Feb 042011

I have just finished watching the season finale of Brad Meltzer’s Decoded where I appeared briefly at the start of the program.

My only motivation to agree to the interview was to discuss the linkage that I discovered between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa.

I want to make it clear that I am not an expert on the occult, much less Rosicrucianism.  I have a degree in physics and I am a qualified computer benchmarking expert.  I find the occult to be painful to study because it is illogical, irrational and offensive to a scientific mind, and this doesn’t even approach the many morally disturbing aspects of that topic.

The only reason I discuss occult subjects on this website is because of the obvious occult foundation of the Georgia Guidestones and the unsettling implications that follow logically from the monument’s links to the Burj Khalifa.  Basically, that evidence proves that a deranged and demented group of cultists wields almost unbelievable wealth and power.

I am disappointed that the History Channel would focus on fanciful, irrational conjecture and fear mongering while completely discarding rational and objective discussion.

However, I am not completely surprised, because they fed me the lines on the Rosicrucians and pressured me many times to stick to their script.  And out of the hours of interviews with the show’s producers and investigators, the program ultimately focused upon the scripted strawman quotes.

I’m just an ordinary man who happened to write an article on the Georgia Guidestones and stumbled upon the singularly remarkable links between the Georgia Guidestones and the Burj Khalifa.  I am not a major media personality.  I am not independently wealthy.  For the most part, I stick to running my business and I don’t write much anymore, even on computer topics, for which I am best known.

It is remarkable to me that the History Channel would produce an entire episode in an attempt to discredit an ordinary guy, because they clearly scripted me to play the roll of the foil, the adversary that the rest of the program then tore down.  Apparently, I made someone somewhere mad with my Georgia Guidestones research (Ted Turner perhaps?).

But they really didn’t do it very well.  While they tried to make me look crazy, they countered the crazy guy with much crazier rebuttals and outrageous fear mongering.  Sadly, this season of Decoded was embarrassingly poor on all levels.  That they selected the Guidestones episode for the season finale just demonstrates how bad all of the other nine episodes were.

It has been an interesting experience and it will make me watch the History Channel much more skeptically.  If my experience is representative — and there exists other accounts similar to mine — then the stories they tell are manufactured and manipulative with a wholesale disregard for truth and objectivity.

If you are interested in learning more about the Georgia Guidestones, a good place to start is my last article which you can read here.