NVIDIA Geforce 8600 GT in my Asus G1S.
Although I first witnessed the failure soon after I purchased the notebook, I procrastinated until my warranty almost expired before returning the G1S for repair. Best Buy provides warranty service for Asus, so after I backed up all of my data and reinstalled Vista from scratch, Kathy took my notebook to them about two weeks ago. The “Geek Squad” sent me an email last week reporting that they are currently awaiting parts. The only viable repairs that come to mind are either mainboard replacement or a new notebook. We’ll see. I miss the G1S since I used the notebook daily.
In the meantime, Kathy bought me an early birthday present -- my birthday is not until March 22, but who am I to complain? -- components for an AMD Phenom II system as an upgrade for my two year old Dell Core2Duo E6600 desktop.
Yeah, it’s not like my old reviewing days when companies would literally send me more free computer hardware than I knew what to do with. But Kathy bought a great collection of components including a Cooler Master HAF, a really fantastic case for a geek like me. The Phenom II also has exceeded my expectations, providing stout performance while consuming little power.
It’s smoothly running 64-bit Ubuntu 8.10. I’ve installed VirtualBox and will run XP from it and Vista from an e-SATA drive that I will take back and forth to work where I have an identical test system.
Speaking of NVIDIA, the economic apocalypse overtaking the world now is going to rapidly bring down broad swaths of familiar companies. The computing industry is already hurting. I made a prediction earlier this year that a major player will be on the brink of collapse by 2010. It won't be NVIDIA.
Three computer hardware vendors that will still have a pulse come next year are Intel, NVIDIA and VIA. These are times of great hardship for AMD, I am afraid. But that is a story for another sleepless night.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I can't believe the good people of Tulsa are tolerating this
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Unemployment Benefits Paid Through Debit Cards Incur Fees
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Texas "Fireball"
Saturday, February 14, 2009
New Federal Position - National Coordinator of Health Information Technology
Friday, February 13, 2009
Somewhat more than you'd think.
During the season that they molt,
They all seem sad in sync.
If you feed them eggs and potatoes,
They'll turn to black and white.
They'll eat fifteen to twenty minutes
All day and most of the night.
They make up most of their songs,
Yet they borrow ten percent.
Tis a shame we think they mock the songs
When they make melody as God has meant.
Flora Smith - Age 11
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
D.C. Voting Rights Passed by Senate Committee
D.C. to have it's own house member makes me wonder what sort of grand ideas they will contribute to running the rest of the country.
NY parents grilled in 'religious sincerity test'
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Essential Free Windows Programs
Whenever I load a box with Windows, I usually install the following programs.
- OpenOffice: OpenOffice 3 has become a very polished alternative to Microsoft Office.
- Firefox: With additional addons, Firefox is the best browser available.
- Irfanview: Irfanview is a great image viewer that also boasts a number of handy editing features. Be sure to also install the plugins.
- K-Lite Codec Pack Full: This software bundle includes a long list of useful media players and codecs.
- Notepad++: You will only use Notepad by accident once you try Notepad++.
- Filezilla: If you need a powerful and easy to use FTP client, Filezilla is a good choice. I also always install WinSCP.
- Lazarus: Lazarus is an Open Source cross platform version of Delphi.
- Peazip: Developed in Lazarus, Peazip is a flexible archiving tool.
- aMSN: Featuring webcam and voice support and working on Linux, aMSN is the best alternative to Microsoft Messenger -- and it is advertising free. Don't forget the plugins.
- Qt4: If you download the version with mingw bundled with Qt4, you'll have one of the most power C++ development toolkits around. Although Qt integrates well with the popular Eclipse IDE, QDevelop is faster and easier to use. To get debug features to work, you must install gdb.
- KDE 4.2: It is now possible to install the KDE 4.2 Desktop inside of Windows giving you access to a lot of powerful KDE applications.
- MySQL: MySQL is a rich and highly polished Open Source relational database that can be accessed from network locations. Also take a close look at the slick utilities that are available like MySQL GUI Tools and MySQL Workbench. If you plan to code and interface for MySQL, you may want the ODBC connector. And don't forget Ruby. HeidiSQL is very nice.
- GIMP: No, it's not just like Photoshop, but the GIMP is still a great photo editing package.
- Gnumeric: This is a good spreadsheet that handles data pasted from other applications very well.
- VirtualBox: VirtualBox is a great product for installing operating systems within operating systems. The virtualized environment can then be run on any computer powerful enough to handle it. VirtualBox is also cross platform.
- Thunderbird: While the editor is still clunky and primative, Thunderbird is probably the best free email client available.
- Komposer and BlueGriffon: These are decendents of Nvu, a WYSIWYG HTML editor.
- ActivePerl: This is an outstanding perl implementation for Windows.
- FreeCommander: FreeCommander is probably the best free file browsing utility for Windows outside of the KDE world.
- WinMerge: Although there are several very good, free file and folder comparison and merging tools for Linux, the Windows world is not as blessed. Thankfully, WinMerge exists and it is a super program. FreeCommander, above, also has helpful folder comparison features.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Children, Blessing or Burden
England's Porritt with an unapologetic "two child limit on British couples" sites the impact on the environment as the problem. United States's House Speaker, Pelosi, offers a subsidized "tax-payer child prevention" plan "... to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.” Where is the population growth in both these countries? IMMIGRATION. The CIA World Factbook sites these statistics for United States immigration and Great Britian immigration.numbers. Excluded are illegal immigration numbers. So, why are two high-ranking political figures in highly industrialized democratic countries calling for government intervention to reduce their own populations?
1-ton snake ruled balmy Columbian jungle
Living about five-million years after the dinosaurs were wiped out by an errant bolide (or, more likely, several bollides), the serpent ruled a Columbian jungle during a period when earth was much hotter than today.
Car explosion injures head of Ark. medical board
Dr. Trent Pierce, Chairman of the Arkansas State Medical Board was injured when his car caught fire. Mechanical failure of his Lexus hybrid is suspected.
Update: CNN now reports explosive device evidence has been found.
Cheney warns of new attacks
Labels: Cheney, Terror attacks
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Two Children should be limit, says green guru
Population growth in Britain is occurring primarily through immigration. Statistics provided in the linked headline article reveal that British nationals have a fertility rate of 1.7; that's not a number that makes for growth. Fortunately, this editorial takes Jonathon Porritt, Chair of the British government’s Sustainable Development Commission, to task for the atrocious idea of limiting Brit couples to two children.
Labels: forced birth control, Jonathon Porritt, population growth
Friday, January 30, 2009
Al Gore Ice Sculpture

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Arabs shocked by blanket of snow
Snow covered the Jebel Jais area for only the second time in recorded history yesterday.
So rare was the event that one lifelong resident said the local dialect had no word for it.
According to the RAK Government, temperatures on Jebel Jais dropped to -3°C on Friday night. On Saturday, the area had reached 1°C.Major Saeed Rashid al Yamahi, a helicopter pilot and the manager of the Air Wing of RAK Police, said the snow covered an area of five kilometres and was 10cm deep.
“The sight up there this morning was totally unbelievable, with the snow-capped mountain and the entire area covered with fresh, dazzling white snow,” Major al Yamahi said.
“The snowfall started at 3pm Friday, and heavy snowing began at 8pm and continued till midnight, covering the entire area in a thick blanket of snow. Much of the snow was still there even when we flew back from the mountain this afternoon. It is still freezing cold up there and there are chances that it might snow again tonight.”Aisha al Hebsy, a woman in her 50s who has lived in the mountains near Jebel Jais all her life, said snowfall in the area was so unheard of the local dialect does not even have a word for it. Hail is known as bared, which literally translates as cold. “Twenty years ago we had lots of hail,” said Ms al Hebsy. “Last night was like this. At four in the morning we came out and the ground was white.”
“I had flown there in 2004 when it snowed, but this time it was much bigger and the snowing lasted longer as well,” said Major al Yamahi.
Jebel Jais was dusted in snow on Dec 28, 2004, the first snowfall in living memory for Ras al Khaimah residents.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Mexico police chief's head found in ice box
The head of a Mexican police chief was delivered to his colleagues in an ice box in the country's latest drug-related violence.
Last Updated: 6:31PM GMT 20 Jan 2009
The incident came as 16 other people were also killed in Mexico's northern state of Chihuahua in attacks the authorities believe are linked to the country's drug wars.
"Hitmen cut off commander Martin Castro's head and left it in an ice cooler in front of the local police station," said a statement issued by the state justice authorities.
His head was left in the town Praxedis with a message from the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel.
The police commander was abducted on Saturday, along with five other police officers and a civilian, only five days after starting his job.
Six bodies in police uniforms bearing signs of torture and gunshot wounds were found on Monday in a street in the state capital, Chihuahua, officials said.
Hitmen killed four men in separate attacks in the violent border city of Ciudad Juarez, while six others, including a woman, were found dead in other towns across the state.
Mexican police and soldiers are battling a wave of drug-related violence across the country, particularly in northern areas bordering the US, with more than 5,300 people killed last year.
The federal government launched a campaign against drug-related violence more than two years ago involving the deployment of around 36,000 troops across the country.
Monday, January 19, 2009
In Defense of Dr. Steven Jones
Worse, a few vocal critics demanded that Brigham Young University fire Dr. Jones from his post as Physics Professor there. Perhaps the most odious attack of all came from author and lawyer Jonathan Moseley. Published in the popular conservative publication World Net Daily, Moseley's hit piece accussed Dr. Jones of calling for the violent overthrow of the U.S. Government, an accusation that WND would later retract.
Following is the email exhange I made at the time with Jonathan Moseley and Dr. Jones.
Sent By "Van Smith"
God help us! I have apparently pushed Mosely into a psychotic fit. This man
is an insane maniac! How did he obtain the level of respectability necessary
to get his thoughts featured on WND? He wields his influence like a
genocidal Hutu handles a machete.
"Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!" I almost had to wipe his spit off my
monitor screen. Moseley is truly on a Jihad.
Moseley has connections with a number of different policy making councils, has
been quoted in mainstream media before, and has written a fear mongering
novel about the threat of Islam (either it reads like a nightmare, or it was
ghost written judging from my exchanges with him). He and another Moseley
(brother? father?) also have formed a strange company providing services to
the jewelry import industry helping businesses ensure conformity with the
Patriot Act.
I read somewhere (but have not verified) that he is also related to one of the
founders of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.
The drive-by terrorist job that he did on you really smells of a gun-for-hire
piece. I cannot help but strongly suspect that this man is being used as an
attack dog by an intelligence operation. His mental discipline is so weak
that he is probably viewed as expendable, but his single-minded fanaticism
combined with his limited intellect mean that his puppetmasters risk little
exposure even if he is forced to go down in flames.
Good luck in your fight and trust Jesus,
P.S. If you have mailing lists for news related to your 9/11 research and/or
your current status at BYU, please add me to them.
On Monday 11 September 2006 21:11, Jonathon Moseley wrote:
> Like all of the conspiracy theorists, you do violence to the truth by
> ignoring the parts of it that prove your arguments wrong. You call those
> tangential issues. Steven Jones has harmed himself.
> The local press reports that it was Steven Jones' own radio interview on
> Tuesday 9/6, that created a furor on campus, leading to his suspension. SEE
> -- [scroll 1/3rd down to see the latest controversy]
> Jones had been relatively reticent to discuss the implications of his
> findings, but he created buzz on campus Tuesday with his appearance on
> KUER-FM 90.1. He expressed the opinion to talk-show host Doug Fabrizio that
> blame for the attacks rests with neoconservatives Paul Wolfowitz, Richard
> Perle and others.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
> Even after all of the discussion, Steven Jones went on LOCAL radio and
> accused government officials and private political leaders of 3,000 counts
> of mass murder, on a radio show THAT COULD BE HEARD ALL ACROSS THE BYU
> CAMPUS. The person who has harmed Steven Jones is Steven Jones.
> BYU has announced that it is the "accusatory" nature of Steven Jones work
> about 9/11 -- that is accusing people of mass murder -- that they are
> investigating, along with breach of peer review rules, NOT what anyone else
> has said ABOUT him. It is the fact that Steven Jones is accusing people of
> mass murder that has Steven Jones in trouble.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Secondly, you falsely assume that I don' belive what I wrote about Steven
> Jones. Steven Jones is one of the founders of Scholars for Truth, the
> SPONSOR of the event. Steven Jones helped CHOOSE the panel.
> Steven Jones is responsible for ALL of the venomous, treasonous, outrageous
> statements that HIS group -- which he helps run -- spewed out across the
> nation. I previously explained this to you, but you are blind to the truth,
> as are all conspiracy nuts. Steven Jones' organization, even if not Jones
> himself, and indeed Steven Jones by extension is "in the CONTEXT of the
> question[and answer period]" is GUILTY of advocating for a coup that would
> depose America's political leaders from office and put them on trial at the
> international criminal court outside the United States, GUILTY of accusing
> George Bush of being a dictator, GUILTY of claiming that the U.S.
> government is no longer legitimate, GUILTY of urging the armed forces of
> the United States to refuse to obey the orders of the Commander in Chief,
> GUILTY of calling for the removal of the U.S. government. Frankly, I hope
> that Steven Jones burns in hell for endangering this country. It is the
> fact that I am a far superior patriot that I want even scum like Steven
> Jones to have the right to speak in America, even if they cause the DEATH
> of Americans by advocating for the terrorist's agenda to weaken the United
> States.
> Jon Moseley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Van Smith []
> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 05:18 PM
> To: 'Jonathon Moseley'
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Support for Dr. Steven Jones
> Mr. Moseley,
> I have been consistently discussing two topics:
> 1. The harm that you have caused Professor Jones though an overt act of
> academic and intellectual terrorism.
> 2. The scholarly merits of Dr. Jones' research.
> You wish to focus on tangential, irrelevant issues.
> As I have stated several times already, I stand firmly behind the 1st
> Amendment to our Constitution, but nowhere does the 1st Amendment allow
> for Jon Moseley, according to your own /WND/ editors, to bear false
> witness against Dr. Jones, exposing him to potential imprisonment,
> public ridicule and irreparable damage to his livelihood.
> And one thing continues to bother me like a splinter beneath my right
> index fingernail. You are a lawyer. Arguably, Dr. Jones can be
> considered a public figure. As such, Dr. Jones is fair game for much
> broader written criticism than would normally be considered libel if the
> same words were directed at normal Americans. However, your /WND/ piece
> is far, far outside of this extended area of accepted criticism of
> public figures.
> What made you think you could get away with groundlessly accusing Dr.
> Jones -- in a major publication no less -- of committing a federal crime
> without your being sued penniless? Even if you thought you were right,
> you exercised very little effort to fact check, demonstrating a callous
> disregard for Dr. Jones' welfare.
> I have written many, many articles that have been read by millions of
> people. If I were to ever even consider making the extremely explosive
> and damaging charge against an individual that you used against Dr.
> Jones, I would only do so if I also substantiated my claim with
> carefully obtained and vetted quotes from that person.
> I'm still scratching my bald head trying to figure out just what you
> were thinking.
> And do you still believe that you can simply make up serious charges
> against anyone you disagree with and publish your terrorist vitriol in
> /WND/ or some other major publication?
> I also do not understand how /World Net Daily/ could have allowed your
> article to be published at all. One thing that typically gets an
> editor's attention in a hurry is when he sees an author making personal
> attacks against a victim that could immediately lead to the victim's
> imprisonment.
> I was a frequent visitor to the /WND/ Internet site, but after seeing
> your article published there, I vow to never return to /WND/ again
> except to obtain quotes from your hit piece.
> Sincerely,
> Van Smith
> Jonathon Moseley wrote:
> > I strongly believe in Steven Jones' right to speak, and anything that
> > restrains or intimidates that is harmful to our country and to the
> > body politic and to the discussion itself.
> >
> > However, in the same way, I have an EQUAL right to speak and to say
> > that Steven Jones' efforts are likely to result in the death of more
> > Americans in the future, from the next terrorist attack, as it helps
> > whip up anti-American sentiments around the world, chills our allies,
> > and discourages Americans from taking measures to protect the country.
> >
> > If, God Forbid, a nuclear bomb or other terrorist attack on
> > Washington, D.C. kills my sister and her family, Steven Jones will
> > also be free to apologize over their dead bodies at the funeral.
> > However, it would make more sense to consider those consequences now,
> > rather than after the death of more Americans.
> >
> > Simply because Steven Jones has a RIGHT to accuse his country of
> > treasonous actions worse than anything since Pol Pot does not mean
> > that it is NOBLE that he does so.
> >
> > I believe that if Steven Jones is silenced "from behind" everyone will
> > assume that his accusations were true, and were too dangerous to
> > answer, and that he had to be silenced covertly and outside the field
> > of ideas.
> >
> > But that does not mean that there is anything laudable about -- in a
> > time of war -- accusing one's own goverment of mass murder,
> > particularly based only on supposition and speculation.
> >
> >
> >
> > Jon Moseley
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > *From:* Van Smith []
> > *Sent:* Sunday, September 10, 2006 08:57 PM
> > *To:* 'Jonathon Moseley'
> > *Cc:*
> > *Subject:* Re: Support for Dr. Steven Jones
> >
> > Dear Mr. Moseley,
> >
> > I have combined your last two emails below.
> >
> > Your points are, as far as I can discern, irrelevant to my message to
> > you or to the plight of Dr. Jones and your involvement with it.
> > However, I will respond briefly to your remarks.
> >
> > As an American, I believe in free speech as guaranteed by the First
> > Amendment to our Constitution. I am not afraid of knowledge or
> > discussion. I also have faith that the American people can discern
> > the truth when they eventually encounter it. I do NOT believe that it
> > is necessary, desirable or constructive for any member of the media to
> > use sensational rhetoric to frighten the trusting citizens of the
> > United States into conforming with prescribed viewpoints.
> >
> > And as an American I am deeply disturbed by the distinctly
> > un-American, terrorizing tactics that you used to harm Dr. Jones in
> > your /WND/ article.
> >
> > Frankly, I am confused by your references to antisemitism, Hugo
> > Chavez, conspiracy theories, neocons, the Nuremberg Trials, Vietnam,
> > the Taliban, bin Laden and George Bush.
> >
> > Professor Jones has provided evidence that supports the theory that
> > the three World Trade Center towers were brought down by controlled
> > demolition. His evidence is compelling. His scientific methodology
> > appears to be sound and straightforward. His request for further
> > investigation is logical and reasonable.
> >
> > I applaud Dr. Jones for his courage to conduct objective, independent
> > research on the horrific WTC events. I hope his work will inspire
> > further independent investigation into whether or not controlled
> > demolitions were used to bring down the three towers that tragic
> > September morning.
> >
> > BTW, whether you realize it or not, you are lending credence to your
> > opposition when you use the term "conspiracy theory." By definition,
> > a theory is an explanation supported by several different facts and
> > all known facts support the explanation. Of course, a "conspiracy" is
> > an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or other
> > misdeed. Properly -- and I mean no insult -- supporters of the U.S.
> > Government explanation for 9/11 should consider their explanation a
> > conspiracy theory.
> >
> > Van Smith
> > ========
> >
> > I think there are sinister motivations for the 9/11 conspiracy
> > theories. Someday when more Americans are murdered by foreign
> > terrorists, I hope the conspiracy theorists will realize what they
> > have done and shudder. However, that should be debated on the field
> > of ideas, not short-circuited through administrative means.
> >
> > A letter from Usama Bin Laden from 2001/early 2002 just released last
> > week called upon the Taliban and other sympathetic groups to CREATE A
> >
> > 5 years later 9/11 conspiracy theorists are DOING EXACTLY THAT.
> >
> > They are implementing Usama Bin Laden's strategy and desire for
> > defeating the West.
> >
> > They probably don't realize it... but they SHOULD by stopping to
> > think about it.
> >
> > But again this is a concern to be debated openly, not cut short in
> > silence.
> >
> > Jon Moseley
> >
> > Jonathon Moseley wrote:
> >> First, I believe that there are some in the 9/11 conspiracy movement
> >> (mostly overseas participants using the anonymity of the internet,
> >> but not necessarily all) who are intentionally implementing Usama Bin
> >> Laden's strategy for destroying the West, by repeating the entire
> >> Vietnam dynamic.
> >>
> >> Second, there are a far greater number who simply hate their country
> >> so much that they don't care that they are helping foreign terrorists
> >> to better and more successfully attack America the next time around.
> >> They don't care that our families and loved ones are in greater
> >> danger of a terrorist attack because of their efforts to persuade
> >> Americans to focus on the U.S. government instead of on foreign
> >> terrorists. They don't care that this kind of rhetoric whips up
> >> anti-American sentiments abroad and encourages our enemies, while
> >> peeling away our friends around the world.
> >>
> >> Third, there are many in the 9/11 movement who hate the Jews and
> >> Neocons and certain other groups that they are intentionally trying
> >> to destroy the government and the country to get at the people they
> >> hate, similar to burning down a house to kill the bugs inside.
> >>
> >> Fourth, you have to go back and listen to the videotape broadcast on
> >> C-Span. Among the points made in that virulently anti-American hate
> >> fest:
> >>
> >> o The movement should support and promote Venezuala President
> >> Hugu Chavez's attempt to put Bush Administration officials ON TRIAL
> >> at an international criminal tribunal. Presumably that would require
> >> DEPOSING THOSE OFFICIALS FROM OFFICE in order to take them to the
> >> international criminal court overseas. It would require a coup
> >> against the U.S. to take U.S. government leaders overseas to stand rial.
> >>
> >> o The U.S. government has already collapsed and a shadow
> >> government is now running the country.
> >>
> >> o U.S. troops should DISOBEY orders of the Commander in Chief in
> >> the war on terror.
> >>
> >> o George Bush is a dictator (odd how this group was broadcast 4
> >> times on C-Span if Bush is a dictator).
> >>
> >> And on and on.
> >>
> >> However, the answer to such hate speech by the 9/11 conspiracy
> >> movement is MORE speech in reply, not intimidation or efforts to
> >> muzzle any speaker.
> >>
> >> Jon Moseley
> >>
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> *From:* Van Smith []
> >> *Sent:* Sunday, September 10, 2006 06:03 PM
> >> *To:* 'TRANSGUARD (Jonathon Moseley)'
> >> *Cc:*
> >> *Subject:* Re: Support for Dr. Steven Jones
> >>
> >> Dear Mr. Moseley,
> >>
> >> I am pleased to see your written support for academic freedom.
> >> However, your /World Net Daily/ article appears to expose sinister
> >> motivations that contradict the positions that you express in your
> >> correspondence.
> >>
> >> Please have another look at what you wrote about Dr. Jones:
> >>
> >> /Professor Steven Jones of Brigham-Young University accused George
> >> Bush of being a dictator, mimicking the preamble of the Declaration
> >> of Independence. When asked if violent revolution was necessary, this
> >> scientist declared ? in front of national TV cameras ? that there is
> >> no peaceful way to achieve the group's goals. In the context of the
> >> question, *professor Jones was calling for the violent overthrow of
> >> the government*.
> >> /
> >> Not only do you continue the /ad hominem/ tone that saturates the
> >> rest of your article, but you have, according to your own editors at
> >> /WND/, falsely accused Professor Jones of committing a federal
> >> crime. Your actions, according to news reports, had immediate,
> >> frightening ramifications for Dr. Jones.
> >>
> >> Your /WND/ article is akin to academic and intellectual terrorism.
> >>
> >> It is simply not possible to have either academic freedom or free
> >> speech when citizens of a country have to live in fear that their
> >> research or their words might lead to groundless attacks in the
> >> mainstream media that can threaten their careers or even lead to
> >> criminal charges against them.
> >>
> >> Your article placed Steven Jones' position at BYU in jeopardy,
> >> potentially exposed him to imprisonment and has soiled his reputation
> >> to a point that his career might very well be permanently damaged.
> >> Your article almost certainly also had an effect on BYU grant funding
> >> and has soured public perception of that fine institution of higher
> >> learning.
> >>
> >> And although BYU might not directly cite your article as the reason
> >> they have placed Dr. Jones on leave pending the results of their
> >> investigation into his behavior, your article caused intense scrutiny
> >> and criticism directed towards both Jones and BYU from both the
> >> public and media which has doubtlessly influenced BYU's decisions
> >> regarding Jones.
> >>
> >> I have many years of experience in the semiconductor industry and
> >> have crossed paths with a number of other analysts who will say or do
> >> anything to ensure their next paycheck. Forgive my cynicism, but
> >> your /WND/ article immediately brought to mind the "Gun-for-Hire"
> >> pieces so commonly seen in my line of work.
> >>
> >> Dr. Jones is a well respected, well known physicist. His early
> >> research into cold fusion was the only reason many physicists still
> >> took that field seriously after the Fleishmann and Pons media circus.
> >>
> >> You state that you find Professor Jones' positions "reprehensible and
> >> irresponsible." This emotive outburst demonstrates a lack of
> >> understanding of the scientific process.
> >>
> >> When searching for the truth behind any phenomena or event, a
> >> scientist must not rule out any possibility without supporting
> >> evidence. A scientist must especially be aware to not close his mind
> >> to any possible explanation due to emotional bias.
> >>
> >> Any so-call scientists who counter Dr. Jones by invoking words like
> >> "reprehensible" or "irresponsible" immediately discredit themselves
> >> as emotionally compromised regarding research on the topic at hand.
> >>
> >> In his paper "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?"
> >> and throughout his presentations to various groups, Dr. Jones
> >> intelligently and logically argues for a serious investigation into
> >> the possibility that the three World Trade Center towers were brought
> >> down by controlled demolition.
> >>
> >> In addition to the extremely peculiar *intergranular sulfidation*
> >> reported by FEMA that is impossible to explain as sourced from
> >> drywall, Dr. Jones' electron microprobe analysis revealed iron slag
> >> that, with little chromium, was clearly not structural steel. In
> >> that slag were abundant traces of manganese, potassium, aluminum and
> >> fluorine in addition to sulfur. Through wave-dispersive X-ray
> >> fluorescence, Dr. Jones has also found abundant zinc oxide, titanium
> >> and barium in WTC debris samples. In other words, the slag and
> >> sundry debris material look persuasively like Thermate residue; in
> >> fact, the evidence that Jones has uncovered looks like a Thermate
> >> fingerprint. Additionally, EPA's very peculiar discovery of
> >> 1,3-diphenylpropane in their WTC samples point to the possible use of
> >> a very specific form of thermate: sol-gel thermate.
> >>
> >> Dr. Jones has been primarily lobbying for more research into the
> >> hypothesis that the World Trade Center towers were brought down by
> >> controlled demolition. His evidence supports such a request.
> >>
> >> The truth is never endangered by additional, objective scientific
> >> inquiry. However, the truth can remain hidden for many years by a
> >> lack of scientific investigation and an absence of open-mined discourse.
> >>
> >> I am sure that Dr. Jones welcomes intelligent scientific discourse --
> >> in fact, his conclusions urge for it -- but no respectable scientist
> >> embraces the intellectual terrorist mentality that you bring to the
> >> table as evidenced by your World Net Daily piece.
> >>
> >> Dr. Jones is not responsible whatsoever regarding the statements of
> >> Dr. Fetzer or any other member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
> >> Scientific and academic organizations loathe to control their
> >> members' opinions since discovery and genius often come from the
> >> person who thinks differently than the rest of the group. As United
> >> States citizens, we should instinctively feel similar towards free
> >> speech in general.
> >>
> >> As a Christian, one of my foundational beliefs is that people can
> >> change for the better. I pray that your support for academic freedom
> >> and free speech voiced in your letter truly signals a change of heart
> >> for you. However, I am afraid that irreparable damage has already
> >> been done to Dr. Jones and other innocent parties as a result of your
> >> World Net Daily article.
> >>
> >> Sincerely,
> >>
> >> Van Smith
> >>
> >> TRANSGUARD (Jonathon Moseley) wrote:
> >>> Dear Mr. Smith:
> >>> cc: Professor Jones
> >>>
> >>> I also sent a letter to BYU by email back in mid-August
> >>> urging them to ensure academic freedom and the freedom to debate
> >>> these issues publicly as American citizens. I sent a copy to
> >>> Professor Jones.
> >>>
> >>> From news reports this week, it appears that BYU is
> >>> concerned NOT about anything said through World Net Daily, but the
> >>> extreme statements made by Steven Jones himself and his organization
> >>> Scholars for Truth.
> >>>
> >>> BYU cites the "accusatory nature" of Jones' work in contrast
> >>> to a scientific inquiry as their concern.
> >>>
> >>> Neverthless, I have defended and do defend anyone's right to
> >>> debate these matters openly and to be able to engage in a public
> >>> discussion without fear or hesitation.
> >>>
> >>> I believe as a personal matter that Professor Jones'
> >>> positions are reprehensible and irresponsible, in that he has
> >>> accusing individuals in and out of government of 3,000 counts of
> >>> mass murder and treason with the slimmest of pretexts. The sulfur
> >>> from the gypsum drywall and from other sources is as likely to
> >>> account for sulfur traces as to indicate a criminal plot to commit
> >>> treasonous mass murder by public officials. The charges being made
> >>> against individuals who are unable to defend themselves (being
> >>> public figures subject to public discussion) are extraordinary and
> >>> extreme.
> >>>
> >>> It would be quite a different matter to analyze the steel
> >>> from the WTC -- as many have done -- from a scientific perspective.
> >>> But it is the conclusions of a criminal plot to murder 3,000 people
> >>> that is the point of departure.
> >>>
> >>> Furthermore, as a Board member of Scholars for Truth, I
> >>> believe that Steven Jones is responsible for everything that was
> >>> said at the Scholars for Truth event broadcast on C-Span hosted by
> >>> his organization.
> >>>
> >>> However, all of these matters should be openly discussed on
> >>> the field of ideas, not intimidated or restrained or muzzled in any
> >>> way.
> >>>
> >>> I believe that it would be infinitely worse to muzzle
> >>> discussion, or appear to be muzzling discussion, through any
> >>> administrative or employment action.
> >>>
> >>> Frankly, BYU would do more to reinforce and substantiate
> >>> Steven Jones' accusations by retaliating against him than anything
> >>> else could possibly do. Nothing could be worse in this or any
> >>> other debate than the appearance or reality of chilling speech about
> >>> possible government malfeasance.
> >>>
> >>> I strongly believe that the proper response to speech that I
> >>> or anyone disagree with is MORE speech, not less.
> >>>
> >>> Furthermore, no one can have a full and complete discussion
> >>> of anything important if no one is raising both sides of the
> >>> discussion. It would do a great dis-service if people cannot have a
> >>> frank and complete discussion. No one can have a debate if only
> >>> one side is debating. And therefore ideas can never be aired and
> >>> resolved.
> >>>
> >>> I wrote all of that previously to Jones' department at BYU in
> >>> mid-August, and I will again.
> >>>
> >>> Nevertheless, when someone accuses ofificials and individuals
> >>> of 3,000 counts of intentional mass murder, each of those counts
> >>> eligible for the death penalty, one must expect that such a public
> >>> position is going to be controversial. I think you overlook the
> >>> extent to which the issue is what Professor Jones and Professor
> >>> Fetzer are saying out of their own mouths rather than anything that
> >>> people are saying about them.
> >>>
> >>> Jon Moseley
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Jon Moseley
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> *From:* Van Smith []
> >>> *Sent:* Friday, September 8, 2006 05:17 PM
> >>> *To:*,,
> >>> *Cc:*,
> >>> *Subject:* Support for Dr. Steven Jones
> >>>
> >>> To the Esteemed Drs. Sommerfeldt and Stokes,
> >>>
> >>> My name is Van Smith. I am head of benchmarking for a major
> >>> designer of x86 microprocessors. I am also an R&D engineer for the
> >>> company.
> >>>
> >>> I have an international reputation as a computer technology analyst
> >>> and have held high profile positions for Inquest, /Tom's Hardware
> >>> Guide/ and my own site, /Van's Hardware Journal/. My work has been
> >>> frequently cited by IT news organizations like /The Inquirer/ and
> >>> /The Register/. My work has also created headlines in Reuters, /The
> >>> New York Times/, /PC Magazine/ and other major news publications.
> >>>
> >>> At its introduction, I was the only analyst in the world who
> >>> enumerated the precise flaws in Intel's Netburst architecture that
> >>> eventually led to the demise of the Pentium 4. I have been given
> >>> credit for my "Pentium 4 death by thermal density prognostication"
> >>> by a recent article published in /The Inquirer/.
> >>>
> >>> My investigation into computer memory intellectual property company
> >>> Rambus uncovered details that led to that company's recent FTC
> >>> conviction. One of my articles caused Rambus stock price to tumble
> >>> by over $150/share in one day according to a Reuters report.
> >>>
> >>> I also have a BS in Physics from Henderson State University.
> >>>
> >>> I have always had a great deal of respect for Brigham Young
> >>> University and this respect has been strengthened by the heroic work
> >>> of Dr. Stephen Jones who has conducted scientific investigations
> >>> into the tragic September 11th, 2001 collapses of the three World
> >>> Trade Center towers.
> >>>
> >>> In these politically charged times, it is keenly important for
> >>> academic leaders, like Dr. Jones, to independently confirm or
> >>> contradict official government explanations for such pivotal events
> >>> in our nation's history. The United States is a constitutional
> >>> democratic republic that inspired freedom throughout the world. In
> >>> our very special country, it is singularly important for our voters
> >>> to have information from many diverse sources at their disposal so
> >>> that voters can make wise, informed decisions at the polls.
> >>>
> >>> In America, knowledge and information is essential to freedom. Our
> >>> Founding Fathers codified that fact with the First Amendment to the
> >>> United States Constitution which guarantees the right to free, open,
> >>> public discourse on any topic.
> >>>
> >>> Our nation's President announced that September 11th launched the
> >>> onset of a 100 year War on Terror. Since then, in the name of
> >>> fighting terrorists, bipartisan U.S. Government actions have
> >>> severely eroded our freedoms originally secured by our nation's Bill
> >>> of Rights.
> >>>
> >>> With such radical Government actions, Americans must carefully
> >>> scrutinize whether or not the security measures our nation has
> >>> recently undertaken are worth the penalties that we are paying
> >>> through lost civil freedoms.
> >>>
> >>> And most importantly of all, we need to be absolutely certain that
> >>> the initial catalyzing events of September 11th are well understood,
> >>> investigated thoroughly and from many points of view.
> >>>
> >>> Dr. Stephen Jones has bravely taken a leadership role in the
> >>> academic and patriotic pursuit of providing independent scientific
> >>> investigations into exactly what happened on that horrible September
> >>> morning.
> >>>
> >>> Sadly, Dr. Jones has already paid a great price for conscientiously
> >>> carrying out his civic duty through his research. Shockingly, Dr.
> >>> Jones was the recent victim of scurrilous attack on the popular
> >>> conservative news site, /World Net Daily/. This reckless, vicious
> >>> hit piece not only jeopardized Professor Jones?s livelihood, but
> >>> also exposed Dr. Jones to the very real danger of imprisonment.
> >>>
> >>> Author and lawyer Jonathan Moseley accused Professor Stephen Jones
> >>> of committing the serious federal crime of calling for the violent
> >>> overthrow of the U.S. Government. Under pressure from its readers
> >>> and BYU itself, /World Net Daily/ reviewed the video cited by
> >>> Moseley and found no evidence to support Moseley?s damaging accusation.
> >>>
> >>> /World Net Daily/ has since published the following retraction:
> >>>
> >>> /Editor's note, Aug. 17, 2006: In paragraph four of this column, the
> >>> author makes an assertion about professor Steven Jones' remarks at a
> >>> 9/11 symposium broadcast by C-SPAN. A review of the program online
> >>> evidenced no such comments by Jones.
> >>> /
> >>> Moseley's article, along with the WND retraction, can still be found
> >>> here:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I am cc'ing Mosley and Professor Jones on this correspondence.
> >>>
> >>> The pursuit of the truth is the goal of all scientists and, having
> >>> to withstand the harsh scrutiny of mathematics, physics is possibly
> >>> the purest of all sciences. Physicist Dr. Jones has selflessly and
> >>> doggedly pursued the truth regarding perhaps the most important
> >>> topic in our lives. For his noble deeds, Professor Jones is being
> >>> viciously attacked for politically motivated reasons by parties like
> >>> Mr. Mosley who, themselves, have demonstrated that they have little
> >>> regard for truth.
> >>>
> >>> Any punitive action BYU takes against Professor Jones for his
> >>> metallurgic study of the WTC debris sets dire precedents inside of
> >>> academia. Scientific persecution during the European Dark Ages is
> >>> now recognized as institutional efforts to silence reasoning that
> >>> might have weakened the control of ruling organizations. Many of
> >>> Professor Jones detractors would like a return to those dark,
> >>> frightening, hateful, tyrannical conditions.
> >>>
> >>> As a university with an outstanding record in academic research and
> >>> higher education, it would be sadly ignoble if BYU signaled the
> >>> demise of modern academia by punishing Professor Jones, a modern
> >>> Galileo, for his scholarly quest for truth under fire.
> >>>
> >>> Agree or disagree with Professor Jones' conclusions, BYU must follow
> >>> his bold, patriotic, Godly lead in his pursuit of truth despite
> >>> living in a dangerously charged political climate.
> >>>
> >>> The Truth can withstand scrutiny; indeed truth must be subjected to
> >>> scrutiny lest it devolve into dogma.
> >>>
> >>> I have confidence that the great leaders of Brigham Young University
> >>> like yourselves, who are, no doubt, currently under pressure from
> >>> New Inquisition-style detractors, will make the right choices
> >>> regarding Professor Jones' heroic research. By supporting academic
> >>> freedom exemplified by Professor Jones' 9/11 work, BYU and its
> >>> leaders will go down in history for preserving the basic foundations
> >>> of scientific investigation.
> >>>
> >>> Sincerely,
> >>>
> >>> Van Smith
Labels: 9/11, controlled demolition, Dr. Steven E. Jones, Jonathan Moseley, World Trade Center
Friday, January 16, 2009
Chip Giants Hammered By Economic Storm
AS WE REPORTED this morning, AMD has announced to employees they will be undergoing imminent layoffs and pay cuts.At the same time, archival CPU vendor Intel announced that its Q4 profits crashed by 90%. According to The Register, worsening market conditions have forced Intel to postpone Lynnfield's launch yet again.
A memo, reportedly sent out by CEO Dirk Meyer himself, detailed the extent of the chip firm's damage control, and AMD confirmed the numbers to the INQ moments ago.
AMD noted, "As a result of the continuing global economic downturn, we have determined that we need to take difficult, but prudent, actions designed to reduce our costs."
The statement continued "Beginning in February, we are undertaking several steps to lower costs, including temporarily reducing employee base pay and suspending some benefits programs."
Asian motherboard makers say Intel will postpone the launch of its next mainstream quad-core processor line, code-named Lynnfield, according to DigiTimes.
In addition, the usually reliable Taipei news service reports that Chipzila will also postpone Lynnfield's companion chipset, the P55.
According to DigiTimes' sources, the chips - up until today set to launch in July - won't appear until August or September or until "an even later time depending on the market situation."
Circuit City to Close Its Doors
The bankrupt US retail giant Circuit City will be fully liquidated after the company failed to find a buyer in time.
The company will be presenting the results of an auction for its assets at a hearing in US Bankruptcy Court in Richmond, Virginia later today.
Circuit City said in a statement that it will seek approval to begin the process to liquidate its assets.
"We are extremely disappointed by this outcome," said Circuit City vice chairman and acting president and chief executive officer James A Marcum. "The company had been in continuous negotiations regarding a going concern transaction.
"Regrettably for the more than 30,000 employees of Circuit City and our loyal customers, we were unable to reach an agreement with our creditors and lenders to structure a going-concern transaction in the limited timeframe available, and so this is the only possible path for our company."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Cold Extends Icy Grip on U.S.
MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Bone-chilling cold settled in Thursday from the Midwest to the Northeast Thursday, bringing teeth-chattering misery with temperatures that sank as low as 47 below zero.
Israeli forces shell UN office
After nightfall, shells landed near Gaza City's Quds Hospital, where many families had sought refuge, and the building caught fire, forcing staff to evacuate hundreds of people. According to a hospital medic, some patients were pushed down the street on gurneys; a few held white flags.
The destruction added to what aid groups say is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and ratcheted up tensions between Israel and the international community even as diplomats indicated progress in cease-fire talks.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni was departing Thursday night for Washington to discuss a Gaza cease-fire with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The United States and Egypt have been working to forge an agreement to end 20 days of bitter fighting.
The U.N. compound, made up of workshops and warehouses as well as offices, was struck about a half-dozen times over a roughly two-hour period while more than 700 civilians were sheltering there, said John Ging, head of Gaza operations for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency.
The civilians were huddling in the compound's vocational training center when it was struck by a tank round or an artillery shell, causing the three injuries, Ging said. Throughout this time, he said, U.N. officials were frantically contacting Israeli officials to urge an end to the firing on the U.N. compound.
Oil Tumbles Below $34 per Barrel
NEW YORK (AP) - Oil prices tumbled below $34 Thursday, closing in on five-year lows as employment claims rose and OPEC cut demand expectations for 2009."The bull oil era is officially over," said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Alaron Trading Corp.
Light, sweet crude for February delivery fell more than 10 percent, or $3.87, to $33.41 a barrel Thursday on the New York Mercantile Exchange. At one point prices fell as low as $33.20.
Crude prices have fallen so fast, the cost for retail gasoline has yet to catch up. Pump prices nudged up again overnight, but is likely to fall.
An oil industry report Thursday showed just how much energy use eroded over the past year.
For all of 2008, U.S. petroleum deliveries—a measure of demand—fell 6 percent to 19.4 million barrels a day, with declines for all major products made from crude, according to the American Petroleum Institute.
That trend appears to be ongoing this year, with millions now out of work and bad jobs data continuing to roll in.
The Labor Department reported first-time requests for unemployment insurance jumped to a seasonally adjusted 524,000 in the week ending Jan. 10. Analysts had expected 500,000 new claims.
An analyst with the Labor Department said the increase is partly due to a flood of requests from newly laid off people who delayed filing claims over the holidays.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Collapse of Mexico Imminent?
The command's "Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)" report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico. "In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico.The powerful and shadowy Council on Foreign Relations has expressed a desire to take the first steps toward creating a North American superstate consisting of the United States, Canada and Mexico by the year 2010. If its southern neighbor were to melt into chaos, the U.S. would almost certainly respond with security forces to protect itself from encroaching criminal activity. Combined with a collapsing economy, Americans might feel predisposed to absorb Mexico into a burgeoning superstate.
"The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and press by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone."
It is probably more than mere coincidence that Mexico is suffering turmoil at a time convenient to the CFR's schedule. Recently, a jet plane used by the CIA for torture rendition crashed inside of Mexico overloaded with cocaine. Langley spooks have a long history in the drug trade, false flag operations and in subverting governments. Mexico is ideal territory for their favored activities.
Labels: Canada, CIA, Council on Foreign Relations, drugs, Mexico, North American Union, United States
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Record Cold Hits North Dakota
BISMARCK, N.D. – Residents of the upper Midwest bundled up or just stayed inside Tuesday as a wave of bitterly cold air barreled south out of the Arctic, following on the heels of a fast-moving blizzard.
Some schools closed because of the cold and temperatures hit the single digits as far south as Kansas and Missouri.
The coldest air spilled across the Canadian prairie into the Dakotas and Minnesota. Grand Forks, N.D., dropped to a record low of 37 degrees below zero Tuesday morning, lopping six degrees off the old record set in 1979, the National Weather Service said.
In northern Minnesota, it was 35 below zero in Roseau and 36 below in Hallock, with wind chills down to 45 below in Hibbing. Just to the north, Winnipeg, Manitoba, also hit minus 36, according to Environment Canada.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Predictions for 2009
- The economy will continue to worsen throughout 2009. The U.S. will officially be in a depression by years end.
- After a few more months of deflation, the value of the dollar will become unstable and retract.
- Talk of dumping the dollar as the global reserve currency will accelerate while a North American currency dubbed the "Amero" will be proposed.
- A "major event" will occur soon after Obama is inaugurated.
- The Dow Jones Industrial Average will slide below 7,000.
- Housing prices will continue their decline.
- An event will occur in America that will be used to place a great deal of pressure on the Second Amendment.
- A false flag event officially and falsely attributed to foreign terrorists will be carried out inside the United States.
- A false flag event will be exposed, but mainstream media will try to ignore it.
- There will be major riots in the United States.
- Iran will be attacked.
- India and Pakistan will be provoked to the brink of war by various intelligence operations.
- A major war will begin that may eventually lead to a much broader conflict.
- The price of gasoline will remain low until the value of the U.S. dollar begins to slide.
- Federal troops will be deployed within the U.S. for the purpose of law enforcement, violating the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
- Talk of censoring the Internet inside the United States against broadly defined hate speech will erupt and build throughout the remainder of 2009.
- A major political activist will be jailed inside the United States.
- A major political activist will be slain inside the United States.
- A major U.S. politician will be assassinated.
- A well known entertainer will be jailed for political reasons provoking outrage.
- A major disease outbreak will occur.
- Globalist bankers and industrialists will be attacked in the U.S. as their role in the collapse of the the economy will become more widely recognized.
- The National ID Card will move to the forefront of discussion within the United States.
- As earth's climate continues to cool as predictied by heliocentric climate models and with more and more experts publicly expressing skepticism over manmade, CO2 driven Global Warming, popular support for carbon reduction initiatives wanes dramatically, particularly in the U.S.. Despite flagging support, the Obama Administration, with the support of a friendly Congress, successfully rushes through legislation to heavily tax the carbon emissions of coal fired power plants, resulting in higher electricity costs for most Americans.
- The college football BCS system will be abandoned in favor of a playoff system due to antitrust court case developments.
- All major CPU and/or GPU vendors will survive 2009, but layoffs will continue. At least one vendor will be in imminent danger of failure by the start of 2010.
- Linux will gain market share away from Microsoft despite the critical success of Windows 7.
- So-called "touch" interfaces will become popular in desktop and mobile applications.
- The line between "Netbooks" and lowcost thin-and-light notebooks will be blurred. This combined segment will experience explosive growth.
- ARM vendors' attempts to capture a slice of the netbook market will fail due to performance shortcomings and the depressed economy.
- Digg and reddit, two sites that once held great promise for furthering the cause of freedom and serving as springboards for revolution, decline into banal outposts of kitten photos, porn, pop culture and lunatic rants on wedge issues.
Labels: 2009, ARM, cpu, economy, false flag, gpu, Linux, Microsoft, netbooks, predictions, war
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The First Day of a New Year

Kathy's grandmother died today in her sleep.
Soon afterward, Kathy and I saw two mature bald eagles perched on a tree at our large pond. Bald eagles are relatively rare around here and today is the first time we have ever spotted one on our property. It was a beautiful sight.
We will miss you, Grandma.
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